Is science just a religion for ugly people?


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Notice how most idiots with an unhealthy and superstitious interest in science are usually very aesthetically repellent and challenged? Why the f*ck would someone, such as an opers singer, philosopher, or aesthete ever want to be in an ugly, low-level "science" or "engineering" job unless they're just too uncreative or aesthetically inclined to find any more intellectually or aesthetically appealing work which couldn't be better off being automated by a computer program.

Example - this meme depicts what the average ugly atheist or "science fan" moron looks like and acts like; the irony being that the more aberrantly obsessed with, say, evolution one is, the more inversely proportional their actual "mating" odds are, to the point that even an ape is probably more adept at mating than the average 6th-grade reading level, emotionally-maldeveloped scientific freak of nature is, hence why these neanderthals often cross-over with the "incel" and "anime masturbatory" internet subcultures.


Thankfully, contemporary science itself, such as "Survival of the Beautiful" acknowledges that aesthetics or beauty is the ultimate aim, including the only ultimate reason or purpose for sciences themselves; so of course, a bunch of aesthetically challenged freaks who identify as atheists or "science" fans offer little or nothing to the universe at all but a source of aesthetic repellance and defectiveness which the rest of humanity would be better off without; with most of the natural sciences themselves being oudated, worthless holdovers from the 16th-19th centuries anyway, thankfully about to go extinct in favor of new informational and computational sciences.

So yeah, science or anything else which doesn't serve an aesthetic purpose is worthless and should be outdated, and hopefully eventually automated so that the only idiots who settle for such primitive professions (due to being unable to do anything more intellectual or creative than a calculator or computer could) will be automated and humanity will never have to taint or lower herself to that inferior or defective level ever again.

This is also one of the reasons why I'm a meritocratic feminist who supports divorce and infidelity; if a woman had to lower herself to settling for a trash marriage and future divorce statistic with some aesthetically or emotionally stunted freakshow against her and the aesthetic and evolutionary interests of humanity, that would be rather sad; hopefully, it being the 21st century, she'll realize she doesn't have to settle for such archaic 16-19th century arrangements and the trash "marriages" that result from it, and instead realize her legal rights and rational and aesthetic self-interest to dump said archaic and evolutionarily-redundant freaks and the outdated, quasi-religious arragements, stolen and culturally appropriated "mores", and archaisms in question and pursue arrangements with more aesthetic potential and benefit to the species.
Trolls are usually less wordy. Here, let me help you.

‘Ugly people are fixated on science because they can’t get laid’. See? Equally as fucking stupid as yours but in a half hour less. You could even throw in some Nazi talking points for good measure. You’re welcome.

Notice how most idiots with an unhealthy and superstitious interest in science are usually very aesthetically repellent and challenged? Why the f*ck would someone, such as an opers singer, philosopher, or aesthete ever want to be in an ugly, low-level "science" or "engineering" job unless they're just too uncreative or aesthetically inclined to find any more intellectually or aesthetically appealing work which couldn't be better off being automated by a computer program.

Example - this meme depicts what the average ugly atheist or "science fan" moron looks like and acts like; the irony being that the more aberrantly obsessed with, say, evolution one is, the more inversely proportional their actual "mating" odds are, to the point that even an ape is probably more adept at mating than the average 6th-grade reading level, emotionally-maldeveloped scientific freak of nature is, hence why these neanderthals often cross-over with the "incel" and "anime masturbatory" internet subcultures.


Thankfully, contemporary science itself, such as "Survival of the Beautiful" acknowledges that aesthetics or beauty is the ultimate aim, including the only ultimate reason or purpose for sciences themselves; so of course, a bunch of aesthetically challenged freaks who identify as atheists or "science" fans offer little or nothing to the universe at all but a source of aesthetic repellance and defectiveness which the rest of humanity would be better off without; with most of the natural sciences themselves being oudated, worthless holdovers from the 16th-19th centuries anyway, thankfully about to go extinct in favor of new informational and computational sciences.

So yeah, science or anything else which doesn't serve an aesthetic purpose is worthless and should be outdated, and hopefully eventually automated so that the only idiots who settle for such primitive professions (due to being unable to do anything more intellectual or creative than a calculator or computer could) will be automated and humanity will never have to taint or lower herself to that inferior or defective level ever again.

