Is This Latest Ploy by Green Movement More Insane Than Their Plan to Screw With the A

When scientists focus on climate from before the past 100-150 years, they use records from physical, chemical, and biological materials preserved within the geologic record. Organisms (such as diatoms, forams, and coral) can serve as useful climate proxies.

Of Climatology, Phrenology, and Astrology, astrology has the closest connection to actual scientific methodology.

Climatology is less legitimate than ghost hunters.

Every prediction ever made the climatology morons has been wrong. Statistically, that's nearly impossible to do - but the bullshit from the Marxist fools promoting AGW are so absurd, they manage to pull it off.

New York underwater by 2000? Not quite. Himalayas snow free by 1997? Uh yeah.. The Midwest saw the last snow in 2005? Well okay..

50 Years of Failed Doomsday, Eco-pocalyptic Predictions; the So-called ‘experts’ Are 0-50 | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Ecowhackjob Marxism is anti-science.

These are the same retards behind "gender fluidity."

Well, the real insanity would come when the supposed fix creates new pollution problems that weren't considered when the switch to sails was forced on shipping companies. Sailing ships have a much lower total propulsion limit than ones running on steam or diesels. That means more ships to move the same amount of goods. That means in turn more crews, and likely larger crews, who would be dumping their waste in the oceans as they moved between ports, ad infinitum.

Each problem the Left looks to solve, like this one, just turns into a shitfest. Their Crapper Touch knows no bounds.
You always look for reasons to troll.

I can't see the OP, but just like electric cars...they aren't for every application but they can be excellent in many instances.

During certain conditions, the sail could save tons of fuel. Like a hybrid car.
You always look for reasons to troll.

I can't see the OP, but just like electric cars...they aren't for every application but they can be excellent in many instances.

During certain conditions, the sail could save tons of fuel. Like a hybrid car.

At what cost in terms of the vessel? A dual system of propulsion costs more money and requires more maintenance (more money). The vessel is also less efficient in carrying capacity as the sail system, whatever it is, takes up volume and displacement. On the whole, it is just one more failed idea from the radical Left that doesn't work.
I should have known that you always know more and better than any experts in a field.You are an expert on everything.

So, you don't know?

Yet you make claims of the "hottest day EVAH."

How can you say what the hottest day is if you don't reliably know what the temperature was prior to 1900? And you don't - nor does anyone else.

Ice Cores can get you within 30° C over a period of years - but that can't specify "hottest day."

The fact is, your political movement just makes shit up to create sensational headlines. The climate morons are anti-science.
So, you don't know?

Yet you make claims of the "hottest day EVAH."

How can you say what the hottest day is if you don't reliably know what the temperature was prior to 1900? And you don't - nor does anyone else.

Ice Cores can get you within 30° C over a period of years - but that can't specify "hottest day."

The fact is, your political movement just makes shit up to create sensational headlines. The climate morons are anti-science.

Talk about anti science, shitforbrains, you are at the very top of the list.
At what cost in terms of the vessel? A dual system of propulsion costs more money and requires more maintenance (more money). The vessel is also less efficient in carrying capacity as the sail system, whatever it is, takes up volume and displacement. On the whole, it is just one more failed idea from the radical Left that doesn't work.
What a cool idea! Sooner or later the decisions get made for us anyway. When AGW finally does decimate a lot of our economies and international shipping becomes much more rare I have little doubt the age of sail will re-establish. It's a great concept.
Yep. People will sail from California to Oregon ;)
When scientists focus on climate from before the past 100-150 years, they use records from physical, chemical, and biological materials preserved within the geologic record. Organisms (such as diatoms, forams, and coral) can serve as useful climate proxies.

They also lie and deceive
Climate change is natural not controlled by man

Of course, it is. Man's contribution to global warming is clear. However, if you are an anti-science type, you can settle for cleaner air, land, and water, which is a byproduct of environmental regulation. The only mistake is continuing on as we have.
Climate change is natural not controlled by man

In 4.7 billion years, the ONLY constant to the macro-climate of planet Earth is change.

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud - and everyone knows it - which is why the Marxists have pulled away from the term. "Climate Change" is about like "wet water," a "well duh" statement.

This is just the fascists glomming on to a natural phenomenon that they have no understanding of, no control over, which most likely has no negative effects in order to gain totalitarian power.
Of course, it is. Man's contribution to global warming is clear.

Very clear - man has no impact on global temperatures.

You of the cult cannot state what the temperature of the planet is - nor what it was 10 years ago, nor what it should be.

However, if you are an anti-science type, you can settle for cleaner air, land, and water, which is a byproduct of environmental regulation. The only mistake is continuing on as we have.

Anti-science? You mean those who think one can change gender by pretending? It's similar to thinking you can control the weather by virtue signaling.