Is the GOP listening? They should be...


If you see don't see how that totally negates your earlier example I'm not sure what to tell you.

You are not understanding what I'm saying.

If the 50% most liberal Democrats, Republicans, and Independents agree on one thing, and the 50% most conservative Democrats, Republicans, and Independents agree on another thing, Newt would support both and displease everyone. It is senseless pandering, and it is idiotic beyond belief.
The option of a single rate system should give taxpayers the convenience of filing their taxes with just a single sheet of paper. (82 to 15)

Yeah I agree with this as long as the single rate is 40%.
# We must help defend America and her allies. (85 to 10)
# We must defeat America's enemies. (75 to 16)

I seriously doubt that an actual majority of independents, Republicans, and Democrats agreed with the whole platform. A majority may have agreed with each separate piece, but it was taken from many different polls, so there's no way to cross reference it. IE it's useless pandering.
Newt engineered the Contract With America that brought the GOP back after Clinton. Like Dean, the opposing side demonizes and hates him. Unlike Dean, he's got a proven record and is a political genius.

Gingrich also preached the doctrine of maintaining power at all costs. This will always backfire against any party, movement, organzation, etc.
Gingrich also preached the doctrine of maintaining power at all costs. This will always backfire against any party, movement, organzation, etc.
Gingrich didn't. It was after he left Congress that the party consistently began the pattern of capitulation and spend, capitulation and spend that created an environment where they could temporarily hold the power but it eventually failed because they stopped doing what got them elected to begin with.
Gingrich didn't. It was after he left Congress that the party consistently began the pattern of capitulation and spend, capitulation and spend that created an environment where they could temporarily hold the power but it eventually failed because they stopped doing what got them elected to begin with.

Yeah you're right. If only they had cut taxes on the rich even more, they'd still be in power.
Yeah you're right. If only they had cut taxes on the rich even more, they'd still be in power.
Not really, Bush's tax cuts came after the pattern I describe. You have selective time line memory disorder. Had they been doing that, the pill bill wouldn't have gone anywhere and they would cut spending to match the cut in taxes.

Growth would make up for the revenues... so on. They might have even been able to keep things going for a few more years before the second bubble burst. It would even be better if such a burst happened during a time of growth in other sectors of the economy.
Yes, but in December of 2001 she gave this little gem out and informed me of her stance...

(Paraphrasing) "We should invade their nations, kill their leaders, and covert them to Christianity."

That is pretty reactionary. It is also a re-run of the past. It wouldn't work.

You misconstrue Coulter's point. You need to stop being afraid of standing up for our principles, the ones this nation was founded on, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! The Religious Right has been demonized by the left in this country and abroad, in fact it stems from the Atheist European Socialists, who the left patterns their party after. There is nothing to be ashamed of, standing up for our principles of government.

We are the most powerful nation on the planet in the history of man, and it's not by accident we got to be this way, it's rooted in our foundational principles... that we are endowed by our Creator the rights to freedom, liberty, and self-government. This is not something to be ashamed of, or be afraid to stand up for and promote worldwide. Coulter is simply saying, we should kick their asses and make them recite Bible verses until they come to their senses and understand we're fed up with this bullshit. I can't say I disagree with her, radical Islamofascists could use a little dose of old fashioned Christianity in their lives!

What Coulter is saying is, stop pussyfooting around with these people. Stop trying to 'negotiate' with them and 'appease' them, and stop caving in to the Eurotrash Socialist scum who want to destroy America by removing it's foundation. She's not making a "literal" argument, you shouldn't have taken it as such, she is merely saying we should proudly stand up for what America is, and what makes us who we are.
You mean Doctor Scream? Yeah, that's what we need.

What we need is somebody who isn't a religious reactionary willing to lead the largest nationalization of private business and banks ever in the US. One who might actually act conservatively in spending and expanding government and entitlement programs.

I guess Michael Steele is interested and has received a lot of support from the conservative base to take over and lead the RNC. I have always respected his traditional conservative values.
You misconstrue Coulter's point. You need to stop being afraid of standing up for our principles, the ones this nation was founded on, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! The Religious Right has been demonized by the left in this country and abroad, in fact it stems from the Atheist European Socialists, who the left patterns their party after. There is nothing to be ashamed of, standing up for our principles of government.

We are the most powerful nation on the planet in the history of man, and it's not by accident we got to be this way, it's rooted in our foundational principles... that we are endowed by our Creator the rights to freedom, liberty, and self-government. This is not something to be ashamed of, or be afraid to stand up for and promote worldwide. Coulter is simply saying, we should kick their asses and make them recite Bible verses until they come to their senses and understand we're fed up with this bullshit. I can't say I disagree with her, radical Islamofascists could use a little dose of old fashioned Christianity in their lives!

What Coulter is saying is, stop pussyfooting around with these people. Stop trying to 'negotiate' with them and 'appease' them, and stop caving in to the Eurotrash Socialist scum who want to destroy America by removing it's foundation. She's not making a "literal" argument, you shouldn't have taken it as such, she is merely saying we should proudly stand up for what America is, and what makes us who we are.

Dixie, thats sounds all wonderfully warm & fuzzy.

But there is a problem with that view on the US. Mainly its that, if we are to press forward with a pro-christain view, it must also be an anti-other religions view. Christianity does not allow for other beliefs or religions. It demands total capitulation. You have only to look at the 1st commandment to see that.

