Is the GOP listening? They should be...



From the article:

Commentary: GOP should ask why U.S. is on the wrong track
by Ron Paul

(CNN) -- The questions now being asked are: Where to go from here and who's to blame for the downfall of the Republican Party?

Too bad the concern for the future of the Republican Party had not been seriously addressed in the year 2000 when the Republicans gained control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency.

Now, in light of the election, many are asking: What is the future of the Republican Party?

But that is the wrong question. The proper question should be: Where is our country heading? There's no doubt that a large majority of Americans believe we're on the wrong track. That's why the candidate demanding "change" won the election. It mattered not that the change offered was no change at all, only a change in the engineer of a runaway train.

Once it's figured out what is fundamentally wrong with our political and economic system, solutions can be offered. If the Republican Party can grasp hold of the policy changes needed, then the party can be rebuilt.

In the rise and fall of the recent Republican reign of power these past decades, the goal of the party had grown to be only that of gaining and maintaining power -- with total sacrifice of the original Republican belief in shrinking the size of government...
The GOP is ripe for another takeover by it's despised conservative wing. We need someone really nasty and brash to lead it, just like the Democrats did with whats-his-face from Vermont, the screamer.
The GOP is ripe for another takeover by it's despised conservative wing. We need someone really nasty and brash to lead it, just like the Democrats did with whats-his-face from Vermont, the screamer.
You mean Doctor Scream? Yeah, that's what we need.

What we need is somebody who isn't a religious reactionary willing to lead the largest nationalization of private business and banks ever in the US. One who might actually act conservatively in spending and expanding government and entitlement programs.
You mean Doctor Scream? Yeah, that's what we need.

What we need is somebody who isn't a religious reactionary willing to lead the largest nationalization of private business and banks ever in the US. One who might actually act conservatively in spending and expanding government and entitlement programs.
Ann Coulter.
The problem is that both parties are controlled by an elite group of fascists who are running things exactly how they want them. We are headed in the direction they want: The implementation of fascism by destroying the economy and then picking and choosing winners to bailout with newly printed money, and taking control of the companies they bailout in the process. This is what they want. if you don't work for a chosen company, you're just s.o.l, just as they planned it.
I don't even think she's that. She's just a bomb-thrower that exists to piss off liberals. If it pissed off liberals to claim that Jesus Christ ate babies she'd write ten books about it.
Yeah. I can see that. A niche market, but a lucrative one.
Both parties agree on this approach, though they will maintain the concept of two parties as an illusion, to keep us fighting each other instead of them.
How about the guy who has had the best Conservative record in both houses ove the past 6 years? Chuck Hagel. But...he may end up serving on Obamas team. Hagel and Newt are the two most creative with Bobby Jindal not far behind.
I've read two of her books and religion was barely mentioned in either.
Yes, but in December of 2001 she gave this little gem out and informed me of her stance...

(Paraphrasing) "We should invade their nations, kill their leaders, and covert them to Christianity."

That is pretty reactionary. It is also a re-run of the past. It wouldn't work.
How about the guy who has had the best Conservative record in both houses ove the past 6 years? Chuck Hagel. But...he may end up serving on Obamas team. Hagel and Newt are the two most creative with Bobby Jindal not far behind.
Either Newt or Hagel would be great actually.

I was partially kidding about Coulter. I don't think that she's serious about the "convert them to Christianity" type remarks, and they do help her to sell her books, but too many people just don't have the same sense of humor.