It is not a Hung Jury... we have a verdict.

Clearly. You don't even see the irony.

Because it was NEVER about the law. It was NEVER the "illegal" part of illegal alien you guys got your panties in a twist over.

We all know what it was about. Now it's just OBVIOUS. LOLOLOLOLOL.
just like this trial wasnt about justice or the rule of law. I agree.

i agree its about the lefts willingness to bend lady justice over the table and fuck her up the ass. i get why youre "excited" i just doubt it will slake your lust for trump porn.
just like this trial wasnt about justice or the rule of law. I agree.

i agree its about the lefts willingness to bend lady justice over the table and fuck her up the ass. i get why youre "excited" i just doubt it will slake your lust for trump porn.

LOL. Sour grapes are so much fun to see. Just SO MUCH FUN.

I love that the Right are so pissed off right now. I know I shouldn't be, because the Right likes to get violent when they don't get their way, but it is so much fun to see the RIght pissing themselves right now.
LOL. Sour grapes are so much fun to see. Just SO MUCH FUN.

I love that the Right are so pissed off right now. I know I shouldn't be, because the Right likes to get violent when they don't get their way, but it is so much fun to see the RIght pissing themselves right now.
no this just reminds me of the closing scene in the move The Graduate. LOL Hilarious you guys are Hoffman and Ross.
no this just reminds me of the closing scene in the move The Graduate. LOL Hilarious

It's been years since I saw the Graduate. I guess I didn't get the director's cut like you did. The one where the main character is on a bus to PRISON.

It's been years since I saw the Graduate. I guess I didn't get the director's cut like you did. The one where the main character is on a bus to PRISON.

no you didnt see it then did you? you did all that running and now what? you finally blew your load. Good for you guys it had to be painful waiting 8 years
and if he wins it will be even better times

He told you he wanted to be a dictator on Day 1. I'm sure you are looking forward to that.

Really, if you think about it we saw the Beer Hall Putsch in the form of Jan 6. Now we see Adolph being sent to prison. My guess is he'll write a book and you guys will buy it all up and make it a gospel for your movement and then when he comes out he can become your Fuhrer.

Only thing we are missing is a Reichstag Fire. But something tells me that's not beyond the pail.
Who cares? YOUR MESSIAH IS A CONVICTED FELON. It's up to YOU GUYS to turn him into the Lord and Savior. Get to it!
I dont care a second about trump. Jesus is my messiah. if trumps the repub nominee he could be eating my mothers heart and i will still vote for him over biden.
I dont care a second about trump.

AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Love to see the lies when they are blatant.

Jesus is my messiah.

Uh huh. Got it.

if trumps the repub nominee he could be eating my mothers heart and i will still vote for him over biden.

You would vote for Trump if he pissed on your grandma's grave. That's how we know he's your real messiah.
i dont believe there is any possibility i will be the next potus thats your delusion not mine. what do you think this will change other than how you refer to trump? all this just to call him a felon? Good for you guys.
So you are so dumb you do not know what 'within the realm of possibility' means. I should have known that.

That does not mean what you believe or would bet on.

But ya Trump is a Felon, oh and RAPIST.
just like this trial wasnt about justice or the rule of law. I agree.

i agree its about the lefts willingness to bend lady justice over the table and fuck her up the ass. i get why youre "excited" i just doubt it will slake your lust for trump porn.
A jury of his peers. Fairly selected by both sides. Weighed all the evidence presented to them. Took their jobs seriously and deliberated. That’s the way justice works in this country.