Is It Time To Take Up Arms?


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There is a scent of Revolution in the air. Will it amount to much? Perhaps not too far down the road...I think we are one big event away from civil unrest if not a actual push against the Federalis.

What could set off a rebellion? I can think of several things....the number one possibility right now I think is a food shortage or food going so high huge numbers of people cannot afford to feed their families.

Now certain militias are saying they are prepared to die if they have to to resist an increasingly authoritative actions out of Washington.
Anyone who wants a violent revolution as a means to fix our broken government cannot possibly understand what it would actually look like.

Be willing to organize and give up your life doing it; meaning your life; job, marriage etc (not your actual life). We still have the means for peaceful revolutions
very few people WANT a violent revolution. we'd all be much happier if the feds realize that they've pushed too hard and back off a bit, however, there's a few of us that are ready to confront the feds, should they decide to escalate the issue.
Anyone who wants a violent revolution as a means to fix our broken government cannot possibly understand what it would actually look like.

Be willing to organize and give up your life doing it; meaning your life; job, marriage etc (not your actual life). We still have the means for peaceful revolutions

I don't think anyone wants most people don't want war...but war comes and the likliehood of a armed resistance in America I think is more apt than at any time since The War Between The States.

I base that opinion on the possibility of something major happening that will force people to take up arms...I do not think anyone will do that unless they feel they have no other options and with what we see happening in Washington aka an attorney general charged with enforcing the law being nothing more than a political operative pushing an agenda of hate Whitey and all the reamifications of that which haven't even hit yet....aka it is going to get much worse as Holder increasingly feels threatened ...he gets more paranoid by the day...a real nut can tell that by his weird,weird voice....a real nut case.
California Drought.....Food Banks Drying Up

Food prices are skyrocketing...I think for the first time since the Great Depression a lot of people are going to start going hungry.

What would you do if you could not feed your family? How far would you be willing to go?
Food prices are skyrocketing...I think for the first time since the Great Depression a lot of people are going to start going hungry.

What would you do if you could not feed your family? How far would you be willing to go?
Lots of po' folk are fat though...
A revolution won't be lead by the current poor in this country, i'm afraid. If anyone leads one, I would think it's the middle class who have been made into lower class citizens. Farmers and ranchers who's businesses go bust because they weren't part of a special list to receive subsidies, and get forced into debt. Middle class workers who budget up to their last dollar to pay what bills they have and pay back their education expenses, who end up getting taxed too high to make government debt more affordable, then watch some of the government programs they were promised into retirement slip into non-existence. These types of people will begin the revolution, if there is one. It will be important for them to have other 'groups' as well who feel the brunt of the decisions being made if they wish for a revolution to form. There is a lot of disgust for today's politicians, but I don't think there is enough to go around to actually turn into something violent in the next decade.
If the weirdoes could sober up enough to pick up their bang-bangs, they'd be wiped out in a few hours by disciplined troops, or anyone sane. Let's hope they try!
Anyone who wants a violent revolution as a means to fix our broken government cannot possibly understand what it would actually look like.

Be willing to organize and give up your life doing it; meaning your life; job, marriage etc (not your actual life). We still have the means for peaceful revolutions

So in other words you want a violent revolution.

I want the extremist nutters to back up their blather. Working people will take over in due course, if capitalism doesn't destroy the world, as you know. Don't bother your pretty little head with these hard questions: go back into class and listen to teacher! :)