Israel has made assassination an acceptable branch of politics

Post by Moon:

Assassins clapped at, assassins almost assassinated, assassins bad people, folks I do not like are assassins. Also more assassins were talking about assassins while clapping at assassins assassinating. Assassins, just to say assassins. Jews are bad.
Post by Moon:

Assassins clapped at, assassins almost assassinated, assassins bad people, folks I do not like are assassins. Also more assassins were talking about assassins while clapping at assassins assassinating. Assassins, just to say assassins. Jews are bad.

You're much better at gobbledegook than I am. That's your one and only advantage.
So- the assassination attempt on El Trumpo was, by US government standards, an acceptable political ploy.
Why all the sycophantic whining from the Rightist extremists ?
No, you don't. What you want is a differentiation between Zionists and Jews- which is simple minded nonsense. The Jews in Palestine are Zionists.
To determine how many of these illegal occupiers were killed by the Palestinian resistance -.................................

'Again- tatt-boy, you have to take the total of dead illegal occupiers and armed Zionist militia and deduct the numbers killed by the Israeli military scum. Get to it.'

I dont want a differentiation between zionists and jews Hamas made the distinction not me. Are you really this stupid? AGAIN Hamas claims to have no problem with Jews it's zionists they dont like. Fine! I'll take them at their word. So when they attacked Israel on Oct 7 how did Hamas differentiate between zionists and jews? Th dielmma you face is being an apologist for a band if rabid dogs. Hamas doesn't differentiate between zionists and jews you demented imbecile. They say that shit so fools like you can suck it up.
I dont want a differentiation between zionists and jews Hamas made the distinction not me. Are you really this stupid? AGAIN Hamas claims to have no problem with Jews it's zionists they dont like. Fine! I'll take them at their word. So when they attacked Israel on Oct 7 how did Hamas differentiate between zionists and jews? Th dielmma you face is being an apologist for a band if rabid dogs. Hamas doesn't differentiate between zionists and jews you demented imbecile. They say that shit so fools like you can suck it up.
I'll make it clear for you again, numbskull- the Jews in Palestine are ZIONISTS- as are the Jews in Israel.
To calculate how many Zionists the resistance killed just subtract from the total the number killed by the Israeli military scum.
You must be a fucking masochist, tatt-boy.

Bereaved Families Meet With IDF Commander Who Ordered Tank Fire on Kibbutz Be'eri Home

Relatives of Israelis who were killed in the home of Pesi Cohen in southern Israel's Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7 met for the first time on Tuesday with IDF Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, who commanded the force that fired tank shells at the house while Hamas terrorists held 15 hostages inside, killing 13.

NOW see how stupid you look.

Haw, haw....................................................haw.
I'll make it clear for you again, numbskull- the Jews in Palestine are ZIONISTS- as are the Jews in Israel.
To calculate how many Zionists the resistance killed just subtract from the total the number killed by the Israeli military scum.
You must be a fucking masochist, tatt-boy.

Bereaved Families Meet With IDF Commander Who Ordered Tank Fire on Kibbutz Be'eri Home

Relatives of Israelis who were killed in the home of Pesi Cohen in southern Israel's Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7 met for the first time on Tuesday with IDF Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, who commanded the force that fired tank shells at the house while Hamas terrorists held 15 hostages inside, killing 13.

Its irrelevant shit stain, how did Hamas differentiate between zionists and jews when they attacked Israel on Oct 7. Answer the question you cowardly piece of garbage. You're a coward like the gang of murderers you defend.
Its irrelevant shit stain, how did Hamas differentiate between zionists and jews when they attacked Israel on Oct 7.
They didn't have to, Spawn of Morons- ALL Jews in Palestine and Israel are fucking Zionists .
You've probably got spelling mistakes in your tatts.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Now that the Israeli assassins have pushed us to the brink of war with Iran, Lebanon and Syria what is our response ? Our response is to try to protect the Israeli assassins from the vengeance of those whose leaders Israel has assassinated. Obviously, the US government supports assassination- or it wouldn't want to defend it.
How will this acceptance affects us ?

Full-on war is what the Zionist scum want- because they've been told that we will fight it for them.
A far, far better scheme of addressing the criminal acts of Israel is to liquidate those responsible over a period of time.
The US has endorsed assassination so it's now an acceptable branch of international politics.
Israelis have reduced Americans to their level of brutes.

This is how wars should be fought. Kill all the leaders that want it. Leave civilians out of it. Refuse their cowardly draft.

Let the various factions in Lebanon, Syria, and the Ayatollahs in Iran have a war with Israel. They'll all get a thorough ass kicking just like they have every other time they went to war with the Jews. Syria and Lebanon aren't even functional states. They both have an endless civil war going on between various tribal and religious factions that hate each other as much or more than they hate Israel.

Iran couldn't beat Saddam's army with 10 times the manpower in a war that devolved into a replay of WW 1 complete with the use of gas warfare.

Let the various factions in Lebanon, Syria, and the Ayatollahs in Iran have a war with Israel. They'll all get a thorough ass kicking just like they have every other time they went to war with the Jews. Syria and Lebanon aren't even functional states. They both have an endless civil war going on between various tribal and religious factions that hate each other as much or more than they hate Israel.

Iran couldn't beat Saddam's army with 10 times the manpower in a war that devolved into a replay of WW 1 complete with the use of gas warfare.
Maybe you always miss the point deliberately. The SOLUTION for the enemies of genocidal Israel is to assassinate its genocidal leadership over a period of time. A ben Givr here, a Netanyahu there----------a tooth for a tooth. The US can't complain- assassinations are acceptable.
Further, there can be no objections to ' collateral damage'. The sub-human Jewish scum killed over 90 Palestinian civilians with a strike against two Hamas fighters......................who weren't there. Biden said squat.
So- top those at the top. Better for us all.
Maybe you always miss the point deliberately. The SOLUTION for the enemies of genocidal Israel is to assassinate its genocidal leadership over a period of time. A ben Givr here, a Netanyahu there----------a tooth for a tooth.
They're too fucking incompetent to manage that.
They didn't have to, Spawn of Morons- ALL Jews in Palestine and Israel are fucking Zionists .
You've probably got spelling mistakes in your tatts.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Your problem is you're an apologist for a band of filthy rabid dogs. They don't give a shit about Jews vs zionists. The only people that believe that shit are pathetic low IQ fools like you
Your problem is you're an apologist for a band of filthy rabid dogs. They don't give a shit about Jews vs zionists. The only people that believe that shit are pathetic low IQ fools like you
Fuck off, loser- you're boring everybody.
We all learn as we go along. The Russians may give them some pointers.
The Arabs haven't learned in more than 300 years of infighting and wars, what makes you think they suddenly will start learning? Pointers from the Russians? The Russians trained their armies from about 1960 to 1980 and all the Arabs got for it was...


The Russian equipment sucked in quality, the crews were mediocre, and the Arab leadership was pathetic and stupid. That hasn't changed all the way to today.

This is the best technology the Arabs can come up with on their own:

I could make a better rocket in my garage than the crap Hamas and Hezbollah are firing at Israel. When it comes to war, the Arabs are retarded.
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