Isn't The War With Israel What The Evangelicals Want?

Many Evangelical Christians believe that New Testament prophecies associated with the Jewish Temple, such as Matthew 24–25

Which relates to Daniel. As Jesus himself says in the text.

and 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, were not completely fulfilled during the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70

How about, not fulfilled at all. Jesus claimed the temple would be destroyed. The messiah the Jews await will actually oversee its completion, and bring peace to the earth. Jesus is clear in Matt 10.34 "do not suppose I have come to bring peace to the earth, I have not come to bring peace"

Jesus claims he will return, on the clouds of heaven Matthew 24.29 -31. Which is a direct reference to Daniel 7.13 and also as we see from 7.10 is a direct reference to the Day of judgement. Hence Jesus actually claims he will not return until the day of judgement as you can see in Matthew 16.27. The great tribulation is an event that happens before the judgement, and after the 1000 years of peace that the messiah will rule over, Rev 19.1 on the Rider on the White House whose name is only known to himself, you are welcome to cross reference the description of the rider with the description of the messiah from Isiaiah 11.

(a belief of full preterism) and that these prophecies refer to a future temple. This view is a core part of dispensationalism, an interpretative framework of the Bible that stresses biblical literalism and asserts that the Jews remain God's chosen people. According to dispensationalist theologians, such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, the Third Temple will be rebuilt when the Antichrist, often identified as the political leader of a trans-national alliance similar to the European Union or the United Nations, secures a peace treaty between the modern nation of Israel and its neighbours following a global war. The Antichrist later uses the temple as a venue for proclaiming himself as God and the long-awaited Messiah, demanding worship from humanity.

Sadly misunderstanding breeds misunderstanding. The people that make up these ideas, have no firm understanding of who Jesus was, who he actually claimed to be, or what he came to do. Jesus is also clear with the disciples that they are not aware of the full truth, as the full truth would be too much for them. Read Zachariah 3.6 and then relate it to John 5.22 mark 14.61 John 16.15 Matt 11.27 John 3.35
Biblical prophecy aside, the two main beneficiaries of this conflict are Hamas and Netanyahu. Bebe is wagging the dog. There is no question. He is the Israeli Trump, and he's desperately trying to stay in power so, like Trump, he won't end up in jail. This serves that selfish personal goal at the expense of the the human beings on both sides.
Biblical prophecy aside, the two main beneficiaries of this conflict are Hamas and Netanyahu. Bebe is wagging the dog. There is no question. He is the Israeli Trump, and he's desperately trying to stay in power so, like Trump, he won't end up in jail. This serves that selfish personal goal at the expense of the the human beings on both sides.

Not sure, Israel is little more then an American empire military outpost in the region. Armed to the teeth by America so it can spread American influence and interests, just as Japan is in Asia. Certianly Netanyahu is benefitting from this as a means to escape his Trial for corruption, but its America that is and has funded and supported his corrupt government, and turned a blind eye to it. America has emence leverage over Israel, and doesnt use it, for anything more then it's own interests.
Not sure, Israel is little more then an American empire military outpost in the region. Armed to the teeth by America so it can spread American influence and interests, just as Japan is in Asia. Certianly Netanyahu is benefitting from this as a means to escape his Trial for corruption, but its America that is and has funded and supported his corrupt government, and turned a blind eye to it. America has emence leverage over Israel, and doesnt use it, for anything more then it's own interests.

My hope is that there is pressure behind the scenes, but I don't think Bebe is any easier to deal with than Trump. He was close to gone before all of this, but if we were counting on him going quietly, we made a huge mistake. That being said, Hamas is just as power hungry. Until self interest is put aside, this isn't going to get solved with the current leadership. I'm not sure what kind of ROI we get by sanctioning Israel. Tough situation.
This should be a beautiful sight for those who love the Biblical prophecy.


In your opinion, what is an evangelical?

