Isn't The War With Israel What The Evangelicals Want?

Then why pick on one specific denomination? Seems Evangelicals are the only target of atheists.

Why would you assume that I'm an atheist? What I believe has nothing to do with it.

What do evangelicals want with Israel? A new documentary goes looking for answers.
You sure did. Don't act so stupid (unless you really are that stupid).

Still no clue why you have a beef about this. Are you part of those people who have been throwing money at Israel to fulfill the Biblical prophecy?
Fuck you, asshole.

I think by this reaction that our boy Arby might actually believe this stuff.

People who teach their kids this stuff should have them taken away,
and they should be sterilized so as to not produce any more of them.

It's child abuse, plain and simple.
I think by this reaction that our boy Arby might actually believe this stuff.

People who teach their kids this stuff should have them taken away,
and they should be sterilized so as to not produce any more of them.

It's child abuse, plain and simple.

Fuck you, asshole.
Me thinks they are early to the July the 4th celebration.

So Islam oil's contract brokered thru the Catholic Church with WW II Nazi Germany Holocaust deaths wasn't fulfilled so in spite of Eisenhower's "Never Again" SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law Christian Nation of Klues Klucks duh Klans thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists has HA ! MAS ! attacking Israel in continuation to complete a business transaction just as compensation for their failed 9/11 nuke Temple Mount rule the earth destroy the world crusade jihad more perfect union of Islam " death to the infidels " & "serve the Pope or die" problems of American politics.

The last invasion (amassed in a place called Armageddon) appears to involve ‘all nations’ of the world working under a Satanically inspired world government. Such government appears to be Europe-based and many see a notable absence of America from such events! Prophecy and current events suggest that China is also a key player.

Prophecy indicates that, between these two major wars, Israel is invaded by the prophesied ‘world ruler’. This despicable person sets up what Jesus referred to as the the ‘abomination of desolation’ in the (new) Jewish temple. All these events are at the very end of this age and may span less than ten years. The good news is that, despite great trauma, a remnant of Jews survive and go on into a ‘millennial earth’.

Resurrection and rapture of the (true) church as Christ returns ‘in the clouds’
Revealing of the end-time world dictator and the Antichrist (the two beasts of Rev 13)
The Gog-Magog war and Christ’s victory: Israel starts to recognize her true Messiah
Start of the 70th week: World dictator makes a (false) seven-year covenant with Israel
The Gog-Magog war (alternative timing)
The covenant is broken ‘mid-week’ and the world dictator sits in the Jewish temple
The ‘great tribulation’ of Israel (Jacob’s trouble) under the world dictator (first beast of Rev 13)
Amassing of the world’s armies against Jerusalem under the world dictator
Christ’s destruction of the beast’s armies (Armageddon)
Israel mourns as she looks to Christ: only a remnant survives and is saved
The return of Christ to earth and the start of the Kingdom age

More to read at this:

You clearly have a very limited understanding of the prophecies in the Tannak and Gospels. And considering that there is no temple currently in Israel I dont see how you even begin to suggest any of this.
You clearly have a very limited understanding of the prophecies in the Tannak and Gospels. And considering that there is no temple currently in Israel I dont see how you even begin to suggest any of this.

Has the third temple been built yet?
The notion of rebuilding a Third Temple atop the site of the first and second temples at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has been espoused by many Israeli Jews[1][2] and remains a key subject of tension between Muslims and Jews as part of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict and peace process.[3][4] While Jerusalem in its entirety has been controlled by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967, it is largely internationally recognized as disputed territory between Israel and the Palestinian Authority due to both entities proclaiming the undivided city as their capital (see status of Jerusalem).
Many Evangelical Christians believe that New Testament prophecies associated with the Jewish Temple, such as Matthew 24–25 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, were not completely fulfilled during the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 (a belief of full preterism) and that these prophecies refer to a future temple. This view is a core part of dispensationalism, an interpretative framework of the Bible that stresses biblical literalism and asserts that the Jews remain God's chosen people. According to dispensationalist theologians, such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, the Third Temple will be rebuilt when the Antichrist, often identified as the political leader of a trans-national alliance similar to the European Union or the United Nations, secures a peace treaty between the modern nation of Israel and its neighbours following a global war. The Antichrist later uses the temple as a venue for proclaiming himself as God and the long-awaited Messiah, demanding worship from humanity.
It appears that 5 major religions have the same view. Behold the wonder of religion.

