Is JD Vance an "Iraq War veteran"?

You Communists NEVER stopped talking about Gore and his Purple Heart that he fake threw away to protest against America.

The DNC Media NEVER stopped yapping about Gore being a Vietnam vet.
Censored quotes from the Big Ass Book of Things That Never Happened. If he wants us to take him seriously, he should stop lying.
JD Vance as deployed to Iraq for about six months in 2005 as a military journalist, although he didn't experience combat.

“I was lucky to escape any real fighting,” he said in his 2016 memoir.

He left the Marine Corps in 2007 as a corporal to attend Ohio State University.

It sure doesn't sound like JD Vance has much to harangue Walz with.
Vance was trained to write press releases from the comfort of the public affairs office.

Walz was trained to shoot and maintain artillery.
Walz lost much of his hearing in service of this country. Vance(or whatever he called himself back then) sat in an air conditioned office far from any fighting for a few months.
Walz lost much of his hearing in service of this country. Vance(or whatever he called himself back then) sat in an air conditioned office far from any fighting for a few months.
Vance was only a private or a corporal. How does a low ranking enlisted man luck into air-conditioned cubicle at the public affairs office, and in his own words "escape" having to face combat?
Vance was only a private or a corporal. How does a low ranking enlisted man luck into air-conditioned cubicle at the public affairs office, and in his own words "escape" having to face combat?
Vance(or whatever he called himself back then) had some political pull, but no one can figure out what.
Al Gore's tour in Vietnam was as an Army journalist. I don't think he ever boasted and paraded it around as a major part of his biography, and I don't remember Democrats ever promoting an Al Gore "the Vietnam War Veteran" as an important talking point.

Does Lil' JD Vance issuing press releases from an air-conditioned military public relations office quality him as an "Iraq war veteran"?

He often says in his speeches, "like the typewriter I carried in war."
It's very fortunate that a private somehow lucked into a gig writing press releases at the public affairs office.
Not like he spoke a word of Arabic, so he could not have been writing those press releases for Iraqis. Why was he in Iraq then? He could have written the press releases in America.

Vance(what did he call himself back then, because it was not Vance?) sat in a safe location in Iraq, surfing the internet for porn.
Al Gore's tour in Vietnam was as an Army journalist. I don't think he ever boasted and paraded it around as a major part of his biography, and I don't remember Democrats ever promoting an Al Gore "the Vietnam War Veteran" as an important talking point.

Does Lil' JD Vance issuing press releases from an air-conditioned military public relations office quality him as an "Iraq war veteran"?
Years ago I joined our local VFW post as a member of the ladies auxiliary. You had to have had a relative -- husband, father, sister, brother, child -- who had served overseas in war time. Both of my brothers were vets. One served in SK during the VN war era, so that was enough to qualify me for membership. (The other did six years stateside in the NG.)

So by that light I suppose Vance would be considered an Iraq War veteran. I really hate this denigration of veterans' service going on by the Reichwing. Did you see Walz's speech before the convention, where he thanked Vance for his service and said it was time to stop putting ppl down over it? This isn't a slam at you, btw. It's purely pointed at the RWers who only respect the service of vets who are (R).
Years ago I joined our local VFW post as a member of the ladies auxiliary. You had to have had a relative -- husband, father, sister, brother, child -- who had served overseas in war time. Both of my brothers were vets. One served in SK during the VN war era, so that was enough to qualify me for membership. (The other did six years stateside in the NG.)

So by that light I suppose Vance would be considered an Iraq War veteran. I really hate this denigration of veterans' service going on by the Reichwing. Did you see Walz's speech before the convention, where he thanked Vance for his service and said it was time to stop putting ppl down over it? This isn't a slam at you, btw. It's purely pointed at the RWers who only respect the service of vets who are (R).

Agreed. Serving in the theater operations is fine.

