Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

You pinheads seem to be making all sorts of things up, and completely missing what I actually posted. God doesn't need your money or worship, and I never claimed he did. To become a Christian, you must accept Christ, that is the only requirement. I went out of my way to explain, you don't have to go to church, there is no threshold for amount of time or money you devote to God, there is no mandate that you sing in the choir or have communion. God doesn't care whether you worship him or obey him, he gives you free will to do as you please, and he isn't going to send you to hell if you don't do enough to please him. If you commit sins against God, and forsake his word, and die before you repent your sins, you will burn for eternity in hell. This is not MY judgement, it's what he says he will do, and I believe him.

Speaking of "judgement" it's important to note, there is a distinct difference between judging and evaluating. In a court, there is a difference between what the jury does, and what the judge does, this illustrates the difference between objective evaluation of the facts, and actual judgement ruled. There is also a distinct difference between judging a persons character, and judging a persons heart and soul. God doesn't prohibit us from judging character, he actually mandates that we do so, he just forbids us from judging a persons soul, that's his job.

I challenge Prissy, or any of the rest of you pinheads, to find where I have ever determined that someone who says they are Christian are not Christian. I can't judge this, no matter how much I might suspect it or think it, I can't judge it, and I don't. I'll let God make that call, it's not up to me.
I challenge Prissy, or any of the rest of you pinheads, to find where I have ever determined that someone who says they are Christian are not Christian.

A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't.

This is not MY judgement, it's what he says he will do, and I believe him.

Yeah, you'd better be a good boy else your Saddam-in-the-sky will be pissed off with you....
And he paves his streets with gold. that is far too soft and will not hold up very well.
hmm do I see some human influence here. It seems to me that god would need no gold either....

Heaven is not a physical place, so why do you assume physical properties exist in a non-physical place? Christians through the years, have found ways to illustrate what heaven might look like, to attempt to convey a worldly picture of the Kingdom of Heaven. 'Streets of gold' is just a way to do this, in a way that mortal humans can comprehend. We simply can't comprehend the perfection of Heaven, it's beyond anything we understand in this physical world, there is nothing that can compare or describe something we simply can't comprehend.

As for your idiocy about the properties of gold being too soft for a road, it is substantially harder than asphalt. Since riches and wealth will mean absolutely nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven, it makes sense that gold would be used for something as trivial as paving the streets.
A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't.

Hmm... trying to see where I said he wasn't a Christian here... doesn't seem to say that... it seems to say that he apparently doesn't understand something a true Christian should understand. That appears to be a valid observation, not a judgement. You'll also find, I conclude the thought with the caveat, I'll let God decide. This seems to indicate, I make no judgement at all, and will leave that up to God. I think you need to find what I asked you to find, and stop trying to twist things around to fit your point.
Hmm... trying to see where I said he wasn't a Christian here...

I apologise. You stated that he was a fake christian, rather than a true christian, which, according to your definition, would know such things.....
IMHO, true Christians try their best to live their lives in a christlike style(the definition of Christian). The rest are a muddled mixture of jewish and Christian.
This is not MY judgement, it's what he says he will do, and I believe him.

Yeah, you'd better be a good boy else your Saddam-in-the-sky will be pissed off with you....

Arnold, I am sorry for whatever happened in your life to cause such bitter hatred for God, and I hope that you will someday find resolution for what is troubling you. If you actually read what I posted, I clearly said that God doesn't get pissed off at you, that's not why you are sent to eternal damnation. Forsaking God, as you are doing now, and committing sins against God, without ever repenting for these things, will result in your eternal damnation, according to God. I will let him decide if you meet that criteria, I am to only worry about me. God also gives you the free will to ignore this and do as you please, it's entirely up to you, no one can make you accept God.
Arnold, I am sorry for whatever happened in your life to cause such bitter hatred for God, and I hope that you will someday find resolution for what is troubling you.

lol Dixie, why would I have a bitter hatred for something that doesn't exist? I am able to deal with the nihilistic reality of existence, and don't need to invent invisible friends to help me cope...

However, back to the original point, the Abrahamic notion of god does resemble a MEern tinpot dictator, if you agree with him, you live in luxury under his protection, if you disgree, you are damned to torture....

Sounds like Saddam to me.....

And they both have facial hair.....
Hmm... trying to see where I said he wasn't a Christian here...

I apologise. You stated that he was a fake christian, rather than a true christian, which, according to your definition, would know such things.....

No, I never used the word "fake" and didn't indicate he was anything, I don't know what he truly is, and that is something he and God can work out. I made an observation, based on what I know as a Christian myself. You seem to have a problem comprehending my words, and I don't understand, I am not saying things that aren't there, I am not using words that you seem to think I am, and I don't mean what you seem to want to think I mean. I honestly don't know how to converse with someone who reads and sees things that aren't there, and simply refuses to acknowledge what is there.
Arnold, I am sorry for whatever happened in your life to cause such bitter hatred for God, and I hope that you will someday find resolution for what is troubling you.

lol Dixie, why would I have a bitter hatred for something that doesn't exist? I am able to deal with the nihilistic reality of existence, and don't need to invent invisible friends to help me cope...