Many Evangelical Christians believe that New Testament prophecies associated with the Jewish Temple, such as Matthew 24–25 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, were not completely fulfilled during the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 (a belief of full preterism) and that these prophecies refer to a future temple. This view is a core part of dispensationalism, an interpretative framework of the Bible that stresses biblical literalism and asserts that the Jews remain God's chosen people. According to dispensationalist theologians, such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, the Third Temple will be rebuilt when the Antichrist, often identified as the political leader of a trans-national alliance similar to the European Union or the United Nations, secures a peace treaty between the modern nation of Israel and its neighbours following a global war. The Antichrist later uses the temple as a venue for proclaiming himself as God and the long-awaited Messiah, demanding worship from humanity.

Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe that the Eucharist, which they hold to be one in substance with the one self-sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, is a far superior offering when compared with the merely preparatory temple sacrifices, as explained in the Epistle to the Hebrews. They also believe that Christ Himself is the New Temple, as spoken of in the Book of Revelation and that Revelation can best be understood as the Eucharist, heaven on earth. Their church buildings are meant to model Solomon's Temple, with the Tabernacle, containing the Eucharist, being considered the new "Holy of Holies." Therefore, they do not attach any significance to a possible future rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple.

The Orthodox also quote Daniel 9:27 ("... he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease ...") to show that the sacrifices would stop with the arrival of the Messiah, and mention that according to Jesus, St. Paul and the Holy Fathers, the temple will only be rebuilt in the times of the Antichrist.

Quotations: Matthew 24:15 "When you see the desolating abomination spoken of through Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)...."

2 Thessalonians 2:3–4 "Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed,* the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God,* claiming that he is a god — do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things?"

Latter Day Saints believe that the Jews will build the Third Temple before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,[40] and after the Second Coming the Jews will accept Jesus as the Messiah. Most Jews will then embrace the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, it is believed, the Third Temple will be God's temple as Christ reigns on the earth, and it will become the Jerusalem LDS Temple.[citation needed] There will be many LDS Temples but two main temples will jointly serve as the central governing places – the Jerusalem Temple will function as the resurrected Jesus Christ's Eastern Hemisphere governing place and the New Jerusalem Temple in Independence, Missouri will function as the resurrected Jesus Christ's Western Hemisphere governing place.[citation needed] Both of these two temples will have thrones for Jesus Christ to sit on during his millennial reign.[41]

The Community of Christ, the second largest denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement, has operated a temple, open to the public, in Independence, Missouri, since 1994. Another denomination of the LDS movement, the Church of Christ (Temple Lot), possess the Temple Lot, the actual spot on which the Temple will be built.

Most Muslims view the movement for the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount as an affront to Islam due to the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the stead of the former Holy Temple. Today the area is regarded by the majority of Muslims as the third holiest site in Islam. Muslims are resolute in calling for recognition of their exclusive rights over the site and demand that it be wholly transferred to Muslim sovereignty; furthermore, some Muslims deny any association with the Mount to the former Jewish Temples which stood at the site.[42][43]

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation was initiated in reaction to Denis Michael Rohan, an Australian Christian who set fire to a 12th-century pulpit of the Al-Aqsa mosque, in an attempt to initiate the second coming of Christ. The protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is in the primary mandate of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

In the Baháʼí Faith, the prophecy of the Third Temple was fulfilled with the writing of the Súriy-i-Haykal by Bahá'u'lláh in pentacle form.[44] The Súriy-i-Haykal or Tablet of the Temple, is a composite work which consists of a tablet followed by five messages addressed to world leaders; shortly after its completion, Bahá'u'lláh instructed the tablet be written in the form of a pentacle, symbolizing the human temple and added to it the conclusion:[45]

Thus have We built the Temple with the hands of power and might, could ye but know it. This is the Temple promised unto you in the Book. Draw ye nigh unto it. This is that which profiteth you, could ye but comprehend it. Be fair, O peoples of the earth! Which is preferable, this, or a temple which is built of clay? Set your faces towards it. Thus have ye been commanded by God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.[46]

Shoghi Effendi, the head of the Baháʼí Faith in the first half of the 20th century, explained that this verse refers to the prophecy in the Hebrew Bible where Zechariah had promised the rebuilding of the Temple in the End Times as fulfilled in the return of the Manifestation of God, Bahá'u'lláh, in a human temple.[45][47] Throughout the tablet, Bahá'u'lláh addresses the Temple (himself) and explains the glory which is invested in it allowing all the nations of the world to find redemption.[44][48] In the tablet, Bahá'u'lláh states that the Manifestation of God is a pure mirror that reflects the sovereignty of God and manifests God's beauty and grandeur to mankind.[44] In essence, Bahá'u'lláh explains that the Manifestation of God is a "Living Temple" and Bahá'u'lláh addresses the organs and limbs of the human body and bids each to focus on God and not the earthly world.[44]

And some people wonder why there's a problem. :thinking: