Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Dixie, if you think you can win a debate in logic with Anyold... well you might as well just pack up your Barbie dolls and go home :)
The opposite of 'true' is 'false'. This doesn't mean I said something I didn't say.

A true Christian would know and understand this, and you apparently don't.

This is an observation, a statement of fact, based on the comment I was responding to.

So, the opposite of true is false, you stated that a true christian would understand, and that (sic) you don't. Ergo, you are not a true christian, ergo you are a false christian....

Sounds like a judgement call to me.....

I said "apparently" you don't, there is a difference. I don't presume to know what is in his heart and what he really believes, I am simply saying, based on his comment, that he apparently doesn't know something he should know, if what he is saying is true. Yes, it's a judgement of sorts, I'm allowed to judge his words and deeds, but not on what is in his heart and soul, that isn't my business, and I made that very clear.

You can "ERGO" all you like, that's what I meant by twisting my words, you can't be objectively honest about what I actually said, you have to twist and mangle my words to fit your premise.
Last Sunday I served Communion...last night was the board of deacon's meeting... tonight was choir practice...this Sunday I read the New Testament reading and my family lights the advent candle. I am a devout Christian and am insulted by your rantings that would suggest otherwise.

I don't care what rituals you performed last week or any other week. I never said that you weren't a Christian, just that the Muslim faith is custom-built for Pinhead consumption. It's almost as if, pinheads made a religion!

then please explain...if I am, indeed, a "pinhead" by your definition, why do I not "consume" Islam? I don't believe in the preachings of Muhammed. I am not a muslim. Unlike you, however, I do not view Islam as the "religion of the devil" or a faith practiced only by violent uncivilized people. They simply practice a different religion than I do.

Say... given the fact that Zarqawi has been dead for some time now, shouldn't that insurgency be coming to an end any day now as you predicted?

Yeah, I guess this dispells the liberal myth about going after Osama, huh? After all, if we had gotten Osama, it wouldn't have done a thing to alQaeda, as we can now see clearly with Zarqawi. It's funny how some things that happen, fuck up other things that you claim should happen.

Are you equating the significance of Zarqawi - a man who only became a member of Al Qaeda after our invasion of Iraq - with Osama bin Laden? The things that you seem to "see" with clarity are nothing but the fictional musings of a moronic gadfly
typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything...and think that all you have to do is profess Jesus as Lord on your deathbed and off you go to heaven....

Typical of a judgemental hypocrite destined to burn forever in hell, because you couldn't obey God and not judge the heart of your fellow man. You don't have a clue as to what "kind of Christian" I am, and you shouldn't go around claiming you do, instead, you should worry about your own Christianity, and by the way, that doesn't include boasting about what you've done to appear to be a good Christian, none of that counts for squat.

I am not "boasting" about anything. Merely recounting my actions that back up my assertion that I am a Christian who lives my faith as opposed to one who ignores the teachings of Christ and merely PROFESSES to be a you

I never said you need only profess Christ on your deathbed, but Christianity is a religion of acceptance, you do have to accept Jesus as your personal savior, and from my understanding, that is the only required action needed to get into heaven. If you truly profess Jesus as Lord, you will want to do many other things in his honor, but it is not required of you, and will not keep you from getting to heaven if you don't. There is no predetermined percentage of times you have to go to church, you don't have to sing in the choir, you don't have to have communion or read scriptures, the only thing you HAVE to do, is accept Christ as your personal savior.

Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ. I cannot imagine the hypocrisy it would take to completely and utterly and willfully ignore the FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT of Jesus while simultaneously proclaiming that you "love" Him.

I happen to believe in grace but also believe that Jesus preached His gospel for a reason - that He wanted us to LIVE our lives a certain way

Right! And if you are truly a born-again Christian, you will be frustrated if you DON'T get to do those things, because you love the Lord, and it's part of following his word. This doesn't mean God expects you to do these things to get to heaven, nor does it mean you have to. By the way, Jesus wanted you to live your life without judgement or prejudice of others, and you're not doing a very good job of that.

again...the hypocrisy is overwhelming. To proclaim that you love the Lord and continue to willfully ignore His primary commandment to His followers is amazing!

To Christians who believe that salvation comes from DOING God's work, that is pretty strong and clear guidance.... and when we invade countries and kill people with shock and awe and rape them and murder them and torture them, we are NOT following the very clear instructions from Jesus.

And when we turn our backs to a tyrant dictator who is raping and murdering innocent people, we are forsaking God and his will, as well as forsaking the message of Jesus Christ.

I never suggested, nor did any democrat that I know, that we "turn our back" on Saddam. To ignore such tyranny would definitely be to ignore the teachings of Jesus. I would suggest that unleashing shock and awe on the people of Iraq, that torturing innocent Iraqis, that presiding over the death and destruction of the past three years, that simultaneously ignoring the plight of American citizens devastated by hurricaines, that ignoring the tyranny of Kim Jong Il, that ignoring the tyranny in Communist China or in Darfur is most definitely forsaking God's will as well as forsaking the message of Jesus.

YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach...

I'm sure God is proud of you for judging me yet again in this single post. I think he intended on Maineman being the determiner of who is the right type of Christian and who isn't, and he just forgot to tell the rest of us or put that in the Bible.

do you really think that God does not want me to be sickened by hypocrisy and fawning self righteous rectitude? And again... I qouted you a new testament biblical verse... a verse that most true Christians I KNOW consider to be the most important single verse in the entire book.... and it is a verse that you willfully, and blythely ignore. Jesus told his followers what he expected of them what He commanded them to do in His name.... it would seem that you just forgot to read it....

but if you showed up in line at our soup kitchen, I would serve you and not turn you away for ANY reason.

Even after I told them what a two-faced hypocritical fraud you are?

absolutely. If you were hungry, I would feed you. "If you love me, feed my lambs" I would certainly not expect any civility from you, but you could always expect a meal from me
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Dixie, if you think you can win a debate in logic with Anyold... well you might as well just pack up your Barbie dolls and go home :)

Uscitizen, I would be a wealthy man if I had a dime for every time a pinhead chimed in with something designed to attack me personally, and didn't pertain to the subject of debate whatsoever. I appreciate your lame attempts to throw stones at me, and attack me personally, I understand how difficult it must be to try and argue a point you can't really argue, but honestly, this childish and petty juvenile behavior is not going to further the debate in any way, and actually does more to discredit you and render your opinions invalid and irrelevant.

Arnold doesn't need any cheerleaders, and I'm confident he can handle an adult discussion with me, as he has done so in the past. He really doesn't need for you to come in and try to bolster his failing argument, with nothing more than 3rd-grade snipes and bluster. If you can think of something intelligent to contribute, I certainly wish you would, or just put me back on ignore and return to your routine posting of death tolls in Iraq and calls for complete withdrawal and impeachment. You are vastly better at finding liberal propaganda to cut and paste, so it's best you stick to that and leave the heavy intellectual debate to those of us who can actually do it.
I am sure glad you appreciate me slammming you. I would hate to think that I was actually causing you distress.
I don't believe in the preachings of Muhammed. I am not a muslim. Unlike you, however, I do not view Islam as the "religion of the devil" or a faith practiced only by violent uncivilized people.

See, I don't know what you believe, only you and God know that. I can only go by what you claim to believe, and I don't know from one day to the next, if you are telling me the truth or lying through your teeth, you tend to do both. I merely made some observations about the Muslim religion and its close relationship to Liberalism. I've yet to see any of those observations dispelled or proven inaccurate, although I see a lot of blustering and refutiating rhetoric.

Are you equating the significance of Zarqawi - a man who only became a member of Al Qaeda after our invasion of Iraq - with Osama bin Laden?

I'm equating the significance of ANY alQaeda leader, with regard to the overall threat of Islamofascism. Capturing OBL would be no more significant in defeating alQaeda, than killing Zarqawi. The 'movement' would still carry on, and taking out a single person is never going to end it.

Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ.

Me too, and I don't know where you conclude otherwise. I think we might have a difference of opinion with regard to how we are to follow the teachings of Christ, though.

I never suggested, nor did any democrat that I know, that we "turn our back" on Saddam. To ignore such tyranny would definitely be to ignore the teachings of Jesus.

Well I am glad to know you finally understand why we had to do something about Saddam. But you and your fellow Democrats most certainly have advocated "turning your back" on Saddam's atrocities. Do you not recall all the comments about how "Saddam was contained!"? Do you not recall all your protests of us barging into a soverign country, invading, conquering and occupying it? Your alternative to this would have been to ignore what Saddam was doing and allow it to continue on. So, yes, you did advocate turning a blind eye to what Saddam was doing.

do you really think that God does not want me to be sickened by hypocrisy and fawning self righteous rectitude?

No, God doesn't want you to be sickened by anything. He particulary doesn't want you to cast your personal judgement on others or their faith, or do his job for him. In fact, he is very clear about the ramifications of doing this.

Jesus told his followers what he expected of them what He commanded them to do in His....

I know what Jesus told his followers, and I haven't ignored it at all. He also said to not ever be ashamed of God, to stand up for God and your faith and never disavow it, even in your darkest hour. When others are tearing God down, trying to remove his name from the public square, we are to stand up for our faith and belief in God and not forsake him. When some tyrant is murdering God's innocent children, we are to stand with them and have faith in God. When we see injustices, we are to speak out against them in the name of God. When we are challenged on our beliefs, we are supposed to profess our faith even more, and even if it means our own death, we should go to our graves refusing to denounce God.
I don't believe in the preachings of Muhammed. I am not a muslim. Unlike you, however, I do not view Islam as the "religion of the devil" or a faith practiced only by violent uncivilized people.

See, I don't know what you believe, only you and God know that. I can only go by what you claim to believe, and I don't know from one day to the next, if you are telling me the truth or lying through your teeth, you tend to do both. I merely made some observations about the Muslim religion and its close relationship to Liberalism. I've yet to see any of those observations dispelled or proven inaccurate, although I see a lot of blustering and refutiating rhetoric.

now..THAT is a lie. I do not tell lies. I dare you to show me one lie or have the decency to retract that statement. The muslim religion has absolutely no "relationship" with liberalism. As I stated earlier, your "observations" have a great deal to do with heat and controversy and little to do with illumination or discovery. that is why you are a gadfly

Are you equating the significance of Zarqawi - a man who only became a member of Al Qaeda after our invasion of Iraq - with Osama bin Laden?

I'm equating the significance of ANY alQaeda leader, with regard to the overall threat of Islamofascism. Capturing OBL would be no more significant in defeating alQaeda, than killing Zarqawi. The 'movement' would still carry on, and taking out a single person is never going to end it.

that is your opinion. I happen to believe that capturing Osama would be infinitely more significant than killing zarqawi. The "movement" might very well carry on, but the figurehead would be eliminated and his capture would do immeasurable good for American morale.

Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ.

Me too, and I don't know where you conclude otherwise. I think we might have a difference of opinion with regard to how we are to follow the teachings of Christ, though.

you willfully ignore the first and greatest commandment. We obviously have a difference of opinion as to its importance. Unlike you, when Jesus commands me to do something, I try really hard not to willfully ignore Him

I never suggested, nor did any democrat that I know, that we "turn our back" on Saddam. To ignore such tyranny would definitely be to ignore the teachings of Jesus.

Well I am glad to know you finally understand why we had to do something about Saddam. But you and your fellow Democrats most certainly have advocated "turning your back" on Saddam's atrocities. Do you not recall all the comments about how "Saddam was contained!"? Do you not recall all your protests of us barging into a soverign country, invading, conquering and occupying it? Your alternative to this would have been to ignore what Saddam was doing and allow it to continue on. So, yes, you did advocate turning a blind eye to what Saddam was doing.

turning a blind eye is not the only alternative to invasion, conquest, occupation, torture and mass killing. I think there were many alternatives that would have allowed us to remain engaged in and concerned with the region shy of starting a war in it

do you really think that God does not want me to be sickened by hypocrisy and fawning self righteous rectitude?