When Republicans denigrate the service of John Kerry and Tim Walz, it's appropriate to return fire.
Al Gore's tour in Vietnam was as an Army journalist. I don't think he ever boasted and paraded it around as a major part of his biography, and I don't remember Democrats ever promoting an Al Gore "the Vietnam War Veteran" as an important talking point.

Does Lil' JD Vance issuing press releases from an air-conditioned military public relations office quality him as an "Iraq war veteran"?
J.D. Vance was in the Secretary Pool and hung out with the Gal Fridays in the military!

In other words, his officers thought he was a SISSY AND A BIG BABY HUEY, and thought he would be a risk to other soldiers in combat- SO OFF TO THE SECRETARY POOL HE WENT!
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Censored quotes from the Big Ass Book of Things That Never Happened. If he wants us to take him seriously, he should stop lying.

You Communists lie about EVERYTHING - you lie as easily as decent people breath.

The Commie press never shut up about it.
Vance was only a private or a corporal. How does a low ranking enlisted man luck into air-conditioned cubicle at the public affairs office, and in his own words "escape" having to face combat?
Did he already have a degree when he enlisted? That might explain it. My brother got a non-air-conditioned desk job in S. Korea during the Vietnam War. He was drafted right out of college. He had a degree in accounting. Plus his father-in-law worked for a military-related govt. agency so probably pulled some strings.
Did he already have a degree when he enlisted? That might explain it. My brother got a non-air-conditioned desk job in S. Korea during the Vietnam War. He was drafted right out of college. He had a degree in accounting. Plus his father-in-law worked for a military-related govt. agency so probably pulled some strings.
Probably not. Being drafted usually means you get put in a job that is easy to train for and you can do for your 24 months of active service. With Vietnam, the tour of duty was one year. Training someone in most combat arms took a year to complete, and then there was working up with your unit for service taking several months more. Draftees tended instead to go to back fill positions that were being opened up by those volunteering for duty in Vietnam or overseas. The military saw little value wasting lots of training on someone who would be gone in 2 years.

If you scored high on the ASVAB, you also were unlikely to go to combat arms but instead were likely to get some desk job because you could do that and the low scoring morons couldn't. They'd end up in a combat arm.

Also, only the Army was generally taking draftees. The other services didn't need them. That was another alternative to being drafted was volunteering for a different service. A good ASVAB score would generally get you in with one other than the Army.
Probably not. Being drafted usually means you get put in a job that is easy to train for and you can do for your 24 months of active service. With Vietnam, the tour of duty was one year. Training someone in most combat arms took a year to complete, and then there was working up with your unit for service taking several months more. Draftees tended instead to go to back fill positions that were being opened up by those volunteering for duty in Vietnam or overseas. The military saw little value wasting lots of training on someone who would be gone in 2 years.

If you scored high on the ASVAB, you also were unlikely to go to combat arms but instead were likely to get some desk job because you could do that and the low scoring morons couldn't. They'd end up in a combat arm.

Also, only the Army was generally taking draftees. The other services didn't need them. That was another alternative to being drafted was volunteering for a different service. A good ASVAB score would generally get you in with one other than the Army.
Vance wasn't drafted. Otherwise, yeah, I know how it used to work. And "low-scoring morons" "end up in a combat arm" is pretty insulting to our service people. Are you sure that you used to be one of them? You sound awfully elitist and snobby.
Vance wasn't drafted. Otherwise, yeah, I know how it used to work. And "low-scoring morons" "end up in a combat arm" is pretty insulting to our service people. Are you sure that you used to be one of them? You sound awfully elitist and snobby.
“low scoring morons” is bone spur’s opinion of them, too. In times of war going in the army likely means going to a “combat arm” whatever your test scores are.
Did he already have a degree when he enlisted? That might explain it. My brother got a non-air-conditioned desk job in S. Korea during the Vietnam War. He was drafted right out of college. He had a degree in accounting. Plus his father-in-law worked for a military-related govt. agency so probably pulled some strings.
I think he used the dreaded liberal GI bill to go to college after his duty as a marine corps public affairs typist/secretary. But I would have to double check to be sure.