Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

I've been doing a little research on the Muslim faith, and I believe I am starting to understand why so many pinheads seem to almost side with the Muslims against the civilized world. It's because Islam is the Religion of Pinheads! Yes, it's true! When you cut to the chase, and get right down to the meat and potatoes of what Islam is all about, it comports nicely with the mainstream liberal agenda.

First, there is the basic concept. Islam was founded on the principles of Mohammed, who routinely committed adultery on his wife, just as many great liberal leaders. The tenants of the faith are rooted somewhat in Christian belief, in other words, Mohammed 'triangulated' the ideals he wanted to use, and sold it as his own. Then there is the premise that Muslims are mandated to help the needy, poor, and downtrodden... not just help them by giving of themselves and their belongings, but helping them by literally taking and stealing from the rich and wealthy.

Digging deeper, we find that Muslims thrive on dividing people into sub-groups, and promoting discrimination based on those groups. It empowers them, to be able to classify people as "Infidels", just as the leftists will define people based on race or ethnicity, or even geographic locale. So, they have the same exact means of gaining power and influence, through dividing people against each other.

Muslims disavow Christianity, and are intolerant of it completely, just as the liberal scum who want to take prayer out of school and God out of the public square. They also believe they are doing the world a favor by spreading their message and forcing others to believe as they do, and any attempts to contradict this, is met with accusations of bigotry, racism, and prejudice.

Much like the Liberal Left, Muslims will consistently talk out of both sides of their mouth, they will maintain that Islam is a 'religion of peace' and at the same time, call for violence and jihad against those who disagree with them. Any injustice against a Muslim, is met with loud protest from other Muslims around the world, yet when a similar injustice falls upon a Christian or Jew, there is utter silence. We see this same double-standard with Liberals all the time. A conservative can merely be accused of something, and the liberals will find him guilty by default, but a liberal can be proven to have broken the law and committed crimes, and they will deny any wrong-doing ever happened.

It is amazing, when you compare Muslim radicals with Liberal radicals, how much their ideological traits are similar. I believe this is why we have so many pinheads who continue to inexplicably defend the radical Muslims. ....Birds of a Feather!
Well, Jesus would shit if he saw what the "Christians" were doing in his name. Most religions are a bunch of hocus pocus that has been grossly perverted from its original intent.
Well, Jesus would shit if he saw what the "Christians" were doing in his name. Most religions are a bunch of hocus pocus that has been grossly perverted from its original intent.

So, now you speak for when Christ would shit? What exactly are Christians doing in His name, that you think Jesus would be upset with? This is another one of your typical slaps at something, with no real basis or reason. You do not speak for Christ, and you have no idea of what Jesus would or wouldn't be happy with or upset about, were he here on Earth today.

I can't speak for other religions, but in Christianity, there is no 'hocus pocus'. The doctrine followed by Christians, is 2,000 years old, and consistently brings the same message through history. Being a Christian is as simple as accepting Christ as your personal savior, and the Son of God. There is no hocus pocus to that, if you truly believe it, you are promised everlasting life.

It's always good to hear from a lost soul, on what they think Jesus would say or do, but your responses are incredibly transparent and lacking substance. I doubt many Christians are going to read your post, and suddenly realize you are right about religion, and forsake their faith in God, so I wonder why you go to the trouble? From my perspective, it is merely lashing out in anger at God, for whatever reasons you must have. I will pray for you, and I hope you do find salvation someday.
ooooooOOOoooo.... truth hurts, eh?

no ...there is not a spec of truth in it. Last Sunday I served Communion...last night was the board of deacon's meeting... tonight was choir practice...this Sunday I read the New Testament reading and my family lights the advent candle. I am a devout Christian and am insulted by your rantings that would suggest otherwise.

I have lived amongst muslims... not on some army base guarded from them, but amongst them. I know that they are peaceful people...from years of experience...experience you do not share. You are wrong about muslims and you are wrong about liberals....

but like all of your gadfly rants, this one is designed to provoke heat and not shed light. It is long on biased and slanted rhetoric and devoid of intellectually honest content. YOu have no desire to debate and learn and evolve in your just want to rant. And pronosticate. You rant well.... all heat, no light... you prognosicate for shit.... always have, always will.

Say... given the fact that Zarqawi has been dead for some time now, shouldn't that insurgency be coming to an end any day now as you predicted?
So, now you speak for when Christ would shit? What exactly are Christians doing in His name, that you think Jesus would be upset with? This is another one of your typical slaps at something, with no real basis or reason. You do not speak for Christ, and you have no idea of what Jesus would or wouldn't be happy with or upset about, were he here on Earth today.

I can't speak for other religions, but in Christianity, there is no 'hocus pocus'. The doctrine followed by Christians, is 2,000 years old, and consistently brings the same message through history. Being a Christian is as simple as accepting Christ as your personal savior, and the Son of God. There is no hocus pocus to that, if you truly believe it, you are promised everlasting life.

