It begins ?

I thought it was Kennedys fault :D
No, in 1999, as part of the Federal "First time Homebuyer" initiative the lending guidelines were relaxed to allow the lower echelons to 'qualify.' Since then, we have seen an unprecedented number of foreclosures.
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"If the mortgage company goes bust doe we get our loan cancelled ? Oops I forgot that only works one way."

Now that would be cool.

Trog.. my fault, I misread what you wrote.
I feel this is just the beginning of something far larger. Ie low savings rates, maxxed credit, etc...
the impact on our economy will be hard felt.
Dow is down below 12,000 for the first time since early last NOV.
Time for the big boys to come in and start buying at fire sale prices
Hey USC how you making 400% and not investing a lot of money. LOL
How much money you invest has nothing to do with the % profit . Duuh, and you call yourself and expert on such stuff :D
How much money you invest has nothing to do with the % profit . Duuh, and you call yourself and expert on such stuff :D

You know, I thought that seemed like a silly statement, but then I remembered I’m just a girl and I should leave stock talk to the big boys. So I put my guinia wop bitch hat back on, shuffled back to the kitchen, and stirred the polenta I have simmering.
You know, I thought that seemed like a silly statement, but then I remembered I’m just a girl and I should leave stock talk to the big boys. So I put my guinia wop bitch hat back on, shuffled back to the kitchen, and stirred the polenta I have simmering.

LOL, good one.
I guess Spin does not understand percentages.....
But then you would understand that in adjusting a recipe in the kitchen to double a recipe Darla. :clink:
USC you do sound like a poor boy from Kentucky
you make 400% but only invest a tiny bit.
LOFL and your telling me I don't understand %
I only make 20%, that's enough for me to put in $2,500 a month dumbass.
USC you do sound like a poor boy from Kentucky
you make 400% but only invest a tiny bit.
LOFL and your telling me I don't understand %
I only make 20%, that's enough for me to put in $2,500 a month dumbass.

Spin you sound like a middle aged elitist exec pencil pushing prick from the city.
I stand by my statement.

You did not even adress my statement :D

btw I made $9,786 off of $10,000 in 3 months. Hmm seems like I make more off of less, who is the dumbass ?
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Your a dumbass when it comes to business and investments USC you've shown that over and over again.
I am a city dwelling upper income way upper wealth person.
You want to add the elitist, that's your envy not my personality.
Your a dumbass when it comes to business and investments USC you've shown that over and over again.
I am a city dwelling upper income way upper wealth person.
You want to add the elitist, that's your envy not my personality.

Do you really find it necessary to post on message boards with the sole person of demeaning people whom you believe to be less “successful” (whatever that means) than you?

This is very distasteful behavior Top.
Your a dumbass when it comes to business and investments USC you've shown that over and over again.
I am a city dwelling upper income way upper wealth person.
You want to add the elitist, that's your envy not my personality.
Quick, get the Anbesol! USC hit a raw nerve!
I'm not posting for your dam approval that's for sure.
Guy's razz each other guess in your book with it's an anti-corp guy dishing it out to me it's ok.
either way this anti-corp stuff is comic relief for me:clink:
I'm not posting for your dam approval that's for sure.
Guy's razz each other guess in your book with it's an anti-corp guy dishing it out to me it's ok.
either way this anti-corp stuff is comic relief for me:clink:

You see "anti-corp stuff" the way McCarthy saw commies.

And regardless...there's no need to be such a prick to people and try to make them feel badly about themselves. Not that I think usc cares, but it's the point of it.
I never dish it out first darla but I can play in the gutter with the best of them.
I'm a turbo-lib ultra left on social issue's and ultra right on business and taxes.
I try to educate dems and indy's to not give away the wallet vote to the gehstapo right.