Is there such a thing as absolute truth?

Hello Grugore,

You are completely missing the point. Think about it. Something is either true or it is not. Ones perception has nothing to do with it.

My reply to your OP question (Is there such a thing as absolute truth?) is true:


Each of us perceives the world in a different way. And each of our perceptions is constantly changing. The first time you see something you form a mental picture of it. The longer you study it, the more details are filled in. Your first impression of something is not the same as your modified one. Sometimes, due to shortness of allowed time to gather details perhaps, we fill in details which are not there. Later, if we notice the difference, we correct the error with more accurate information. If we never notice the difference, we believe the incorrect detail is 'the truth.'

When two humans look at the same thing, they notice different details. The perception each has, thus differs.

If they both subsequently add the missing details, they both have the same perception. Generally, this rarely occurs.

Each individual's perception of the world is unique."

You've given as examples things that most people would agree on. But that is because they have similar perceptions. What if 100% of humans do not agree on some of those things?

You say if the epidermis is broken with a foreign object that bleeding will result. Somebody said not if the person is already dead. But does that mean if they are still alive that bleeding will always occur in every case? No. That is not an absolute truth. If a human is experiencing frostbite, and the epidermis of that region is cut into, there will be no bleeding. Also if normal temperature, and a very hot instrument is used, cauterization will occur, resulting in no bleeding.

We still don't understand the complete relationship between matter and energy. Our lack of an absolute truth on that subject is an absolute truth. If you want to call lack of truth, truth.

You see, it's not so simple.
The reason some deny the existence of absolute truth is because they reject the truth of God's existence and the truth that they will answer to Him someday. It scares the crap out of them, so they supress the truth. It allows them to sleep at night.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

Somehow, I knew Grugore was going to bring the occult and magic into this.

1. Grugore, after Jesus died, did he float off to Heaven like a hydrogen filled ballon?
2. Grugore, was Mary impregnated by God?
3. Grugore, did Jesus walk on water?

Are these the 'Absolute Truths' you are getting at? :)
Absolutely yes. In this grace period, however, all truth is obfuscated by the damned. Example: The Lord's high holy days are upon us and apostasy is so widespread that hardly anyone even knows what I am talking about and agreement of what it means or what days it occurs will be impossible because the entire earth is apostate. The windows of the heavens are opening, earth is under inspection and nobody is conscious of this absolute truth.
And ... here is Example A:

Absolutely yes. In this grace period, however, all truth is obfuscated by the damned. Example: The Lord's high holy days are upon us and apostasy is so widespread that hardly anyone even knows what I am talking about and agreement of what it means or what days it occurs will be impossible because the entire earth is apostate. The windows of the heavens are opening, earth is under inspection and nobody is conscious of this absolute truth.
The reason some deny the existence of absolute truth is because they reject the truth of God's existence and the truth that they will answer to Him someday. It scares the crap out of them, so they supress the truth. It allows them to sleep at night.

The existence of God is a belief, not a truth. There is no evidence for the existence of any gods. That you believe that it is an absolute truth does not make it one.
Absolutely yes. In this grace period, however, all truth is obfuscated by the damned. Example: The Lord's high holy days are upon us and apostasy is so widespread that hardly anyone even knows what I am talking about and agreement of what it means or what days it occurs will be impossible because the entire earth is apostate. The windows of the heavens are opening, earth is under inspection and nobody is conscious of this absolute truth.

All belief, not verifiable fact. Science is the only place where we can find absolute truth.
The existence of God is a belief, not a truth. There is no evidence for the existence of any gods. That you believe that it is an absolute truth does not make it one.

rjhenn: "The existence of God is a belief, not a truth."
Jack: Did you get that, Grugore?

I could believe the Seven Dwarfs run the Universe, doesn't make it true. I could tell you it was an 'Absolute Truth', ... but, you still might not believe me.

Grugore, you can live in your Fantasy World, no one else cares, just try to stay out of the way and ... don't hurt anyone.
The reason some deny the existence of absolute truth is because they reject the truth of God's existence and the truth that they will answer to Him someday. It scares the crap out of them, so they supress the truth. It allows them to sleep at night.

Problem with your conclusion is that you cannot prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God exists. And without that absolute proof you have no absolute truth.

