Is the time of Liberty at hand?


Staff member
A recent CNN poll shows that libertarianism is on the rise in the last three years in the United States, more than at any point in the last two decades.

The poll, which CNN has conducted yearly since 1993, tracks the strength of social and economic libertarianism and reveals that both ideas are gaining popular support.

Sixty-three percent of respondents believe that government is doing too much, up from 52 percent in 2008. Half of all respondents said that government should not promote any set of traditional or moral values, up from 41 percent in 2008.

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Where is Mott now? I want to rub his profligate Ohioan nose in me being right (for the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000th time)
Split that rightwing vote....Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

I agree. The radical teabaggers and the libertarians need to split from the Republicon party. But in reality they'll vote for whoever Faux tells them to.

Somalia is a perfect example of libertarian ideology. No central govt. No taxes. Private militias. Extreme poverty and wealth resulting in pirates, slavery and a total breakdown of society. OOps I forgot right wingers don't believe in society, perfect match.
I agree. The radical teabaggers and the libertarians need to split from the Republicon party. But in reality they'll vote for whoever Faux tells them to. Somalia is a perfect example of libertarian ideology. No central govt. No taxes. Private militias. Extreme poverty and wealth resulting in pirates, slavery and a total breakdown of society. OOps I forgot right wingers don't believe in society, perfect match.

Remember how the nutbag Perot (who made his money on government contracts) split the rightwingers in '92?

The Libertardians will follow his playbook and torpedo the GOP's chances of unseating Obama.
A recent CNN poll shows that libertarianism is on the rise in the last three years in the United States, more than at any point in the last two decades.

The poll, which CNN has conducted yearly since 1993, tracks the strength of social and economic libertarianism and reveals that both ideas are gaining popular support.

Sixty-three percent of respondents believe that government is doing too much, up from 52 percent in 2008. Half of all respondents said that government should not promote any set of traditional or moral values, up from 41 percent in 2008.

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I just put a hold on this book:

Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie, editors at Reason, have written a book called The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What’s Wrong with America.
What's the percentage of folks who claim to be Libertarians? Is it up to 1% yet?

The problem with libertarians is that they are only half right. You can't have fiscal conservatism without social conservatism.
What's the percentage of folks who claim to be Libertarians? Is it up to 1% yet?

The problem with libertarians is that they are only half right. You can't have fiscal conservatism without social conservatism.

There's a huge chunk of them who are libertarian (small l) and republican.
Somalia is a perfect example of libertarian ideology. No central govt. No taxes. Private militias. Extreme poverty and wealth resulting in pirates, slavery and a total breakdown of society. OOps I forgot right wingers don't believe in society, perfect match.

again with the bullshit somolia libertarian example?
I agree. The radical teabaggers and the libertarians need to split from the Republicon party. But in reality they'll vote for whoever Faux tells them to.

Somalia is a perfect example of libertarian ideology. No central govt. No taxes. Private militias. Extreme poverty and wealth resulting in pirates, slavery and a total breakdown of society. OOps I forgot right wingers don't believe in society, perfect match.

By that argument Nazi Germany is a modern Liberals paradise. Government control of everything, massive campaigns against 'unhealthy behaviors' no religious establishments, free healthcare and education, high taxes.
Apparently, according to the article, quite a large percentage of republicans hold libertarian ideals. That is, in fact, what the article was about.

I think if the libertarians focused on fiscal issues and let the republicans and democrats fight over social issues, they could win. Especially since we have such a great recent history of both parties screwing us royally.
Apparently, according to the article, quite a large percentage of republicans hold libertarian ideals. That is, in fact, what the article was about.

That's meaningless, IMO. I hold many libertarian beliefs myself. But I've also seen libertarianism work at the local level with disastrous results.
That's meaningless, IMO. I hold many libertarian beliefs myself. But I've also seen libertarianism work at the local level with disastrous results.

that's pretty telling, considering libertarianism works best at local levels. But this isn't a shock to me, when you consider that prohibiting smoking in private restaraunts is perfectly within the governments purview because YOU don't care for smoking.
that's pretty telling, considering libertarianism works best at local levels. But this isn't a shock to me, when you consider that prohibiting smoking in private restaraunts is perfectly within the governments purview because YOU don't care for smoking.

Have you ever known a town that had a Libertarian majority board? There was one in New York, southwest of Syracuse. No zoning. The value of a nice old farmhouse destroyed due to the proximity of a house trailer on one side and a gas station on the other. It's government's responsibility to protect the property values, as well as public health.

The libertarian bent was big north of the Adirondacks as well, and I saw that same situation a lot.
Have you ever known a town that had a Libertarian majority board? There was one in New York, southwest of Syracuse. No zoning. The value of a nice old farmhouse destroyed due to the proximity of a house trailer on one side and a gas station on the other. It's government's responsibility to protect the property values, as well as public health.

The libertarian bent was big north of the Adirondacks as well, and I saw that same situation a lot.

So the gov't should restrict what a land owner can do with their own property, to protect the property value of another land owner?

Interesting slant on individual freedom.