Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?

Had a video shoot on Sunday...a predominantly "white" fundraising gala, for Univ. of Houston. A little "bejeweled" elderly white woman, asked me to sit down and talk to her.
I did, and I instantly fell in love with her. She was an ex-psycho therapist....91 years of age, and sharp as a tack. She plays bridge, and I told her I did, as well. We exchanged numbers and plan to get together over bridge and coffee. Right. I hate women so much. Oh, and I gave her a kiss. Such hate. LOL

You like her because she won't be asking you to bed her. You don't feel any sexual pressure with the knowledge that you can't perform.
My judgements are based on what you post.
Judgments? Has there been anything so laughable? You, my good girl, are in no position to judge anyone. I guess you're the very one to cast the first stone. Girl, find you somewhere to be and be silent until you're asked a question. Baby, you girls are so out of order...but I'm here to bring you back to yourselves. If possible. To save you from yourself.
Judgments? Has there been anything so laughable? You, my good girl, are in no position to judge anyone. I guess you're the very one to cast the first stone. Girl, find you somewhere to be and be silent until you're asked a question. Baby, you girls are so out of order...but I'm here to bring you back to yourselves. If possible. To save you from yourself.
You like her because she won't be asking you to bed her. You don't feel any sexual pressure with the knowledge that you can't perform.

What respectable women do you know that "ask" a man "to bed them"????????????????????? BED HER??????????????? Proof positive that you think only of women as sex objects, designed for only one task, to satisfy your sexual needs. Sexual pressure???? Knowledge that I can't perform???>?? Who, but a crazy person thinks like this?
Not every encounter between a man and a woman, regardless of age, race or background is about sex. Do you have any female friends, with whom you do not have sex?????????????? I seriously doubt it. You're under the impression that every woman wants you, and you couldn't be more delusional. Man, you are one fucked up motherfucker.
And you had the nerve to post this, in open forum. Can everybody say, "toilet"?\

Instead of a rational explanation you come up with this. She liked me for whom she perceived me to be. And I liked her for the same reason. It's called "making a connection". My God. You're insane.
Evidently you had had a history of using gay slurs at your opponents before I arrived here. I was aware of you doing the very thing under the ID of Southern Man, on other forums.
Why are you pretending to be surprised?

He has a history of being an elitist right-wing nutjob as well.
What respectable women do you know that "ask" a man "to bed them"????????????????????? BED HER??????????????? Proof positive that you think only of women as sex objects, designed for only one task, to satisfy your sexual needs. Sexual pressure???? Knowledge that I can't perform???>?? Who, but a crazy person thinks like this?
Not every encounter between a man and a woman, regardless of age, race or background is about sex. Do you have any female friends, with whom you do not have sex?????????????? I seriously doubt it. You're under the impression that every woman wants you, and you couldn't be more delusional. Man, you are one fucked up motherfucker.
And you had the nerve to post this, in open forum. Can everybody say, "toilet"?\

Instead of a rational explanation you come up with this. She liked me for whom she perceived me to be. And I liked her for the same reason. It's called "making a connection". My God. You're insane.