There are numerous reasons why people refuse to accept Christ, or the father.
Problem with your conclusion is that you cannot prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God exists. And without that absolute proof you have no absolute truth.

There are numerous reasons why people refuse to accept Christ, or the father.

Old Trapper: "Problem with your conclusion is that you cannot prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God exists."
Jack: Did you follow that, Grugore?

Let's face it Grugore, you're a crazy person that believes in Magic and the Occult.
Old Trapper: "Problem with your conclusion is that you cannot prove beyond a shadow of doubt that God exists."
Jack: Did you follow that, Grugore?

Let's face it Grugore, you're a crazy person that believes in Magic and the Occult.

I did not say that God does not exist, only that His existence cannot be proven beyond a shadow of doubt just as you cannot prove He is a myth.
Hello Grugore,

My reply to your OP question (Is there such a thing as absolute truth?) is true:

You've given as examples things that most people would agree on. But that is because they have similar perceptions. What if 100% of humans do not agree on some of those things?

You say if the epidermis is broken with a foreign object that bleeding will result. Somebody said not if the person is already dead. But does that mean if they are still alive that bleeding will always occur in every case? No. That is not an absolute truth. If a human is experiencing frostbite, and the epidermis of that region is cut into, there will be no bleeding. Also if normal temperature, and a very hot instrument is used, cauterization will occur, resulting in no bleeding.

We still don't understand the complete relationship between matter and energy. Our lack of an absolute truth on that subject is an absolute truth. If you want to call lack of truth, truth.

You see, it's not so simple.

It is very simple. If I stick a ten inch Bowie knife into your guts, you are going to blead. And you know perfectly well that my example was meant to apply to a normal healthy human at, or near, room temperature. No hot knives either. Your entire argument consists of nothing but a lame attempt to move goal posts.
Grugore, in your brain, do you believe in Gods or other supernatural beings?

Are these Gods real?

Is THAT an 'Absolute Truth'?

On one side we have an absolute pole.

On the other side we have an absolute pole.

Within each pole is its diametrical opposite.

The ten quadtrillion things rise and fall in a flux called Ying & Yang.

All the myriads of combinations and permutations are like the elements-chart shuffled around ---but all occurs in the absolute sphere of activity.

Just because there are myriads of myriads of permutations it does not negate the "field".

Just as Gibberish is different from un-ciphered languages ---there is a commonality of expression that borders on absolutes.
Grugore, in your brain, do you believe in Gods or other supernatural beings?

Are these Gods real?

Is THAT an 'Absolute Truth'?

Jack, by way of your open question, it seems imo that you are asking about celestial beings in realms in places we cannot see and cannot reach.

But if the same question is references the mundane lives of the common masses ---the same common masses that have repeatedly marched into a war to the death--- the able person would conclude that there are Gods. But they are demagogues that deign to take rule over the pawns.

So for all practical purposes there are Gods and super-elevated beings. And they define there prowess as flawed Gods. We are ants and we are sometimes stepped on and crushed.

The world is a free-for-all karma agitator.

The Buddhist seeks to transcend the field of karma. Others seek to eat sleep mate and defend thoroughly. Some ascend to the abode of the absolute Godhead's association.
Hello Grugore,


Each of us perceives the world in a different way. And each of our perceptions is constantly changing. The first time you see something you form a mental picture of it. The longer you study it, the more details are filled in. Your first impression of something is not the same as your modified one. Sometimes, due to shortness of allowed time to gather details perhaps, we fill in details which are not there. Later, if we notice the difference, we correct the error with more accurate information. If we never notice the difference, we believe the incorrect detail is 'the truth.'

When two humans look at the same thing, they notice different details. The perception each has, thus differs.

If they both subsequently add the missing details, they both have the same perception. Generally, this rarely occurs.

Each individual's perception of the world is unique.

I like the way your brain works.

On the flip side of the coin, Plato's theory of ideal forms is a counterpoint, an alternative to your contention -- aka, an immutable reality that exists just beyond the range of our perception.

However, armchair philosophy is beyond the scope of what I can commit to discussing here...even if I had the intellectual capability at my disposal!

In short, I defer to Plato and greater minds than mine to provide meaningful insight on the nature of reality. When you get right down to it, I am basically just here to make fun of Donald J. Trump!