Israel has made assassination an acceptable branch of politics

The Arabs haven't learned in more than 300 years of infighting and wars, what makes you think they suddenly will start learning?
Their struggle was never existential before. Israel and its backers are genocidal.

Further- who believes that a nuclear-armed Israel would end its hegemony once it had exterminated the Palestinians ?
LMFAO I'll fuck off as soon as you tell us how the genocidal animals aka Hamas were able to differentiate between zionists and Jews on Oct 7. You demented donkey humper.
You have the mental capacity of a toddler. Begone.
You have the mental capacity of a toddler. Begone.
Maybe but that doesn't excuse you for defending a murderous band of filthy animals who claim to not a have problem with Jews but killed a whole bunch of them on Oct 7 without determining if they were zionists or not. Seems you have the mental capacity of a rock.
Maybe but that doesn't excuse you for defending a murderous band of filthy animals who claim to not a have problem with Jews but killed a whole bunch of them on Oct 7 without determining if they were zionists or not. Seems you have the mental capacity of a rock.
Their statement was correct- except for dumbasses such as yourself.
Hamas doesn't target Jews in the US, Canada, Australia or anywhere else. Hamas targets the Zionists who are killing Palestinians and stealing their country. The scum are the illegal occupiers
US citizens have no valid reason to hate Hamas. There was a time when the US supported the victims of fascism. Now it helps fascists to kill them.
You are a brain-scrubbed drone, hating because you've been lied to.
Their statement was correct- except for dumbasses such as yourself.
Hamas doesn't target Jews in the US, Canada, Australia or anywhere else. Hamas targets the Zionists who are killing Palestinians and stealing their country. The scum are the illegal occupiers
US citizens have no valid reason to hate Hamas. There was a time when the US supported the victims of fascism. Now it helps fascists to kill them.
You are a brain-scrubbed drone, hating because you've been lied to.
How many of the 1200 people killed by Hamas on oct 7 were zionists? How did the filthy animals differentiate between zionists and Jews?
How many of the 1200 people killed by Hamas on oct 7 were zionists? How did the filthy animals differentiate between zionists and Jews?
You are a moronic troll. Begone.

Bereaved Families Meet With IDF Commander Who Ordered Tank Fire on Kibbutz Be'eri Home

Relatives of Israelis who were killed in the home of Pesi Cohen in southern Israel's Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7 met for the first time on Tuesday with IDF Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, who commanded the force that fired tank shells at the house while Hamas terrorists held 15 hostages inside, killing 13.

Just days ago Congress shamed itself by giving the assassin, Netanyahu, many standing ovations.
Trump too is an assassin- and narrowly escaped an assassins bullet himself.
Biden fist-bumped the Saudi assassin, bin Salman, without a care for the dismembered corpse of bin Salman's garrotted US victim

Foul deeds committed by sub-humans.
We have done nothing to punish the Israeli scum for assassinating the leader of the negotiating team that they were negotiating with.
We did nothing to punish bin Salman.
How could we when Trump turned the US government into an assassination bureau on behalf of the Israeli government, an assassination bureau in itself, by murdering an Iranian general ?

So, assassination has become acceptable in international politics- yet we rail against domestic assassinations and assassination attempts. That's out of fear, of course. The blood is local.

Now that the Israeli assassins have pushed us to the brink of war with Iran, Lebanon and Syria what is our response ? Our response is to try to protect the Israeli assassins from the vengeance of those whose leaders Israel has assassinated. Obviously, the US government supports assassination- or it wouldn't want to defend it.
How will this acceptance affects us ?

Full-on war is what the Zionist scum want- because they've been told that we will fight it for them.
A far, far better scheme of addressing the criminal acts of Israel is to liquidate those responsible over a period of time.
The US has endorsed assassination so it's now an acceptable branch of international politics.
Israelis have reduced Americans to their level of brutes.

This is how wars should be fought. Kill all the leaders that want it. Leave civilians out of it. Refuse their cowardly draft.
Why Jews think they're the chosen one's, only God himself knows....All the shit they've had to endure throughout history and when given the chance to administer mercy TO THE INNOCENT...they look the other way....God never liked ugly, is all I'm sayin...they surrounded by nothing but Muslims and act like bad motherfuckers THANKS TO THE US. Harris best come better than Biden and treat them motherfuckers like Obama did....jsut sayin
Why Jews think they're the chosen one's, only God himself knows....All the shit they've had to endure throughout history and when given the chance to administer mercy TO THE INNOCENT...they look the other way....God never liked ugly, is all I'm sayin...they surrounded by nothing but Muslims and act like bad motherfuckers THANKS TO THE US. Harris best come better than Biden and treat them motherfuckers like Obama did....jsut sayin
Biden failed to move the US embassy out of illegally-occupied Jerusalem after Trump moved it there. He was weak. That was the signal that the Jewish fascists needed- US complicity in Israel's international criminality.
Will the Middle East, Palestine, world Islam in general every forgive the US for what it has done in the name of corrupted Judaism ? I don't believe so. It's been mooted for decades that US support for Zionism would bring about WW3. What a pathetic reason for putting the entire planet at risk- a scurrilous enclave with no intentions of anything except war and expansionism to feed its sick cult.

Why Jews think they're the chosen one's, only God himself knows.
it is logical he knows, given that he chose them........on the other hand he also states why in the Bible, so you could know as well if you chose to read it...... 19:3-6&version=NIV

3 Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: 4 ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”
Russia and Israel use assassination regularly. Thet do not care what country you are in, international and country laws mean nothing to them.
Russia and Israel use assassination regularly. Thet do not care what country you are in, international and country laws mean nothing to them.
As compared to Christian "serve the Pope or die" & Islam "death to the infidels" countries where the only laws that mean anything to either are human reproduction medical pseudoscience &/or flaming flying chariot pseudoscience homicidal human farming assassinations........
Here they come, Donald.


Here they come, Donald.


More of that "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia human reproduction medical pseudoscience more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom where two wrongs make a rite........