So while you claim to not be bigoted, and are just "pro-christian", in reality you are also anti-hinduism, anti-buddhism, anti-wicca, anti-baha'i, anti-agnostic, and more.

It is the nature of the beast.
I guess Michael Steele is interested and has received a lot of support from the conservative base to take over and lead the RNC. I have always respected his traditional conservative values.
I'd have to research a bit. So long as the religious stuff is secondary to the important bits I could live with that.
You misconstrue Coulter's point. You need to stop being afraid of standing up for our principles, the ones this nation was founded on, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! The Religious Right has been demonized by the left in this country and abroad, in fact it stems from the Atheist European Socialists, who the left patterns their party after. There is nothing to be ashamed of, standing up for our principles of government.

We are the most powerful nation on the planet in the history of man, and it's not by accident we got to be this way, it's rooted in our foundational principles... that we are endowed by our Creator the rights to freedom, liberty, and self-government. This is not something to be ashamed of, or be afraid to stand up for and promote worldwide. Coulter is simply saying, we should kick their asses and make them recite Bible verses until they come to their senses and understand we're fed up with this bullshit. I can't say I disagree with her, radical Islamofascists could use a little dose of old fashioned Christianity in their lives!

What Coulter is saying is, stop pussyfooting around with these people. Stop trying to 'negotiate' with them and 'appease' them, and stop caving in to the Eurotrash Socialist scum who want to destroy America by removing it's foundation. She's not making a "literal" argument, you shouldn't have taken it as such, she is merely saying we should proudly stand up for what America is, and what makes us who we are.
And you misconstrue mine.

Attempting to make draconian law based on your religion is NOT conservative. The party of personal freedoms does not need to nanny people into following God's law. Geez, the same people who complain about helmet laws insist that we need to wrestle the language into submission and by legislative fiat define marriage into a box that can never be broken. We do not need more religious leaders that spend like "Eurotrash" governments who are called "conservative" to give conservatives a bad name.

We need people that understand that there are important things like limited government that need to be followed rather than using the power of the government we want to limit to write religious definitions into law.
And you misconstrue mine.

Attempting to make draconian law based on your religion is NOT conservative. The party of personal freedoms does not need to nanny people into following God's law. Geez, the same people who complain about helmet laws insist that we need to wrestle the language into submission and by legislative fiat define marriage into a box that can never be broken. We do not need more religious leaders that spend like "Eurotrash" governments who are called "conservative" to give conservatives a bad name.

We need people that understand that there are important things like limited government that need to be followed rather than using the power of the government we want to limit to write religious definitions into law.

Damo, now THAT is conservatism that I can get behind. I think that brand of conservatives could win far more elections.
I'd have to research a bit. So long as the religious stuff is secondary to the important bits I could live with that.

Michael Steele is an unapologetic catholic, but his ideology on government is Reaganesque`. Why is it that no one has had a problem with president elect Obama's Christian faith? He stated that he does not support homosexual marriage due to his "faith" on more than one occasion, and yet a traditional conservative is regularly raked over the proverbial coals by liberals if they are Christians. My point being that so what if a politician is a man or woman of faith, there is no need to be fearful or demeaning unless their faith is demonstrably been proven to wrongly influence their decision making. More important for voters is what the metal of the candidate is. How have they voted in the past, what kinds of experience do they have, what is their guiding philosophy and how do they square that philosophy with their principles and their ideas that will directly effect and influence how they lead?
Steele is a smart and experienced guy, but more importantly a faithful conservative which the GOP is in desperate need of. I recently heard an opinion I couldn’t agree with more; The GOP have lost these last two elections due to their trying to be moderates aka “liberal lights”. What Americans need and want is a real choice and I believe Michael Steele can help reform the party to provide that.

I am pretty certain that his nomination to lead the RNC is a done deal, so we shall see.
Michael Steele is an unapologetic catholic, but his ideology on government is Reaganesque`. Why is it that no one has had a problem with president elect Obama's Christian faith? He stated that he does not support homosexual marriage due to his "faith" on more than one occasion, and yet a traditional conservative is regularly raked over the proverbial coals by liberals if they are Christians. My point being that so what if a politician is a man or woman of faith, there is no need to be fearful or demeaning unless their faith is demonstrably been proven to wrongly influence their decision making. More important for voters is what the metal of the candidate is. How have they voted in the past, what kinds of experience do they have, what is their guiding philosophy and how do they square that philosophy with their principles and their ideas that will directly effect and influence how they lead?
Steele is a smart and experienced guy, but more importantly a faithful conservative which the GOP is in desperate need of. I recently heard an opinion I couldn’t agree with more; The GOP have lost these last two elections due to their trying to be moderates aka “liberal lights”. What Americans need and want is a real choice and I believe Michael Steele can help reform the party to provide that.

I am pretty certain that his nomination to lead the RNC is a done deal, so we shall see.

If a person uses their faith to guide them in their decisions, as long as they obey the US Constitution, I have no problem with religious people in power.

I think there is a huge difference between having your faith guide you and trying to make laws or constitutional amendments based solely on one religion's beliefs.

I have no problem with anyone having beliefs and faith. I simply have a problem with ANY faith demanding that the rest of us follow those beliefs.