No, God doesn't want you to be sickened by anything. He particulary doesn't want you to cast your personal judgement on others or their faith, or do his job for him. In fact, he is very clear about the ramifications of doing this.

I am not JUDGING you Dixie....I am merely "observing" you. I make an observation concerning your hypocrisy based upon the things that you say.

Jesus told his followers what he expected of them what He commanded them to do in His....

I know what Jesus told his followers, and I haven't ignored it at all. He also said to not ever be ashamed of God, to stand up for God and your faith and never disavow it, even in your darkest hour. When others are tearing God down, trying to remove his name from the public square, we are to stand up for our faith and belief in God and not forsake him. When some tyrant is murdering God's innocent children, we are to stand with them and have faith in God. When we see injustices, we are to speak out against them in the name of God. When we are challenged on our beliefs, we are supposed to profess our faith even more, and even if it means our own death, we should go to our graves refusing to denounce God.

why are you not forcefully advocating the use of American military might to stop the other tyrants of the world? WHy are you not forcefully advocating the invasion, conquest and occupation of Iran and Syria and North Korea and China and Somalia and all the other places where tyranny reigns? Why do you ignore Jesus when He told you what His most important commandment was?
now..THAT is a lie. I do not tell lies. I dare you to show me one lie or have the decency to retract that statement. The muslim religion has absolutely no "relationship" with liberalism. As I stated earlier, your "observations" have a great deal to do with heat and controversy and little to do with illumination or discovery. that is why you are a gadfly

Yes, you tell lies all the time. You maintain that you always try to speak in a manner in which God would approve, and that isn't the case, as we both know from past experiences. I promised not to bring the past up, so I can't really present you with things you have said that contradict your lie that you always speak in a manner consistent with Jesus' teachings. As for the relation between Islam and Liberalism, I think I made valid points that have yet to be specifically addressed in any way, so until that happens, I don't think you can just proclaim them invalid. That's not how debate works. Your opinion is something you are entitled to, and I will not deny you that, but it doesn't make you right and me wrong.

I happen to believe that capturing Osama would be infinitely more significant than killing zarqawi. The "movement" might very well carry on, but the figurehead would be eliminated and his capture would do immeasurable good for American morale.

And that is fine as well, you are entitled to this opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. We both agree, eliminating one single man is not going to eliminate the radical Islamofascist movement, that is the point that needs to be established and understood here, and the only one I made.

you willfully ignore the first and greatest commandment. We obviously have a difference of opinion as to its importance. Unlike you, when Jesus commands me to do something, I try really hard not to willfully ignore Him

I have never ignored any commandment, let alone the greatest and first. We have a difference of opinion as to what the commandment means, and how to obey it, but that doesn't mean you are abiding by it, and I am ignoring it, it means we have a difference of opinion. Seems to me, if you support abortion, you are being contradictory to what Jesus commands, but you've managed to somehow justify your position. Seems to me, if you oppose eliminating a tyrant who is killing innocent children of God, you are ignoring what Jesus taught as well, but again, you've managed to justify your position. Mostly what you do, is take bits and pieces of what Jesus said, and apply them where you need to, and disregard the rest. It's my understanding, this isn't how it's supposed to work, we are supposed to take it all, not just the parts we want to apply.

turning a blind eye is not the only alternative to invasion, conquest, occupation, torture and mass killing. I think there were many alternatives that would have allowed us to remain engaged in and concerned with the region shy of starting a war in it

Well, the problem is, Jesus didn't say that we were to just be "concerned" with it, we are supposed to take action and do whatever we can. That's exactly what we did, and you opposed it. You've offered no alternative here, you claim we had other alternatives, but nothing you can present is any better than what we did to eliminate Saddam. In any event, we can't go back and change what we did, and you seem to think this is possible now. Would Jesus prefer that we leave Iraq and allow radical nuts to take over, oppress the people, kill innocent children of God, and wipe out the Jews? Or would Jesus prefer we stand for what is right in the eyes of God, and help protect innocent human life? I have my opinion, and you have yours, and I can accept that without casting judgement on your Christianity or soul.

