Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

No. I simply understand that's it's not physical numbers that lead to power. Maybe you'll get that some day.
So. Can we get back to Islam? I'm interested in that one, not this same old tired track you run on. There the scary people actually have power and armies and are a clear indication that it isn't the numbers that create the power.
Damo considers the truth to be a "tired old track". Hmm. Interesting.

Evidently im slipping if taichi didn't even know my opinions on the matter.

I'll have to schedule in more jew baiting.
WHere is taichi's talmud hatchet?

Oh. He doesn't have one. In his politically correct brainwash sytem, only christianity can be at fault.
yes you do.

The talmud is a document full of race hatred and bigotry. Christians are dumb jew brainwashed douchebags. The bible sucks ass. Happy? I'm totally serious.

Okay, if you've printed similar rants to the other religions and I merely have not read them, then I stand corrected and apologize on that point.

Now, since you hate all religions....let me explain to you that not ALL Christians, Jews and Muslims are automatically evil because you isolate all the negative aspects of their reverend text. Mind you, I agree that there are parts and aspects of the 3 religions you site that are intolerant of non-believers (and mysogynist)...which gives credence and rise to fundamentalist and/or extremist. Which is why you have morons like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, or zionists groups like that of the old Meir Kahane, or fools who kill bomb abortion clinics and target doctors for murder.

But, these are the exceptions and not the rule.

My stance has always been that I've no problem and give full support to a religious man that runs a soup kitchen with heavy duty evangelism, as support to an institution that aides and abets pedophiles or a guy beating his wife to death because she said "no" on any level.
LOL. You say this to our resident "Jews are taking over the world through noahidism" poster? He's all about the "evils" of the Talmud.

You dismiss through ignorance, judge through stereotypes, and close your mind based on party politics. Some day you should read what other people say, that way you won't out your closed mind so quickly.

"You dismiss through ignorance"....once this point regarding Asshat's religious diatribes you are correct. As I just responded to him, I personally have not read his other takes on Christianity or Judeaism, so I stand corrected and apologized to him on this point.

As for the rest of your paragraph.....YOU should holster your personal angst regarding me and NOT falsely generalize as if this one incident is my SOP.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And yet we NEVER see you take your hatchet out against the Talmud or the Bible the way you have regarding the Quaran. And it's always fun to watch you print only the excerpts (many out of context) of the Quaran that are negative while claiming intellectual objectivity.

So pardon me if I don't take you seriously, and dismiss you for the neocon hack and clown that you are. Carry on.

He's done his "studying" from the likes of Craig Winn's inductive reasoning.

Hence those quotes.

Well, I was wrong on one point....he's an equal opportunity anti-religion raver. That being said, you are spot on as to the likeness of Winn's ramblings.
Aren't you worried that they will find you and put and end to your attempts to expose this?? :eek:

Kind of.

I can't wait for the scene in the movie where I'm being tortured to recant my views. And when they take the ball gag out of my mouth to see what I have to say I say, "Fuck you nazi kike, the world doesn't want your theocratic regime".

Then they just shoot me in the head, but it was all worth it.
Okay, if you've printed similar rants to the other religions and I merely have not read them, then I stand corrected and apologize on that point.

Now, since you hate all religions....let me explain to you that not ALL Christians, Jews and Muslims are automatically evil because you isolate all the negative aspects of their reverend text. Mind you, I agree that there are parts and aspects of the 3 religions you site that are intolerant of non-believers (and mysogynist)...which gives credence and rise to fundamentalist and/or extremist. Which is why you have morons like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, or zionists groups like that of the old Meir Kahane, or fools who kill bomb abortion clinics and target doctors for murder.

But, these are the exceptions and not the rule.

My stance has always been that I've no problem and give full support to a religious man that runs a soup kitchen with heavy duty evangelism, as support to an institution that aides and abets pedophiles or a guy beating his wife to death because she said "no" on any level.

Terrorist ideologies beget terrorists. That's only logical.

These books should be openly discussed on the world stage as an example of how not to think, and they shouldn't be burned or discarded, they should be preserved in all their horrendous glory as an example of human minds gone psychotic.