Isn't it nice

Why would I be lying? Go talk to anyone about this. It's common sense. To call anything that's happening communism is just false outrage BS, trying to destroy a project by re-labeling it.

Right. It's internationalist fascism. The part of it which could be called "liberal" is convincing the working class to accept handouts instead of insisting to be kept in the international workforce by outlawing slave goods. When we are dependant, we are fully expendable, and with nationalized healthcare and a lenient euthanasia policy, we'll be gone in no time. reject nihilism.
Right. It's internationalist fascism. The part of it which could be called "liberal" is convincing the working class to accept handouts instead of insisting to be kept in the international workforce by outlawing slave goods. When we are dependant, we are fully expendable, and with nationalized healthcare and a lenient euthanasia policy, we'll be gone in no time. reject nihilism.

Thank you
Right. It's internationalist fascism. The part of it which could be called "liberal" is convincing the working class to accept handouts instead of insisting to be kept in the international workforce by outlawing slave goods. When we are dependant, we are fully expendable, and with nationalized healthcare and a lenient euthanasia policy, we'll be gone in no time. reject nihilism.

Nationalized healthcare is only useful if it removes the burden of private healthcare costs to a sufficient degree. It does in other countries, so I'd like to see how that's working. If there is a real free market alternative, I'll take it, but I honestly don't think that medical savings accounts are going to fix everything.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill is mercy. I don't see how anyone could oppose it. Besides, restricting it is a clear restriction on individual freedom.
Right. It's internationalist fascism. The part of it which could be called "liberal" is convincing the working class to accept handouts instead of insisting to be kept in the international workforce by outlawing slave goods. When we are dependant, we are fully expendable, and with nationalized healthcare and a lenient euthanasia policy, we'll be gone in no time. reject nihilism.

Don't leave out the part where the jews are pulling all the strings.
Nationalized healthcare is only useful if it removes the burden of private healthcare costs to a sufficient degree. It does in other countries, so I'd like to see how that's working. If there is a real free market alternative, I'll take it, but I honestly don't think that medical savings accounts are going to fix everything.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill is mercy. I don't see how anyone could oppose it. Besides, restricting it is a clear restriction on individual freedom.

I have customers in Canada--real people that live there, not on the Moore film, that tell me privatizatioin for health care in Canada is making a comeback. That might not be allowed here.

Name one goverment social program that works well, that is not going broke. Where do you get your optomism?--It surely is not from any real life experience.
Nationalized healthcare is only useful if it removes the burden of private healthcare costs to a sufficient degree. It does in other countries, so I'd like to see how that's working. If there is a real free market alternative, I'll take it, but I honestly don't think that medical savings accounts are going to fix everything.
Next time when you have nothing to say, just hush.
Euthanasia for the terminally ill is mercy. I don't see how anyone could oppose it. Besides, restricting it is a clear restriction on individual freedom.

And it's a great cost cutting measure for a strapped national healthcare system.
Originally Posted by Watermark
Why would I be lying? Go talk to anyone about this. It's common sense. To call anything that's happening communism is just false outrage BS, trying to destroy a project by re-labeling it.

Here is some relabeling that is well known.

Liberialism is now the progressive movement
Illegal aliens are now undocumented workers
hand guns (when use to save lives) are called wheapons
amnisty is anything but amnisty
world citizen slavery is now called fair trade
McCain calls himeself a conserative.
and last but not least--socialism is now called freedom

Now water--what is that project you claim I am trying to destroy by relabeling it---explain this project to me. Talk to me like your professors do.

My money says watermark does not answer that one.

IMO--your not really lieing water---you are just taught from socialists view points--and you don't know the difference---yet.
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Water---I am not going to let this thread drop until you answer exactly---what project people like me are trying to destroy by calling the project socialism/communism. What is the real made up name of that project? I really want to learn this project movement you speak of. Please explain in some detail---if you can. My money says that after AsshatZombie (who is on my page---but way more educated with facts) replies to it---you will not be able to see the difference between the project/movement you talk vaguely about, and socialism/communism.

So--please--explain the project you speak of that I am so scared of.
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Majority, it's obvious you need to go to college. Sell your "wheapons" to get there and you'll be a happier person with a better job when you're done.
Majority, it's obvious you need to go to college. Sell your "wheapons" to get there and you'll be a happier person with a better job when you're done.

