Is science just a religion for ugly people?

I'd have to see pictures of him when he was younger, including his Schwanz.

Is that pretty much the British Isles??

Probably Scottish are the ugliest & probably Lithuanians are the best looking.

Not just British Isles, German & Scandinavian women aren't too feminine, either.

But, at least Germanic women have more t*ts & @$$..

I'm definitely going to say Southern European women are a lot more sexy & a little more pretty than North-Western European women.

While, Eastern European women are a lot more pretty & a little more sexy than North-Western European women.

Not sure about the men, though.

Western European men might be better looking than Eastern European men, not so sure though.

Because, some of the best looking guy friends I've had have been Polish. (According to my mother)

But, I would kind of agree that Eastern European women are much better looking than the men.

As opposed to Western European men probably being slightly better looking than the women.

Just another trait Western Europeans have in common with Africans & Arabs.
(That the men tend to be better looking than the women.)
Probably Scottish are the ugliest & probably Lithuanians are the best looking.

Not just British Isles, German & Scandinavian women aren't too feminine, either.

But, at least Germanic women have more t*ts & @$$..

I'm definitely going to say Southern European women are a lot more sexy & a little more pretty than North-Western European women.

While, Eastern European women are a lot more pretty & a little more sexy than North-Western European women.

Not sure about the men, though.

Western European men might be better looking than Eastern European men, not so sure though.

Because, some of the best looking guy friends I've had have been Polish. (According to my mother)

But, I would kind of agree that Eastern European women are much better looking than the men.

As opposed to Western European men probably being slightly better looking than the women.

Just another trait Western Europeans have in common with Africans & Arabs.
(That the men tend to be better looking than the women.)

Well it is all subjective..........
No, actually RELIGION is just a religion for ugly people.

Ever driven past a Baptist church as it was letting out on a Sunday morning?




He might be onto something on wee wee size.

But, the opposite is likely true for attractiveness.

Africans, Arabs, Latinos for example are far more religious than East Asians & Europeans.

While the first bunch might have bigger wee wee sizes, the second bunch tend to be better looking.
Kind of, kind of not.

I have an Italoan friend who loves really butch looking Black women.

But, that's not typical.

I don't see how it is not.....

What feature/s anyone finds attractive in another, someone else finds it unattractive or simply unappealing........... :dunno:
Notice how most idiots with an unhealthy and superstitious interest in science are usually very aesthetically repellent and challenged? Why the f*ck would someone, such as an opers singer, philosopher, or aesthete ever want to be in an ugly, low-level "science" or "engineering" job unless they're just too uncreative or aesthetically inclined to find any more intellectually or aesthetically appealing work which couldn't be better off being automated by a computer program.

Example - this meme depicts what the average ugly atheist or "science fan" moron looks like and acts like; the irony being that the more aberrantly obsessed with, say, evolution one is, the more inversely proportional their actual "mating" odds are, to the point that even an ape is probably more adept at mating than the average 6th-grade reading level, emotionally-maldeveloped scientific freak of nature is, hence why these neanderthals often cross-over with the "incel" and "anime masturbatory" internet subcultures.


Thankfully, contemporary science itself, such as "Survival of the Beautiful" acknowledges that aesthetics or beauty is the ultimate aim, including the only ultimate reason or purpose for sciences themselves; so of course, a bunch of aesthetically challenged freaks who identify as atheists or "science" fans offer little or nothing to the universe at all but a source of aesthetic repellance and defectiveness which the rest of humanity would be better off without; with most of the natural sciences themselves being oudated, worthless holdovers from the 16th-19th centuries anyway, thankfully about to go extinct in favor of new informational and computational sciences.

So yeah, science or anything else which doesn't serve an aesthetic purpose is worthless and should be outdated, and hopefully eventually automated so that the only idiots who settle for such primitive professions (due to being unable to do anything more intellectual or creative than a calculator or computer could) will be automated and humanity will never have to taint or lower herself to that inferior or defective level ever again.

This is also one of the reasons why I'm a meritocratic feminist who supports divorce and infidelity; if a woman had to lower herself to settling for a trash marriage and future divorce statistic with some aesthetically or emotionally stunted freakshow against her and the aesthetic and evolutionary interests of humanity, that would be rather sad; hopefully, it being the 21st century, she'll realize she doesn't have to settle for such archaic 16-19th century arrangements and the trash "marriages" that result from it, and instead realize her legal rights and rational and aesthetic self-interest to dump said archaic and evolutionarily-redundant freaks and the outdated, quasi-religious arragements, stolen and culturally appropriated "mores", and archaisms in question and pursue arrangements with more aesthetic potential and benefit to the species.

A lot of scientists have been religious too.

Heck, even a lot of Catholic clergy created a lot of scientific innovations.

Like Copernicus a Polish Catholic administrator who founded Heliocentrism, the Quantity Theory of Money & Gresham's law.

Like Gregor Mendel a Austrian Catholic friar who founded genetic inheritance.

Like Georges Lemaitre a Belgian Catholic Jesuit Priest who founded the Big Bang Theory.

Like Pierre Gassendi a French Catholic Priest who founded Epicureanism Atomism.

Like Nicholas Steno a Danish Catholic Priest who discovered the Parotid gland.

Like Prokop Diviš a Czech Catholic Cannon regular who founded Lightning rods.

Like Roger Joseph Boscovich a Croat Catholic Jesuit Priest who formed the precussor of Atomic theory.

Like Jan Dzierzon a Polish Catholic Priest who founded modern bee keeping.

Like Jean-Baptiste Chappe d'Auteroche a French Catholic priest who studied the transit of Venus.

Like Michał Boym a Polish Catholic Jesuit major explorer to China & documented the flora & species of China.

Francesco Maria Grimaldi an Italian Catholic Jesuit priest who formulated early work of Gravitational constant.

Ányos Jedlik a Hungarian Catholic Benedictine priest who was the founder of the dynamo electric motor.
I don't see how it is not.....

What feature/s anyone finds attractive in another, someone else finds it unattractive or simply unappealing........... :dunno:

I think people generally see attractiveness as higher in both women & men with lower testosterone levels, actually.

Men like women with femme faces, and so do a lot of women prefer men with more femme faces.

Testosterone generally is more common in people with either Wide faces, or Dinaric looking with real sharp features
(Like a Babe Ruth wide face look, or a Andrew Golota look for Dinaric phenotypes)

Both looks aren't particularly attractive to men, or women in the opposite sex.
Yes, I do think for example Fighters, like Boxers, Mixed Martial Arts fighters, Kick Boxers, Wrestlers & also Weightlifters, like Strongmen & even Bobybuilers for example have much more Testosterone than the average men, for example.

They usually aren't too attractive to women.

A lot of them have either wide faces or Dinaric faces, like exactly what I've described.