However, back to the original point, the Abrahamic notion of god does resemble a MEern tinpot dictator, if you agree with him, you live in luxury under his protection, if you disgree, you are damned to torture....

Sounds like Saddam to me.....

And they both have facial hair.....

I understand you don't want to talk about what drove you away from God. Most people don't want to face that, and it is probably very painful for you. God doesn't promise luxury, just eternal life. He doesn't care if you agree with him or not, he gives you free will to do as you please. If you disavow him, forsake him, and do things against his will, you will burn for eternity in hell, but it's entirely up to you. And he doesn't have facial hair, because he is not a physical entity, he is a spirit, without physical properties.
I understand you don't want to talk about what drove you away from God.

Same thing that 'drove' me away from Santa. I acquired the ability to recognise fiction and the capability to deal with reality.

Nothing more traumatic than that... Was it traumatic when you found out Santa didn't exist?

He doesn't care if you agree with him or not, he gives you free will to do as you please. If you disavow him, forsake him, and do things against his will, you will burn for eternity in hell, but it's entirely up to you.

So, he doesn't care if you agree or not... but if you fuck with him, he'll torture you for eternity....

You're not making him sound any less like Saddam.....

And he doesn't have facial hair, because he is not a physical entity, he is a spirit, without physical properties.

If he's a spirit (a yet-to-be defined term), how do you know that he doesn't have facial hair?
Spirits don't have facial hair ?
Now how would we know that ?

It is sort of strange that the "holy trinity" encompasses several aspects of superstition...

How is religion any different from superstition anyway ?
I love it how Dixie's view of Christianity allows him to ignore all the teachings of Christ.

No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised.
No, I never used the word "fake" and didn't indicate he was anything,

What is the opposite of true?

The opposite of 'true' is 'false'. This doesn't mean I said something I didn't say.

A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't.

This is an observation, a statement of fact, based on the comment I was responding to. It doesn't make any judgemental determination whatsoever. It leaves open, many possibilities, the person could have been mistaken, the person could not be a true Christian, the person could be a true Christian, but fail to understand Christianity, the person could be a fake Christian, the person could be a true Christian who doesn't know how to articulate his thoughts in a Christian way, or is confused about his responsibility as a Christian, the person could not be a Christian at all, and is just trying to convince us that they are. The person could also be a disciple of God, sent here to tell me I am not a Christian. So, there are many possibilities left open by my observation, and no judgement was made, as to what is the truth, only he and God know this, and it's not for me to judge.

A true Christian, someone who follows the word of God, fully understands and realizes, you can't make determinations on what is or isn't in a persons heart and soul, and doing so is forbidden by God, as it is casting judgement. I merely pointed this out, becasue it was apparent he didn't understand this, and that is not casting judgement on his heart and soul.
The opposite of 'true' is 'false'. This doesn't mean I said something I didn't say.

A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't.

This is an observation, a statement of fact, based on the comment I was responding to.

So, the opposite of true is false, you stated that a true christian would understand, and that (sic) you don't. Ergo, you are not a true christian, ergo you are a false christian....

Sounds like a judgement call to me.....
Same thing that 'drove' me away from Santa. I acquired the ability to recognise fiction and the capability to deal with reality.

Nothing more traumatic than that... Was it traumatic when you found out Santa didn't exist?

You are among about 5% of the world population who doesn't believe in any kind of afterlife or spirituality in any aspect. The other 95% of us disagree with your opinion that it's all fictional. We've debated this in threads before, and I have presented mounds of evidence to support belief in something greater than ourselves. If you want to continue to deny something that 95% of us believe in, you are free to do that, but it doesn't make you right.

He doesn't care if you agree with him or not, he gives you free will to do as you please. If you disavow him, forsake him, and do things against his will, you will burn for eternity in hell, but it's entirely up to you.

So, he doesn't care if you agree or not... but if you fuck with him, he'll torture you for eternity....

You're not making him sound any less like Saddam.....

No, he will not torture you, he doesn't care what you decide to do, it's entirely up to you. He will not let you into the Kingdom of Heaven if you don't believe it, or he exists. If you aren't going to Heaven, you only have one other destination available, that was your choice, not His.

And he doesn't have facial hair, because he is not a physical entity, he is a spirit, without physical properties.

If he's a spirit (a yet-to-be defined term), how do you know that he doesn't have facial hair?

Because hair is a physical attribute, and is not applicable to spiritual entities. That's how I know. And "spirit" is defined, it means non-physical, or not of the physical world.