Is there a way to stop the announcements of quotes from certain posters?

the reason for that is because we have another feature called "forced Ignore" where us mods can.. welll.... make two people force ignore each other. And when we implemented that we took away the ability to view an ignored posters posts so that those on FI were 100% stuck.

How come Yurt & Zappacrite are allowed to wage war again? Did their FI go away when the board crashed?
Actually it's more about having so many notifications from the little attention whore. I click notifications, and it's usually just yurt calling out from most the discussions I visit. And if he's banned of course he just makes a discussion. It's not that big of deal, outside of bugging me that I have a stalker, but it does make me want to do a little of this some times.:bang: Feeling physically shitty lately, when I look to the quotes for a little chat, only to have Yurt half the time is a little draining.

You know the attention whores like Buttyurt and Toxic Hellwhore thrive on that, right? More than anything else, they hate being ignored. Buttyurt hasn't responded but a handful of times to me since I added him to the Wall of Ignore and posted a screenshot of it a couple of times.
You know the attention whores like Buttyurt and Toxic Hellwhore thrive on that, right? More than anything else, they hate being ignored. Buttyurt hasn't responded but a handful of times to me since I added him to the Wall of Ignore and posted a screenshot of it a couple of times.

I've had him on ignore for quite some time myself, so I don't know what he wants outside of attention. It's kind of a buzzkill when it's just him wanting attention, rather than someone to chat with seriously.
I've had him on ignore for quite some time myself, so I don't know what he wants outside of attention. It's kind of a buzzkill when it's just him wanting attention, rather than someone to chat with seriously.

He's an attention whore. If you start a thread about him, that's food for the troll.
He's an attention whore. If you start a thread about him, that's food for the troll.

Well it's not just about him, it's about a few posters. I just mentioned that he's the over achiever in the bunch. And then a thread appeared of him mocking this one soon after. The guys also up very late it seems. I'm just been messing around with pics, or music on occasion here, and suddenly he quotes me at 4 in the morning. I've always been a night owl myself, but lately I just sleep on, and off when I'm relaxed enough to.
He's an attention whore. If you start a thread about him, that's food for the troll.

I forgot to mention, that if I went long enough with out talking to, or of him, he'd usually make a discussion about me.

Yurt in a nutshell.
Actually it's more about having so many notifications from the little attention whore. I click notifications, and it's usually just yurt calling out from most the discussions I visit. And if he's banned of course he just makes a discussion. It's not that big of deal, outside of bugging me that I have a stalker, but it does make me want to do a little of this some times.:bang: Feeling physically shitty lately, when I look to the quotes for a little chat, only to have Yurt half the time is a little draining.

Well, here is a quote from me you will get notification of, and allow me to say I have enjoyed your contributions to this forum!
Well, here is a quote from me you will get notification of, and allow me to say I have enjoyed your contributions to this forum!

Well thanks. It seems some always like me, some can't stand me, and now I have Yurt that seems like a messed up mix of both.
Well thanks. It seems some always like me, some can't stand me, and now I have Yurt that seems like a messed up mix of both.

You would be actually amazed at how many sociopaths, deplorable losers, and repellant social misfits are attracted to political message flies are to pig shit!

A dude who starts threads about favorite foods, recipes, favorite metal tunes, and vacation photos seems pretty bloody normal and conventional to me. Keep up the good work!
Other than making it go away altogether there is no way to block it, unfortunately. I did note that when I added the "feature", if we get too may people hating on it I'll just make it go away.
You would be actually amazed at how many sociopaths, deplorable losers, and repellant social misfits are attracted to political message flies are to pig shit!

A dude who starts threads about favorite foods, recipes, favorite metal tunes, and vacation photos seems pretty bloody normal and conventional to me. Keep up the good work!

Not to mention sexual deviants like Luke Skypetalker!