I am not JUDGING you Dixie....I am merely "observing" you. I make an observation concerning your hypocrisy based upon the things that you say.

"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."
"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."
"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."
"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."
"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."

Maine, this certainly sounds as if you are judging my faith and what kind of Christian I am.

why are you not forcefully advocating the use of American military might to stop the other tyrants of the world?

I'm all for it, but I don't think we can actually take on the entire world in one day. I believe we can advocate freedom and democracy, and if we have the opportunity to defend it, we should.

WHy are you not forcefully advocating the invasion, conquest and occupation of Iran and Syria and North Korea and China and Somalia and all the other places where tyranny reigns?

Because it's not practical to do so, and in some cases, might not even be necessary.

Why do you ignore Jesus when He told you what His most important commandment was?

Jesus didn't say that any one commandment was more important than the others, or that the others can be disregarded as long as you follow the greatest one. The commandment is to love God, and I do. The other commandment is to love thy neighbor, and I do. I have no hatred for anyone, including George W. Bush or you, or even Saddam Hussein. Now, I would certainly describe the vitriol and bitterness expressed by you, towards Bush & company, as "hate" in its purest form. I'm not making a judgement of what is truly in your heart, rather a judgement of what you've articulated on this very board, and how I perceive it as a Christian. I'll let God decide if you followed his greatest commandment with regard to Bush.... maybe he will listen to your spin and you can fool him into believing your lies? If not, I'm sure God will cut you some slack, since you served for a quarter century in the Navy and administered communion at your church.
I've been doing a little research on the Muslim faith, and I believe I am starting to understand why so many pinheads seem to almost side with the Muslims against the civilized world. It's because Islam is the Religion of Pinheads! Yes, it's true! When you cut to the chase, and get right down to the meat and potatoes of what Islam is all about, it comports nicely with the mainstream liberal agenda.

First, there is the basic concept. Islam was founded on the principles of Mohammed, who routinely committed adultery on his wife, just as many great liberal leaders. The tenants of the faith are rooted somewhat in Christian belief, in other words, Mohammed 'triangulated' the ideals he wanted to use, and sold it as his own. Then there is the premise that Muslims are mandated to help the needy, poor, and downtrodden... not just help them by giving of themselves and their belongings, but helping them by literally taking and stealing from the rich and wealthy.

Digging deeper, we find that Muslims thrive on dividing people into sub-groups, and promoting discrimination based on those groups. It empowers them, to be able to classify people as "Infidels", just as the leftists will define people based on race or ethnicity, or even geographic locale. So, they have the same exact means of gaining power and influence, through dividing people against each other.

Muslims disavow Christianity, and are intolerant of it completely, just as the liberal scum who want to take prayer out of school and God out of the public square. They also believe they are doing the world a favor by spreading their message and forcing others to believe as they do, and any attempts to contradict this, is met with accusations of bigotry, racism, and prejudice.

Much like the Liberal Left, Muslims will consistently talk out of both sides of their mouth, they will maintain that Islam is a 'religion of peace' and at the same time, call for violence and jihad against those who disagree with them. Any injustice against a Muslim, is met with loud protest from other Muslims around the world, yet when a similar injustice falls upon a Christian or Jew, there is utter silence. We see this same double-standard with Liberals all the time. A conservative can merely be accused of something, and the liberals will find him guilty by default, but a liberal can be proven to have broken the law and committed crimes, and they will deny any wrong-doing ever happened.

It is amazing, when you compare Muslim radicals with Liberal radicals, how much their ideological traits are similar. I believe this is why we have so many pinheads who continue to inexplicably defend the radical Muslims. ....Birds of a Feather!