No way will I subject myself to Liberial Universities (Commie College is exactly what they are). I do not have education in political science or the economy--I have education in manufacturing and engineering. The great project that water is talking about is globalization, which is a equaling process of citizens from different countries (effectively makeing people slaves world wide). I had a career in manufacturing--it got sold out. I now work for myself with the tallents I learned in college, at work, and in my play time. I hope to never work for anybody again. My first year full time (2007) I made 2.5 times more money that I ever had with three degrees and 20 years of manufacturing exp. and I pay part time employees over $20.00/hr.

You go get a job if you want---there is no future in it today, and you end up being a puppet for socialism like Watermark. that is not me man.
Oh, and take a poly-sci class or six.

My intuition trumps your misguided education.

To me--a class with the word "Poly" is a plastics class. lol

I have had several statistics courses though (with the engineeering classes)---and I have yet had any body be able to tell me how a population with only 4% of the population (the elite) running the country can accuratly represent the whole population.
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I always love it when righties who can't spell and have little to no rationality claim to have three degrees (I'm guessing this time its a trade school). Remember Toby who claimed the same thing?
Your intuition makes you think the planet is cooling. That's pretty much anyone needs to know about you.

That---and it is friggen cold as heck here, and we are haveing the same winter we used to. Of course, that is Just local. If you ever listen to a real scientist instead of a cracked out celebrity--let me know. The scientists I have hard speak on C-span from NASA could not confirm abnormal climate change. They spent a great deal of time explaining the measuring thechniques of the ice even. Did you know you have to have two different satallite systems--one for thickness, one for area--then a thrid test with core smaples in selected areas of the ice to measure it's density. Only with these three methods together, can we get a failry accurate amount of frozen water. This very accredited scientist from NASA on C-span could not confirm any temp changes out side of normal variation. Others have mentioned the data we have gotten in the past has been flawed by not following procedure for temp measureing practices. (being a bit of a engineer myself--collecting accurate data can be very very difficult--and is in this case)

man--back in my early dirt bike riding days--I remember these greens like earth first and the serria club. I have to say this--I love the ambition they have to fight for a cause--I wish everybody had about half of it. But their ambition and their idealisms clouds the facts---and they lie like the dickens. They always have, from my experiences. If it is what they feel is for "the greater good" they will lie to try to get it done. It really is good hearted intentions--but to extreem and fachist. (I just described todays typical liberial)

I see the global warming scare as the peak of their hoxes--following long trends that go back decades. I saw the smoke a long time ago--the earth is showing signs of reversing, just like many scientists I have directly read from (again--not a celebrity or rock band) said it would.

In my mind--it is reversing, and we can not do anything abut it-(lol)----accept sell more light bulbs and Prius cars in time to take credit. You will see a feverish push of green thinking, and it is already here---because they are running out of time this time to push their idealisms.

The question I have is---If it all blows up in their face--will they finally get the bad credability they really deserve?

Don't think all greens are stable people. People in off road races have died because of booby traps they set (people from the serria club and other clubs). They can be ruthless people--but the general jist about them is they are just extreem idealists, usually with little or no scientific findings to back their claims. They almost---hate humans.
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I always love it when righties who can't spell and have little to no rationality claim to have three degrees (I'm guessing this time its a trade school). Remember Toby who claimed the same thing?

I love it when a person who claims to be a intelectual can make a coorolation (spelled correlation) between spelling/typing (I am a worsttes typer--lol) and intellignece.

There is no coorolation between a persons mastery of a launguage, and their intelligence. I simply spent more time thinking intelligently than making sure I dot all my I's and cross all my T's---so I understand the fact there is no coorolation.

Nice try though----your not sharp enough man--but you sound impressive---and arrogant. Arrogance is really easy to beat for me.

by the way fucker lefty---that guy in trade school built your fucking homes---show some respect!!!
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Yep. It's them.

Man--the whole thing is so clear to me--and you. But I am sure we are all missing details.

You know the facts---I can excite people---lets do it. :)

This is what liberials are scared of----pissed off individuals with the facts who can excite people. I know I can get theMAJORITY population motavated with the right tools. Pretty sure anyway. :) Clinton does not have as much charisma as I do, and my $12 hair cut looks better than his. Charisma with facts that excite the majority and better hair can not be beat.

When librials are backed into a corner like this--they break out their intelligence card taught from commie colleges--thinking there is a corolation between the mastery of a launguage and intelligence with the capability of critical thinking. it is funny shit to me---and very easy to expose. The masses will agree. :) With the public---I can bury the socialistic movement. Then--200 years later--somebody else will have to do it again if we want to be free. Socialism gives power to the people that have the most power. That is against the heart and soul of theMAJORITY (actually every human being) of the people.
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