Is It Time To Take Up Arms?

HANNITY: The feds don’t even own the land Bundy’s cattle have been grazing on, it’s STATE PROPERTY

This is getting ridiculous. Hannity reported on Greta tonight that the land the BLM has taken over to capture Bundy’s cattle is STATE property, not federal property, and that BLM is using the Endangered Species Act to control it. He also says there’s no eminent domain at work here and this land where Bundy’s cattle are grazing isn’t going to be used by anybody for anything:

Not according to the map of where Bundy lives. :dunno:

Here's a mapquest showing where Bundy's ranch is located.
It's almost right at the junction of Utah / Arizona / Nevada.


I believe his private ranch is that little white patch, in the Northwest corner of The Southern Nevada District and it looks to me like his entire Nevada ranch is surrounded by BLM land. :dunno:

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when the federal government ignores the laws, the states and the people are no longer obligated to follow them as well.

I agree, but that is not the case with Bundy. They went through the legal process, they were within the law, if you don't like the law, get it changed.
I also work to change the law.

And still it remains unchanged. The point, which are now deliberate in missing, is that the law is not always a tool of justice and can be used, as has been shown countless times in our own recent history, as a tool of opression. Blind obediance to the law is beyond stupid.
And still it remains unchanged. The point, which are now deliberate in missing, is that the law is not always a tool of justice and can be used, as has been shown countless times in our own recent history, as a tool of opression. Blind obediance to the law is beyond stupid.

I think in the Bundy case the law was just, there are cases where the law is unjust, but this thread is about Bundy case and all my comments are in regards to it and not in general.
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It is more likely that you are the one that is mistaken since you have a history of it.

So you have developed a history of Jarod in the week you have been here? LOL

Also, just so you know, Fox new links and Hannity are not considered actual sources here, so your entire thread is a fail. If any of this is actually happening, surely you could provide links from other sources? lack knowledge of the controversy surrounding this is something that should enlighten you>>>>

Again, in the case of the Bundys, the land in dispute was not purchased by the federal government, did not receive the consent of the Nevada State Legislature for sale to the feds and is not for military purposes. The fact that the federal government acquired it fraudulently in the first place, or that both political parties have ignored this part of the Constitution for over a hundred years, does not make federal confiscation now constitutional. Constitutionally Bundy has more right to be there than does the Bureau of Land Management.

Dipshit; Of course it was purchased by the Federal government.

1848: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo following the Mexican War between the U.S. and Mexico resulted in the purchase of Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and western Colorado.

Lying doesn't help your already very poor credibility much.
Whilst who owns the land is one arena of this BLM controversy it goes much deeper than that.....The BLM is a perfect example of an abusive federal government over-reaching its would have thought they would have learned something from Ruby Ridge and Waco....obviously not.

It also reveals the corruption of Harry Reid ...what a coincidence that just as soon as one of his cronies becomes the head of the BLM...they decided to take Bundy's cattle.

So when it is irrefutably proven that you are wrong, you just change your complaint? LMFAO. You sir are a joke.
And still it remains unchanged. The point, which are now deliberate in missing, is that the law is not always a tool of justice and can be used, as has been shown countless times in our own recent history, as a tool of opression. Blind obediance to the law is beyond stupid.

Making up your own facts is pointless.
And still it remains unchanged. The point, which are now deliberate in missing, is that the law is not always a tool of justice and can be used, as has been shown countless times in our own recent history, as a tool of opression. Blind obediance to the law is beyond stupid.

No. Pot is legal in Alaska (up to one ounce.) She isn't breaking any laws at all, unless she goes to federal land to get high.