This is also one of the reasons why I'm a meritocratic feminist who supports divorce and infidelity; if a woman had to lower herself to settling for a trash marriage and future divorce statistic with some aesthetically or emotionally stunted freakshow against her and the aesthetic and evolutionary interests of humanity, that would be rather sad; hopefully, it being the 21st century, she'll realize she doesn't have to settle for such archaic 16-19th century arrangements and the trash "marriages" that result from it, and instead realize her legal rights and rational and aesthetic self-interest to dump said archaic and evolutionarily-redundant freaks and the outdated, quasi-religious arragements, stolen and culturally appropriated "mores", and archaisms in question and pursue arrangements with more aesthetic potential and benefit to the species.
Religious people just tell themselves this because they can't defend their religions.
"Religion" or anything else doesn't need defending.

It just needs to be forced on people by the virtue of might and state alone alone, with any dissenter or subversives who don't conform to it shot or incarcerated in concentration camps.

Then it becomes the facts and truth as dictated by those rightfully in power, which they will accept at gunpoint whether they like it or not; whether they "feel" they believe it or not - they'd bloody-well best pretend they do if they value their worthless existence.

To quote Voltaire "If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him" - religion, state-endorsed or otherwise is a wonderful tool of social and moral control, and a way for societies elites to consolidate their power and subvert the untermensch, whether or not there is a "God" or not is irrelevant to this virtuous end, which justifies any means to achieve, including the execution and elimination of dissenters who won't accept the natural right of elites to rule over and dominate them by the sheer virtue of force which nature invested in them
"Religion" or anything else doesn't need defending.

It just needs to be forced on people by the virtue of might and state alone alone, with any dissenter or subversives who don't conform to it shot or incarcerated in concentration camps.

Then it becomes the facts and truth as dictated by those rightfully in power, which they will accept at gunpoint whether they like it or not; whether they "feel" they believe it or not - they'd bloody-well best pretend they do if they value their worthless existence.

To quote Voltaire "If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him" - religion, state-endorsed or otherwise is a wonderful tool of social and moral control, and a way for societies elites to consolidate their power and subvert the untermensch, whether or not there is a "God" or not is irrelevant to this virtuous end, which justifies any means to achieve, including the execution and elimination of dissenters who won't accept the natural right of elites to rule over and dominate them by the sheer virtue of force which nature invested in them

So basically, you're saying people who believe religion is good for society are better looking than people who don't believe this?
Let's ask Donnie what this religion thang is all about?


Trump is just a center-leftist and unremarkable, but he may pave the way for a true Nationalist in the vein of Mussolini, or Evola if the cards play right.

His degenerate and leftist affiliation with the pornography industry, for instance, is rather pitiable (a true nationalist state would have pornographers executed, as well as 99.99% of the degnerate "art" which passes for entertainment to the untermensch, and distribution of pornography regulated in a manner that distribution of hard drugs is).

Example, in a true nationalist state, some degenerate "entertainer" like Amy Schumer, Ellen "the Degenerate" or Nicki Minaj would be executed by firing squad for producing degenerate art (or, were technology not available, perhaps publically stoned akin to how degeneracy is curbed and regulated in the Moslem world). Sadly we are too weak and degenerate to attempt such a thing at this time, and I don't count on Trump stamping out degenerate art or artists.
So basically, you're saying people who believe religion is good for society are better looking than people who don't believe this?
Just degenerate and useless moreso than anything else, which is why they're so easily automated by more efficient computers - but of course, no one could automate a nationalist elite or philosopher king.
Your OP claims that science is a religion for ugly people. So which is it?
It's for ugly and uncreative people who possess no superior aesthetic faculties, as does a true philosopher king or visionary such as Evola, for example.

Hopefully computers and automation will just render it obsolete, so that no superior man or woman has to lower and taint themselves with such a hideous and repellant excuse for a "profession".
It's for ugly and uncreative people who possess no superior aesthetic faculties, as does a true philosopher king or visionary such as Evola, for example.

Hopefully computers and automation will just render it obsolete, so that no superior man or woman has to lower and taint themselves with such a hideous and repellant excuse for a "profession".

Well, I do give you some credit. Conservatives are Fascist and anti-science, but they rarely admit it. At least you're honest here.
Though I do wonder what you think a society would be like with no science. Ever been to Africa?
Well, I do give you some credit. Conservatives are Fascist and anti-science, but they rarely admit it. At least you're honest here.
Though I do wonder what you think a society would be like with no science. Ever been to Africa?
As long as science serves the interests of nationalism, such as in the development of military technology which allows for domination and control over the masses (e.x. state surveillance) or subversive foreign states which are a threat to the fatherland by the mere virtue of their existence (e.x. so-called "Dumb-ocracies")- being against science, as in the vein of some "Luddite" would be absurd.