It's always good to hear from a lost soul, on what they think Jesus would say or do, but your responses are incredibly transparent and lacking substance. I doubt many Christians are going to read your post, and suddenly realize you are right about religion, and forsake their faith in God, so I wonder why you go to the trouble? From my perspective, it is merely lashing out in anger at God, for whatever reasons you must have. I will pray for you, and I hope you do find salvation someday.

ah..the old works versus grace argument. typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything...and think that all you have to do is profess Jesus as Lord on your deathbed and off you go to heaven.... I happen to believe in grace but also believe that Jesus preached His gospel for a reason - that He wanted us to LIVE our lives a certain way... and to DO His work on earth and not be content to rely of His saving grace alone. My faith is shown in my actions. YOurs is shown in self righteous piety.

Jesus said "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

To Christians who believe that salvation comes from DOING GOd's work, that is pretty strong and clear guidance.... and when we invade countries and kill people with shock and awe and rape them and murder them and torture them, we are NOT following the very clear instructions from Jesus.

YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach...but if you showed up in line at our soup kitchen, I would serve you and not turn you away for ANY reason.
no ...there is not a spec of truth in it.

I think I gave legitimate comparisons, and that isn't a matter of 'truth' as much as 'opinion', which you are entitled to a different one.

Last Sunday I served Communion...last night was the board of deacon's meeting... tonight was choir practice...this Sunday I read the New Testament reading and my family lights the advent candle. I am a devout Christian and am insulted by your rantings that would suggest otherwise.

I don't care what rituals you performed last week or any other week. I never said that you weren't a Christian, just that the Muslim faith is custom-built for Pinhead consumption. It's almost as if, pinheads made a religion!

Say... given the fact that Zarqawi has been dead for some time now, shouldn't that insurgency be coming to an end any day now as you predicted?

Yeah, I guess this dispells the liberal myth about going after Osama, huh? After all, if we had gotten Osama, it wouldn't have done a thing to alQaeda, as we can now see clearly with Zarqawi. It's funny how some things that happen, fuck up other things that you claim should happen.

typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything...and think that all you have to do is profess Jesus as Lord on your deathbed and off you go to heaven....

Typical of a judgemental hypocrite destined to burn forever in hell, because you couldn't obey God and not judge the heart of your fellow man. You don't have a clue as to what "kind of Christian" I am, and you shouldn't go around claiming you do, instead, you should worry about your own Christianity, and by the way, that doesn't include boasting about what you've done to appear to be a good Christian, none of that counts for squat.

I never said you need only profess Christ on your deathbed, but Christianity is a religion of acceptance, you do have to accept Jesus as your personal savior, and from my understanding, that is the only required action needed to get into heaven. If you truly profess Jesus as Lord, you will want to do many other things in his honor, but it is not required of you, and will not keep you from getting to heaven if you don't. There is no predetermined percentage of times you have to go to church, you don't have to sing in the choir, you don't have to have communion or read scriptures, the only thing you HAVE to do, is accept Christ as your personal savior.

I happen to believe in grace but also believe that Jesus preached His gospel for a reason - that He wanted us to LIVE our lives a certain way

Right! And if you are truly a born-again Christian, you will be frustrated if you DON'T get to do those things, because you love the Lord, and it's part of following his word. This doesn't mean God expects you to do these things to get to heaven, nor does it mean you have to. By the way, Jesus wanted you to live your life without judgement or prejudice of others, and you're not doing a very good job of that.

To Christians who believe that salvation comes from DOING GOd's work, that is pretty strong and clear guidance.... and when we invade countries and kill people with shock and awe and rape them and murder them and torture them, we are NOT following the very clear instructions from Jesus.

And when we turn our backs to a tyrant dictator who is raping and murdering innocent people, we are forsaking God and his will, as well as forsaking the message of Jesus Christ.

YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach...

I'm sure God is proud of you for judging me yet again in this single post. I think he intended on Maineman being the determiner of who is the right type of Christian and who isn't, and he just forgot to tell the rest of us or put that in the Bible.

but if you showed up in line at our soup kitchen, I would serve you and not turn you away for ANY reason.

Even after I told them what a two-faced hypocritical fraud you are?
So, now you speak for when Christ would shit? What exactly are Christians doing in His name, that you think Jesus would be upset with? This is another one of your typical slaps at something, with no real basis or reason. You do not speak for Christ, and you have no idea of what Jesus would or wouldn't be happy with or upset about, were he here on Earth today.

I can't speak for other religions, but in Christianity, there is no 'hocus pocus'. The doctrine followed by Christians, is 2,000 years old, and consistently brings the same message through history. Being a Christian is as simple as accepting Christ as your personal savior, and the Son of God. There is no hocus pocus to that, if you truly believe it, you are promised everlasting life.

It's always good to hear from a lost soul, on what they think Jesus would say or do, but your responses are incredibly transparent and lacking substance. I doubt many Christians are going to read your post, and suddenly realize you are right about religion, and forsake their faith in God, so I wonder why you go to the trouble? From my perspective, it is merely lashing out in anger at God, for whatever reasons you must have. I will pray for you, and I hope you do find salvation someday.

