Is This Latest Ploy by Green Movement More Insane Than Their Plan to Screw With the A

It is environmentalist trying to screwup supply lines again

Exactly. Ships use diesel engines for a very sound reason: profit. They've got cargo to deliver. Going back to the age of sail only makes them noncompetitive. Someone else will deliver that product before they can get there!
There are definitely known climates.

Arizona is known to be hot, Antarctica is known to be cold.

They don't fluctuate enough to say they have changing climates.

Climate is not global, it is localized.

Arizona is known to be quite cold as well, particularly in winter, and particular in eastern and northern Arizona; particularly at night.

Climate has no temperature. 'Hot' and 'cold' are subjective relative terms. You can describe a climate as 'hot', but against what? Your own perception?
Climates don't 'fluctuate' or change. There is no value associated with climate to change. They have no temperature. They have no precipitation. They have wind speed. There is no value to fluctuate or change.
Temperature is an element of weather.

Climate is essentially weather over a "long period of time".

Climate is not even that. Climate is a subjective description. A desert climate is always a desert climate. A marine climate is always a marine climate. Where these occur may change, but climate does not.
You are correct. Temperature is an element of weather. When describing weather, temperature is one of the measured values.
Temps dictate weather, it's not reversed.

This is why you don't see snow in the Sahara Desert.

Temperature does NOT determine weather. Weather determines temperature. Reversal fallacy. Temperature is one element of weather.
You DO see snow in the Sahara desert.
I worked in a port I never seen any ships with sails


I have. Here in Washington, the Lady Washington is based in the port of Astoria. This beautiful brig appears in movies (she was the Endeavor during the Disney pirate movies).

While in Hawaii, a whaling ship was based out of Lahaina, Maui. Also a brig, she was moored there as a tourist attraction to remember the days when whaling boats would sail out between Maui and Lanai to hunt the whales that would swim there to spawn each year (they normally live in Alaska, but migrate to Hawaii to spawn). The whales are still there, but the whaling days are over (thanks to big oil...not Greenpeace!).
Townhall is an American far right website

Townhall is owned by the Salem Media Group, which describes itself as a “leading media company serving the nation’s Christian and conservative communities.”

And you, as a Hamas terrorist, hate America, Americans, Christians, and Conservatives.
That is a lie and those record only go back about 50 years

When scientists focus on climate from before the past 100-150 years, they use records from physical, chemical, and biological materials preserved within the geologic record. Organisms (such as diatoms, forams, and coral) can serve as useful climate proxies.
Arizona is known to be quite cold as well, particularly in winter, and particular in eastern and northern Arizona; particularly at night.

Climate has no temperature. 'Hot' and 'cold' are subjective relative terms. You can describe a climate as 'hot', but against what? Your own perception?
Climates don't 'fluctuate' or change. There is no value associated with climate to change. They have no temperature. They have no precipitation. They have wind speed. There is no value to fluctuate or change.

In relation to other climates.

If you are hot in the area you are in and it's constantly that way then you live in a hot climate.
Bullshit source always gives one a bullshit story

You mean the NY Times?

True, but you're attacking Townhall which is vastly more accurate than ANY Reich propaganda source.

Technology isn’t sails, but kite like apparatus, it isn’t the “green movement,” but rather a French company trying to sell a product, and doesn’t have ships turning off engines but using the tech when applicable to save costs

One of the major reasons the right is so uninformed is that the swallow completely whatever one do their shit sites tells them regardless of validity

That changes utterly nothing regarding critiques of the Marxist movement posing as "climate warriors."

Nor does it impugn Townhall.
Yup, that's what I said.

Temperature is not climate. Generally speaking, Arizona and Antarctica both have a desert climate.

How does a state or a continent 'fluctuate'? Do you mean temperature fluctuation?

Even then, temperature is not climate. Climate doesn't change because there is no quantifiable unit of measure associated with climate. There is no such thing as "more climate" or "less climate".

Then why did you make reference to "the climate" earlier?

Correct. Climate is a local thing because weather is a local thing.

I can give you an example of climate changing, recently.

The Antelope Valley near Los Angeles was a lush and fertile valley into the 1890's. An earthquake on the San Andreas fault diverted a major underground river, turning it north to Kernville. The once lush Antelope Valley is now baren desert, Palmdale and Lancaster.

Now, this had nothing to do with humans, but climates change, both on the micro and macro scale.