Isn't The War With Israel What The Evangelicals Want?


Black Kitty Ain't Happy

The last invasion (amassed in a place called Armageddon) appears to involve ‘all nations’ of the world working under a Satanically inspired world government. Such government appears to be Europe-based and many see a notable absence of America from such events! Prophecy and current events suggest that China is also a key player.

Prophecy indicates that, between these two major wars, Israel is invaded by the prophesied ‘world ruler’. This despicable person sets up what Jesus referred to as the the ‘abomination of desolation’ in the (new) Jewish temple. All these events are at the very end of this age and may span less than ten years. The good news is that, despite great trauma, a remnant of Jews survive and go on into a ‘millennial earth’.

Resurrection and rapture of the (true) church as Christ returns ‘in the clouds’
Revealing of the end-time world dictator and the Antichrist (the two beasts of Rev 13)
The Gog-Magog war and Christ’s victory: Israel starts to recognize her true Messiah
Start of the 70th week: World dictator makes a (false) seven-year covenant with Israel
The Gog-Magog war (alternative timing)
The covenant is broken ‘mid-week’ and the world dictator sits in the Jewish temple
The ‘great tribulation’ of Israel (Jacob’s trouble) under the world dictator (first beast of Rev 13)
Amassing of the world’s armies against Jerusalem under the world dictator
Christ’s destruction of the beast’s armies (Armageddon)
Israel mourns as she looks to Christ: only a remnant survives and is saved
The return of Christ to earth and the start of the Kingdom age

More to read at this:
This should be a beautiful sight for those who love the Biblical prophecy.


The last invasion (amassed in a place called Armageddon) appears to involve ‘all nations’ of the world working under a Satanically inspired world government. Such government appears to be Europe-based and many see a notable absence of America from such events! Prophecy and current events suggest that China is also a key player.

Prophecy indicates that, between these two major wars, Israel is invaded by the prophesied ‘world ruler’. This despicable person sets up what Jesus referred to as the the ‘abomination of desolation’ in the (new) Jewish temple. All these events are at the very end of this age and may span less than ten years. The good news is that, despite great trauma, a remnant of Jews survive and go on into a ‘millennial earth’.

Resurrection and rapture of the (true) church as Christ returns ‘in the clouds’
Revealing of the end-time world dictator and the Antichrist (the two beasts of Rev 13)
The Gog-Magog war and Christ’s victory: Israel starts to recognize her true Messiah
Start of the 70th week: World dictator makes a (false) seven-year covenant with Israel
The Gog-Magog war (alternative timing)
The covenant is broken ‘mid-week’ and the world dictator sits in the Jewish temple
The ‘great tribulation’ of Israel (Jacob’s trouble) under the world dictator (first beast of Rev 13)
Amassing of the world’s armies against Jerusalem under the world dictator
Christ’s destruction of the beast’s armies (Armageddon)
Israel mourns as she looks to Christ: only a remnant survives and is saved
The return of Christ to earth and the start of the Kingdom age

More to read at this:

Fuck you, asshole.
Our sun burns out as all stars eventually do.
Our earth becomes a thing of the past.
We fucking know how it all ends.
We don't need psychotic preachers and their fanciful stories.
This should be a beautiful sight for those who love the Biblical prophecy.


While the USA tolerates this suicidal super ego "man is God" Christiananality pedophilia more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" health care patriot act where HA ! Christian Nation SCOTUS MAS ! attacks on Israel as have been going on in the states for decades as contrasted to Ike's "Never Again" WW II Nazi Kristallnacht thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots arsonists who were granted standing thru fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions for 9/11 & the current Islamidiotocracy trading Jewish deaths for Mohammed flying carpet immortality.
I have told you I do not refer to all Evangelicals. I am talking about specific types, especially dye-in-the-wood Fundies, like Jerry Falwell and others.

Then why pick on one specific denomination? Seems Evangelicals are the only target of atheists.