I have quite a good relationship with God Dix. It is mine though, not that of a book or a strict religious indoctrination. I have many associated who are Evangelical Christians, and some of their beliefs are as alarming as that of Al Quaeda. A guy I used to work for told me that if he ran the world, he would give gays 1 chance to repent, and if they didn't he'd have them killed. He'd have every muslim killed. Anyone who didn't support Israel would be killed.

He believes that God will send billions of souls to eternal merciless torture because they don't have the right relationship with him. Read some chick tracts. There's about 45 million Americans who are biblical literalists like Jack Chick who look at gays and muslims ad demons, Jews as the "chosen people" yet somehow still condemned to hell, Catholics as Nazi's, he calls the eucharist the death cookie and calls the Catholic Church the "Great Satan".

Every denomination has become a political organization and I doubt Jesus would be happy with any of them, and yes I have read and studied Jesus' wisdom. I think he is arguably the greatest man, one of the most enlightened men to ever live. I don't think he'd be happy with what many "Christians" believe, say or do.
From the 1st time I saw Dixie post, I realized that he truly exemplified the old adage "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing." On this thread, as soon as I read "I've been doing a little research on the Muslim faith," I knew we were in for trouble. Emphasis on the word "little" in that sentence.

And Dixie, you are no more a Christian than I am a Muslim. If Christ were alive today & you didn't recognize him, you'd call him a pinhead & try to convince him that invading Iraq was the right decision...
From the 1st time I saw Dixie post, I realized that he truly exemplified the old adage "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing." On this thread, as soon as I read "I've been doing a little research on the Muslim faith," I knew we were in for trouble. Emphasis on the word "little" in that sentence.

And Dixie, you are no more a Christian than I am a Muslim. If Christ were alive today & you didn't recognize him, you'd call him a pinhead & try to convince him that invading Iraq was the right decision...

Wow, amazing! You are the 4th pinhead who has bothered to interject your opinion on this thread, while refuting my opinion without presenting any sort of substanative argument with what I said. I guess you morons really think that people will just read your blanket refutiations and assume that you've successfully countered my opinions somehow?

And Lummox, congratulations on becoming a Muslim, I knew you'd love it if you gave it a chance!
Wow, amazing! You are the 4th pinhead who has bothered to interject your opinion on this thread, while refuting my opinion without presenting any sort of substanative argument with what I said. I guess you morons really think that people will just read your blanket refutiations and assume that you've successfully countered my opinions somehow?

Pot meet kettle.

If you're trying to claim that radical religious fanatics are anything by definition other than reactionaries, then so be it. But you sure are quick to judge, not to turn the other cheek, not to love your enemies (which of course means 'have no enemies'). Those are the teachings of Christ. You don't live by them. Yet you are a "Christian".
No, I'm a Christian. That is why I can say with both certainty & authority that you are not.

Well, you see, this is where you are mistaken. Real Christians do not profess to speak for what is in the heart of their fellow man, that is reserved for God alone, and it is considered a sin to pass judgment on others. A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't. Issue settled, you can't very well be a Christian, unless you are a Christian committing a sin. I'll let God decide.
Well, you see, this is where you are mistaken. Real Christians do not profess to speak for what is in the heart of their fellow man, that is reserved for God alone, and it is considered a sin to pass judgment on others. A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't. Issue settled, you can't very well be a Christian, unless you are a Christian committing a sin. I'll let God decide.

This is a judgement in and of itself.

Again, Pot meet Kettle.
This is a judgement in and of itself.

Again, Pot meet Kettle.

No, not really. I was very careful to say, I would leave that up to God. It's not 'passing judgement' when you make an honest evaluation of something. Lummox was passing judgement by determining my Christianity, I am not passing judgement in recognizing he did that. I'm also not passing judgement by saying that it's wrong to pass judgement, God says that, I am just reiterating his word on the subject. I never stated that Lummox wasn't a Christian, just that real Christians know that passing judgement is wrong. If he is a Christian, he is intentionally doing something completely contradictory to Christianity, and he knows is wrong, that isn't passing judgement, that is a valid assessment of the situation, there is a huge difference.
Dixie...can you juggle while you're tapdancing, also?

"Passing judgment" is what you do, Dixie. It's pretty much ALL you do.

By your own definition of Christian (which is weird & false), you're not a Christian. are a blowhard gadfly...everything you have ever written is designed to elicit heat while shedding no light. You have no desire whatsoever to engage in any discussion about the only want to flame people with your long winded rants.... and your cop out about not DOING anything that Jesus told you to do is pretty pathetic. Go read the great commandment. Do you honestly think that anyone who followed that commandment would have supported the invasion of Iraq, or the torture of detainees or "shock and awe"? Jesus told you that was the FIRST supercedes ANY of the Old Testament babble that you hang you hat on...and it COMMANDS you to be proactive in searching for peace and love in this world.... and NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do.