1. There is some debate on when evangelicalism started, but most agree that its roots are in the 18th century.

According to author Catherine Brekus, eighteenth century Protestants gradually created “a new kind of faith” that we now know as evangelicalism. But even before the 18th century, Protestant reformers used the word to describe their faith. In the 18th century, “evangelicalism” largely described Christians who emphasized a personal relationship with God, the practice of being born again, and a call to spread God’s message worldwide.
My hope is that there is pressure behind the scenes, but I don't think Bebe is any easier to deal with than Trump. He was close to gone before all of this, but if we were counting on him going quietly, we made a huge mistake. That being said, Hamas is just as power hungry. Until self interest is put aside, this isn't going to get solved with the current leadership. I'm not sure what kind of ROI we get by sanctioning Israel. Tough situation.

Hamas was originally a creation of Israeli intelligence, designed to devide the Palestinian peoples.
Obviously another "serve the Pope or die" by Islam "death to the infidels" from those problems of American Islamidiotocracy politics since WIKI has quite a different historical reference:

Why dont you read your own links?

Quote from the history section.

: "The Israeli government gave me a budget, and the military government gives to the mosques".[121] Israel's religious affairs official in Gaza, Avner Cohen, later regretfully concluded that Hamas was created by Israel"
Early 4th.


The prophecy can't be fulfilled with the Dome of the Rock in place atop the Temple.

"Most Muslims view the movement for the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount as an affront to Islam due to the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the stead of the former Holy Temple. Today the area is regarded by the majority of Muslims as the third holiest site in Islam. Muslims are resolute in calling for recognition of their exclusive rights over the site and demand that it be wholly transferred to Muslim sovereignty; furthermore, some Muslims deny any association with the Mount to the former Jewish Temples which stood at the site."
The prophecy can't be fulfilled with the Dome of the Rock in place atop the Temple.

"Most Muslims view the movement for the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount as an affront to Islam due to the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the stead of the former Holy Temple. Today the area is regarded by the majority of Muslims as the third holiest site in Islam. Muslims are resolute in calling for recognition of their exclusive rights over the site and demand that it be wholly transferred to Muslim sovereignty; furthermore, some Muslims deny any association with the Mount to the former Jewish Temples which stood at the site."

Boom boom boom and boom! And I mean literal boom.
Everyone being played here, this is all empire and its expansion.

We need to free Israel from the American empire just as much as free Palestine from secular Jewish domination.

One has to suspect that it's all about money and control.
Why dont you read your own links?

Quote from the history section.

: "The Israeli government gave me a budget, and the military government gives to the mosques".[121] Israel's religious affairs official in Gaza, Avner Cohen, later regretfully concluded that Hamas was created by Israel"

Don't have time to read the whole time line of the Muslim Brotherhood, but doubt observations of one person from can be corroborated from naming another:
In 1973, Yassin founded the social-religious charity al-Mujama al-Islamiya ("Islamic center") in Gaza as an offshoot to the Muslim Brotherhood.[116][117] The Israeli authorities encouraged Yassin's charity to expand as they saw it as a useful counterbalance to the secular Palestine Liberation Organization.[90][118][119][120] Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor of Gaza at the time, recalled that they even funded his charity: "The Israeli government gave me a budget, and the military government gives to the mosques".[121] Israel's religious affairs official in Gaza, Avner Cohen, later regretfully concluded that Hamas was created by Israel. He claimed to have warned his superiors not to back the Islamists.[122]
The prophecy can't be fulfilled with the Dome of the Rock in place atop the Temple.

"Most Muslims view the movement for the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount as an affront to Islam due to the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the stead of the former Holy Temple. Today the area is regarded by the majority of Muslims as the third holiest site in Islam. Muslims are resolute in calling for recognition of their exclusive rights over the site and demand that it be wholly transferred to Muslim sovereignty; furthermore, some Muslims deny any association with the Mount to the former Jewish Temples which stood at the site."

Since that more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" marriage with Islam "death to the infidels" for those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act to nuke Temple Mount failed; leave it to HA ! MAS ! from those suicidal super egos condescending arrogance interpretation of Ike's "Never Again" sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming.
Since that more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" marriage with Islam "death to the infidels" for those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act to nuke Temple Mount failed; leave it to HA ! MAS ! from those suicidal super egos condescending arrogance interpretation of Ike's "Never Again" sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming.

Dude, it surprises me you believe this shit.