Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

The quotes are accurate. No one said they weren't, you nit. Please have an adult explain to you what 'out-of-context' means, then go over the exchange again so you'll have some knowledge before your fingers hit the keys.


Better luck next time. In regards to educating your willfully ignorant neocon parrot brain....I seriously doubt it.

Please learn to use the quote tags properly instead of your usual dumbfuck method.

Translation: our little intellectually bankrupt propagandist doesn't have any logical or rational way to refute my deconstruction of his nonsense, so he's left with whining about my quotation set up. Once again folks, his ass is indeed in his hat. :cof1:
Translation: our little intellectually bankrupt propagandist doesn't have any logical or rational way to refute my deconstruction of his nonsense, so he's left with whining about my quotation set up. Once again folks, his ass is indeed in his hat. :cof1:

You destroyed nothing.

You said stuff is out of context. You failed to put it in context.

It's simple.

The notion of "god's chosen people" is racist.

The talmud is consistent with that mindset, as one would expect.
TaiChi is a cheerleader for all known forms of murderous theocratic xenophobia.

What a pathetic little liar this guy is.

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Islam is the Religion of Pinheads![/ame]
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You destroyed nothing.

You said stuff is out of context. You failed to put it in context.

It's simple.

The notion of "god's chosen people" is racist.

The talmud is consistent with that mindset, as one would expect.


[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Islam is the Religion of Pinheads![/ame]
Any actual rebuttal to any of the talmud quotes?

Thought not. stow it, simpleton.

I posted a rebuttal way back around post 506 and your response was: "You can't really trust rabbis to tell the truth about their racist religion."

It's as silly as relying on a foreigner to give you the "correct" interpretation of our Constitution.

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.”
~Dwight D. Eisenhower
I posted a rebuttal way back around post 506 and your response was: "You can't really trust rabbis to tell the truth about their racist religion."

It's as silly as relying on a foreigner to give you the "correct" interpretation of our Constitution.

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.”
~Dwight D. Eisenhower

In the Jew religion it ok's to lie to non jews about judaism, if it gets you out of a jam.

It's more like trusting a junky to tell the truth about his drug use.
christianity is the religion of pinheads, but they are a murderous bunch though.

So is islam. So is judaism. They're even more violent and racist, therefore, more pinheadish.

Somehow it's only fashionable among liberal douches to criticize christianity, and give the other atrocious belief systems a free pass.

Why is that?
So is islam. So is judaism. They're even more violent and racist, therefore, more pinheadish.

Somehow it's only fashionable among liberal douches to criticize christianity, and give the other atrocious belief systems a free pass.

Why is that?

because religions replaces your mommy to keep you comfy at night, like a night light or a comic book with pictures like the bible.