Is this the White Power sign?

They do list Leftist hate groups.

RWNJs won't agree that's enough unless there are more Leftist hate groups listed than RW hate groups.

IMO, the easiest way to tell who are the biggest nutjobs and haters are those who spread the most hate and bias in their posts. :)

Does the Pedo King of Thailand lean Left or Right?

I'm guessing Right as most racist pedophiles like King Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong is known to be. Fuck him. The day the Thai people rise up and depose that child rapist, is the day Thais will have a shot at freedom.

Sadly, I think the Thai military will take over and shut down any forms of democracy proving that Thailand is just another Third World Shithole.

#whydoweneedaking #กษัตริย์มีไว้ทําไม
Even WaPo think they are biased.

The State of Hate
Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have set themselves up as the ultimate judges of hate in America. But are they judging fairly? m/new...thern-poverty-law-center-judging-hate-fairly/

You're link doesn't work, but I assume it's an op-ed or opinion piece.
RWNJs won't agree that's enough unless there are more Leftist hate groups listed than RW hate groups.

IMO, the easiest way to tell who are the biggest nutjobs and haters are those who spread the most hate and bias in their posts. :)

Well, there's easily as many Leftist hate groups as there are Rightist ones, and many of them are far larger in membership than the ones on the Right.
I can name a bunch of radical Leftist hate groups easily enough that fit into one or another category the SPLC lists for radical Right groups...
You don't have to convince me. Leftists call all who deviate from their mindless thought-collective "racist," "homophobe," "misogynist," "deniers," ... and others in preemptive fashion. The reasoning is that if they do it first, then you somehow are denied the ability to make all those thoroughly correct observations about them.
Just this once, I'm going to do some of your homework for your lazy, willfully ignorant ass. Observe and learn:

I already did my homework. The SPLC lists shit-for-nothing on radical Leftist hate groups.

Here, I'll give you a teaser...

Ultraviolet A radical feminist far Left group that is massively misandrogynous. They won't even let trans persons join their group.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So when they list non-white hate groups, is their left leaning "bias" correlating with right wing bias?

Oh, and Washington Post only allows so many free views....I'm not paying them. What does that have to do with their politics? Are they Leftist groups or not?

:palm: Okay, let's try it from another angle. Although you may lean to the right or the left, your objectivity can function outside of that. That's the basis for our court systems (or it should be), and why the ACLU can get on everyone's nerves because they defend EVERYONE'S civil rights.

In another response, I met your challenge regarding the SPLC and black hate groups. Get back to us when you've gone through the material.
:palm: Okay, let's try it from another angle. Although you may lean to the right or the left, your objectivity can function outside of that. That's the basis for our court systems (or it should be), and why the ACLU can get on everyone's nerves because they defend EVERYONE'S civil rights.

In another response, I met your challenge regarding the SPLC and black hate groups. Get back to us when you've gone through the material.

No, you didn't.

Let's add these obvious ones:

Brown Berets: Hispanic separatists and racists
La Raza: Hispanic racists
MEChA: Hispanic racists
MSA (Muslim Student's Association): Radically antisemitic
Antifa: Anti-government extremists
John Brow Gun Club: Radical Leftist militia
Redneck Revolt: Radical Leftist militia
Red Brigades: Radical anti-government hate group
Pueblos sin Fronteras: Radical anti-government group that supports terrorism against US and demands open borders.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Just this once, I'm going to do some of your homework for your lazy, willfully ignorant ass. Observe and learn:

I already did my homework. The SPLC lists shit-for-nothing on radical Leftist hate groups.

Here, I'll give you a teaser...

Ultraviolet A radical feminist far Left group that is massively misandrogynous. They won't even let trans persons join their group.

You're a liar, T.A. You only know about the SPLC what your right wing wonkish sites tell you. That's why I had to educate you. But in typical intellectual cowardice and dishonesty found in you MAGA types, you throw out something that is (a) has nothing to do with the OP (b) has nothing to do with your ignorant attitude that the SPLC has a bias that keeps it from criticizing non-white groups.

Essentially, it's SOS of trying to shift the conversation so you don't have to admit you're wrong and at the same time insinuate a correlation to justify your initial flawed claim.

Now, run-a-long and tell the guy you see in the mirror and all your buddies about your victory as you repeat the SOS.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, let's try it from another angle. Although you may lean to the right or the left, your objectivity can function outside of that. That's the basis for our court systems (or it should be), and why the ACLU can get on everyone's nerves because they defend EVERYONE'S civil rights.

In another response, I met your challenge regarding the SPLC and black hate groups. Get back to us when you've gone through the material.

No, you didn't.

Let's add these obvious ones:

Brown Berets: Hispanic separatists and racists
La Raza: Hispanic racists
MEChA: Hispanic racists
MSA (Muslim Student's Association): Radically antisemitic
Antifa: Anti-government extremists
John Brow Gun Club: Radical Leftist militia
Redneck Revolt: Radical Leftist militia
Red Brigades: Radical anti-government hate group
Pueblos sin Fronteras: Radical anti-government group that supports terrorism against US and demands open borders.

:palm: I notice you don't link your source. No matter. You see, not everyone covers everything. But being that you didn't even do the bare minimum of researching the SPLC site, it's not surprising that you missed the following:

You're pathetic, TA. Your half assed efforts to prove your point and NOT acknowledge contrary information is worthy of being a spin doctor for the GOP and Trump legal team. Unlike you, I have no problem acknowledging hate groups WHOMEVER they are. And that the SPLC does the same just doesn't fit into your myopic world view. TFB. Carry on.
:palm: I notice you don't link your source. No matter. You see, not everyone covers everything. But being that you didn't even do the bare minimum of researching the SPLC site, it's not surprising that you missed the following:

You're pathetic, TA. Your half assed efforts to prove your point and NOT acknowledge contrary information is worthy of being a spin doctor for the GOP and Trump legal team. Unlike you, I have no problem acknowledging hate groups WHOMEVER they are. And that the SPLC does the same just doesn't fit into your myopic world view. TFB. Carry on.

So, now you try a pathetic appeal to authority coupled to an ad hominem. Look the fucking groups up yourself. I don't need to link them to list them.
You're a liar, T.A. You only know about the SPLC what your right wing wonkish sites tell you. That's why I had to educate you. But in typical intellectual cowardice and dishonesty found in you MAGA types, you throw out something that is (a) has nothing to do with the OP (b) has nothing to do with your ignorant attitude that the SPLC has a bias that keeps it from criticizing non-white groups.

Essentially, it's SOS of trying to shift the conversation so you don't have to admit you're wrong and at the same time insinuate a correlation to justify your initial flawed claim.

Now, run-a-long and tell the guy you see in the mirror and all your buddies about your victory as you repeat the SOS.

I just proved you wrong, completely wrong.