Funny because its the Christian Fundamentalists who are shooting Doctors and blowing up health care clinics here in the USA. It has always struck me how so called fundamentalists of any religen are so simular.

The Religous right is just a scaled down version of Al Queda!
The Religous right is just a scaled down version of Al Queda!

Yep the same goal of world domination and a methodology of the end justifies the means.
Vitriol & bitterness....hate in its purest form...

You mean like this?

"If you want to push it to the very end, you will find yourself looking down the barrel of an AK-47 one day, because Americans will eventually take this matter into their own hands.

(Bush) ought to call out the National Guard and round you fucktards up and send YOU to Gitmo! You are costing us lives, and in your blind ignorance, you refuse to shut your piehole and stop trying to turn this into Vietnam all over again! In my opinion, you are as bad as AlJazerah, or the vermin from France who support the maggots! You don't want us to WIN this war, and you're fucking bound and determined to prevent it if you can! You've made it all about Bush, and virtually ANYTHING INCLUDING TREASON is justified to you, if it means smearing him! What a bunch of pathetic scum!…."

Kind of like that, Dix?
Funny because its the Christian Fundamentalists who are shooting Doctors and blowing up health care clinics here in the USA. It has always struck me how so called fundamentalists of any religen are so simular.

The Religous right is just a scaled down version of Al Queda!

Well you are a retarded idiot, so it makes sense that you would think like this!
The RR is not blowing up anything, there are a few wacko nuts who claim to represent Christian belief, who have done these things, and the church has always strongly condemned them. (Funny, I don't recall seeing many Muslims condemning the sawing off of peoples heads in the name of Allah.)

The RR is nothing at all like the radical Islamofascists. You can try to make this argument all you like, it fails the test of truth and light. The RR doesn't preach intolerance of Jews and Infidels, or anyone else. The RR doesn't advocate violence in the name of religion, and never has, as this is contradictory to the very principles and teachings of Christ. The RR doesn't seek to establish a Christian Caliphate from Canada to the tip of South America, and never has. When Jerry Falwell starts televising be-headings of homosexuals, I'll be willing to accept the RR is like the Islamofascists. Until then, you are merely promoting a lie and distortion of reality that doesn't exist, and you have given no basis for.
Funny because its the Christian Fundamentalists who are shooting Doctors and blowing up health care clinics here in the USA. It has always struck me how so called fundamentalists of any religen are so simular.

The Religous right is just a scaled down version of Al Queda!

Could you point to a recent occurance of such things?
Could you point to a recent occurance of such things?

American Christians have been responsible for only a handfull of bombings, murder, and terrorist attacks in this nation: mostly to do with abortion clinics and doctors. Oh, and the Atlanta Olympics bombing.

American muslims have been responsible for zero terrorist attacks in this nation, to my knowledge.

Foreign christian and muslim terrorists are much more violent. Lord's Army (christian) in central africa, and of course Al Qaeda (muslim) are prominent examples.
He won't...

Could you point to a recent occurance of such things?

Because one could count the number of incidents in the last twenty years on one hand...and the number of lost/injured lives on two hands...however I am sure he will now bring up Timothy McVeigh and his Oklahoma bombing incident and tie it to the religious right...albeit Timothy acted alone with the exception of his idiot friend! But alas the left always grasps for straws to compare Islam radicals with the religious right...go figure!
Please name them and the dates...

To be fair Eric Robert Rudolph was responsible for quite a few of them...

I believe he was a misfit and attempted several but only accomplished maybe three minor attacks as compared with Islam radical attacks...apples and oranges!
I believe he was a misfit and attempted several but only accomplished maybe three minor attacks as compared with Islam radical attacks...apples and oranges!
Well, I was saying to be fair to that list... He listed things that Eric Rudolph did... I think he was pretty much responsible for most of his list.
Yep, comparing a few rightwing so called christian nuts with islam is rediculous.

The libs continue to be appolgists for the islamist and support them in everyway they can. Then try to make comparisons like jarod did above.

islams coming to get you jarod. And it won't be some rightwing christian cutting your head off.