Is there a way to stop the announcements of quotes from certain posters?

The ignore feature here kinda sucks. On other VB forums when you have someone on ignore you can still peek at individual posts, you know, if you're particularly bored, or just in an arguing mood. Here, you actually have to take them OFF ignore.
What he said, before I said
Heheheheh. Proper usage:

Mrs. Owl (sitting outside on the deck with Mr. Owl): Aw, look.... those two birds in that tree are farkling.
Mr. Owl: Hey you two, get a nest!

Lol, I like it. Though my wife would likely still balk. She doesn't like when they sound too close to the actual word. She gives me a hard time about "freakin'". :rolleyes:
The ignore feature here kinda sucks. On other VB forums when you have someone on ignore you can still peek at individual posts, you know, if you're particularly bored, or just in an arguing mood. Here, you actually have to take them OFF ignore.

you could just log out, but its simpler to just see if anyone quotes them......usually the most stupid or insane of their posts show up.....
I have become very adept at just skimming past the appalling dunces, belligerent bigots, retarded racists, lying liars, and other sops who are just to bloody boring to waste time reading.

did Cypress say anything interesting?......I just skimmed past him......
I have become very adept at just skimming past the appalling dunces, belligerent bigots, retarded racists, lying liars, and other sops who are just to bloody boring to waste time reading.

Actually it's more about having so many notifications from the little attention whore. I click notifications, and it's usually just yurt calling out from most the discussions I visit. And if he's banned of course he just makes a discussion. It's not that big of deal, outside of bugging me that I have a stalker, but it does make me want to do a little of this some times.:bang: Feeling physically shitty lately, when I look to the quotes for a little chat, only to have Yurt half the time is a little draining.
About your little match up between me, and Yurt. You might as well not give it to me, because I'm opting out, and stepping back from the twerp now. That's the only winning I need. My physical ailments are making me cranky, and trying to get him to understand anything right now seems beneath me anymore.

try ignoring him without putting him on ignore

what I do is answer them only when I feel like it

if they are just tickling their little members by trying tp get my goat I ignore them

if they are actually trying to make some idiot point ( I admit it rare) I see itas an opportunity to educate whomever is actually reading it .

there are people who just read our stuff and never post

hard to believe it but its true '

these site provide people with facts who want to know what people are saying about an issue

think abut it as your platform to state your beliefs about politics and teach them the FACTS behind why you believe what you believe.

yurt is a tool

yeah that works in two ways

he is meaningless

he is merely an opportunity to shut the stupid ideas down

one you can ignore at any time you chose

if you shut people off you miss the new memes

those memes these days are coming straight from Russia it seems

not putting people on ignore is how I spotted that there were foreign actors working the internets BEFORE the Russian involvement went public.

you see the whole picture

that doesn't mean you have to look at every individual stroke in the painting

yaya yurt is but one stroke

you can ignore that stroke individually when it meaningless to the whole picture

so I say to yaya yurt

stroke your tool

you tool who strokes
I just checked into the me vs Yurt discussion, and saw Trump Diva calling me too thin skinned for politics. Have they not seen my in your face, no shit, and straight to the point tell offs. Are these morons actually unable to tell my friendly discussions apart from the political head bashing here.

Anyone think I should start a mock recipe discussion for the haters, in the war zone?

Here's an example of recipes I'm thinking.

Humble pie, for Yurt.

1 pie shell
1 block of cream cheese
1 sleeping pill

Crush up the pill, and mix it into softened cream cheese. Spread in a pie shell, and leave out sitting on the floor. Hopefully he'll come back to some snoozing mice, and some friends to keep him busy.
unfortunately, this forum seems to relish troll behavior

changing user names, not preventing ignored users from notifying you.

hell, some (well, one really) of the mods I have had the misfortune to run into is incredibly childish. It really boggles the mind how that one particular poster became a mod
The ignore feature here kinda sucks. On other VB forums when you have someone on ignore you can still peek at individual posts, you know, if you're particularly bored, or just in an arguing mood. Here, you actually have to take them OFF ignore.

the reason for that is because we have another feature called "forced Ignore" where us mods can.. welll.... make two people force ignore each other. And when we implemented that we took away the ability to view an ignored posters posts so that those on FI were 100% stuck.