All scientists, however should be forced to pledge their ultimate allegiance to the nationalist regime and national religion, and be prohibited from having any views or opinions which is subversive to nationalism - scientists who dissent against the state and mislead and misinform the masses with their demagoguery should be imprisoned or executed.

This includes scientists who promote "science" as a degenerate, "humanistic" ideal which goes above and beyond nation, state, party and tribe - their ultimate allegiance should be only to state, to party, to fuhrer - anything else is subversive and rebellious and should be thwarted.
Trolls are usually less wordy. Here, let me help you.

‘Ugly people are fixated on science because they can’t get laid’. See? Equally as fucking stupid as yours but in a half hour less. You could even throw in some Nazi talking points for good measure. You’re welcome.

Sheldon Cooper couldn't care less about getting laid.
As long as science serves the interests of nationalism, such as in the development of military technology which allows for domination and control over the masses (e.x. state surveillance) or subversive foreign states which are a threat to the fatherland by the mere virtue of their existence (e.x. so-called "Dumb-ocracies")- being against science, as in the vein of some "Luddite" would be absurd.

All scientists, however should be forced to pledge their ultimate allegiance to the nationalist regime and national religion, and be prohibited from having any views or opinions which is subversive to nationalism - scientists who dissent against the state and mislead and misinform the masses with their demagoguery should be imprisoned or executed.

This includes scientists who promote "science" as a degenerate, "humanistic" ideal which goes above and beyond nation, state, party and tribe - their ultimate allegiance should be only to state, to party, to fuhrer - anything else is subversive and rebellious and should be thwarted.

There are countries like North Korea trying this right now. How is it going?

We can get into how immoral Fascism and Totalitarianism are, but it's more than that. These ideas just don't create good societies. Society flourishes when people are free.
Even Nazi Germany, which I know you're a fan of, was a vampire economy. Eventually the living standards would have ended up just like every other Fascist country because vampire economies are essentially houses of cards.

You could say that you're not anti-science, you just want science to be totally controlled by the state. But what that leads to is a super repressive society where scientific progress is handicapped. Just look at your post. You'd have the government halt scientific progress if the science proves something "degenerate" is real.
There are countries like North Korea trying this right now. How is it going?

We can get into how immoral Fascism and Totalitarianism are, but it's more than that. These ideas just don't create good societies. Society flourishes when people are free.
Even Nazi Germany, which I know you're a fan of, was a vampire economy. Eventually the living standards would have ended up just like every other Fascist country because vampire economies are essentially houses of cards.

You could say that you're not anti-science, you just want science to be totally controlled by the state. But what that leads to is a super repressive society where scientific progress is handicapped. Just look at your post. You'd have the government halt scientific progress if the science proves something "degenerate" is real.

keep this up and we can be together.

Just look at your post. You'd have the government halt scientific progress if the science proves something "degenerate" is real.
If it does, then the scientists just get censored, incarcerated, or shot, their "evidence" buried, their books and writings burned.

They can't "prove" something subversive is real when they're dead, ha ha.

Only the state and those of right-think, right-belief, and right-politics get to decide what's real and what isn't, scientists are subordinate to the state and national party, subversive, problematic and dangerous views promoted by their ilk won't be tolerated.

"The victor won't care if he told the "truth" - A. Hitler
Trump is just a center-leftist and unremarkable, but he may pave the way for a true Nationalist in the vein of Mussolini, or Evola if the cards play right.

His degenerate and leftist affiliation with the pornography industry, for instance, is rather pitiable (a true nationalist state would have pornographers executed, as well as 99.99% of the degnerate "art" which passes for entertainment to the untermensch, and distribution of pornography regulated in a manner that distribution of hard drugs is).

Example, in a true nationalist state, some degenerate "entertainer" like Amy Schumer, Ellen "the Degenerate" or Nicki Minaj would be executed by firing squad for producing degenerate art (or, were technology not available, perhaps publically stoned akin to how degeneracy is curbed and regulated in the Moslem world). Sadly we are too weak and degenerate to attempt such a thing at this time, and I don't count on Trump stamping out degenerate art or artists.

I can remember when Playboy Magazine and back in the 70's when porn movies were actual movies with interesting and well directed scenes with actual plots

Porn has turned into the exploitation of teens and abusing women and treating them like dirt, and it's been like that for about the last 40 years.

I found something better to do with my spare time many years ago- AND I NEVER LOOKED BACK.