Is This Latest Ploy by Green Movement More Insane Than Their Plan to Screw With the A


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This is crazy. Now they want cargo ships to use sails and shut off their engines

The global warming alarmists have found their next target: international shipping. They have discovered a new way to cut carbon emissions from cargo ships by nearly 20 percent. They haven’t developed a new fuel. Our alternatives are beyond inefficient, making keeping up with world demand unsatisfactory. No, they want us to go back to the days of Columbus and Magellan. Call it the Cook Protocol; they want to attach massive kites to pull these ships across the oceans (via CNN): You may have seen kitesurfers in action, harnessing the power of the wind to pull them over the sea. Now imagine the same concept applied to a 1,000-square-meter kite, flying 300 meters above the water – only instead of towing a surfer across the waves, it’s helping to propel a colossal cargo ship across the ocean.

That’s the basic idea behind the Seawing, a technology being developed by French company Airseas, which it says could help cargo ships reduce their fuel consumption, and cut their carbon emissions by an average of 20%.

Two engineers at the French aerospace company Airbus came up with the idea in 2016, launching Airseas to further develop the technology. After years of research, they are currently testing the kite on a cargo ship traveling between France and the US.

Powered predominantly by fossil fuels, the shipping industry accounts for around 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the International Maritime Organization – which is why there’s an urgent need for change, says Airseas co-founder and CEO Vincent Bernatets.

Alternative fuels, such as green ammonia, are in development, but they are expensive and Bernatets argues that it will be decades before the infrastructure is in place to deploy them at scale. “In the meantime, what can we do?
They want cargo ships to be slow moving

No, they want them to be carbon free. The insanity isn't that they'd be inefficient and costly, but rather that they don't produce CO2. You see, this is born of scientific and engineering illiteracy, a complete lack of understanding of economics--of the sort QP exhibits here for example, and a religious faith that what they're doing is good for humanity and the "planet."

These are the sort of people who think astrology works and is valid... I saw it up close in college. They are morons who are capable of getting good grades in classes that make no difference to anyone or anything.
Well to be fair, I have a sailboat and I often get the same speed if not faster using sails if the conditions are right.

I can't imagine the rigging system they would need on a ship of that size though.

The cost to install it would be in the tens of millions per ship.

Plus you would need a whole crew just to operate them and keep them trimmed, you can't do something that big on auto.
Well, the real insanity would come when the supposed fix creates new pollution problems that weren't considered when the switch to sails was forced on shipping companies. Sailing ships have a much lower total propulsion limit than ones running on steam or diesels. That means more ships to move the same amount of goods. That means in turn more crews, and likely larger crews, who would be dumping their waste in the oceans as they moved between ports, ad infinitum.

Each problem the Left looks to solve, like this one, just turns into a shitfest. Their Crapper Touch knows no bounds.
We have reached a record temp on this planet, but you are too ignorant to understand.

It is you that is ignorant. The planetary temperature and the cause of changes in it are poorly understood. Yet, we have "scientists" who tell us that anthropogenic CO2 is causing the change to the virtual exclusion of everything else. At the same time, they have made decades of predictions about what the climate would do and have been wrong nearly 100% of the time.

Only an utter and complete idiot (aka YOU) would believe they know what the fuck they're talking about.
This is one of those very special cases where both major opinions are completely wrong.

The right won't admit that the planet's ability to sustain human life is rapidly diminishing,

and the left won't admit that it's too late to fix it and humanity's demise is imminent.

Nothing lasts forever.
Maybe that's a good thing, who knows?
Climate change is just that, the changing of the climate.

In case you people on the left haven't noticed there are plenty of climates in the world that absolutely suck meaning they are going to get better.

Climate change will be good for many people.
Townhall is an American far right website

Townhall is owned by the Salem Media Group, which describes itself as a “leading media company serving the nation’s Christian and conservative communities.”

As always you attack the source because you can't prove the article false
It is you that is ignorant. The planetary temperature and the cause of changes in it are poorly understood. Yet, we have "scientists" who tell us that anthropogenic CO2 is causing the change to the virtual exclusion of everything else. At the same time, they have made decades of predictions about what the climate would do and have been wrong nearly 100% of the time.

Only an utter and complete idiot (aka YOU) would believe they know what the fuck they're talking about.
This is most definitely true.
This is one of those very special cases where both major opinions are completely wrong.

The right won't admit that the planet's ability to sustain human life is rapidly diminishing,
How so?

and the left won't admit that it's too late to fix it and humanity's demise is imminent.
Wow. YOU'RE sure a Debby Downer...

Nothing lasts forever.
How do you know?