It's been a month. Please vote on your thoughts RE: the "thread ban" feature

Final Verdict on "Thread Ban" Feature

  • KEEP IT. It is a great feature and I have zero complaints.

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • KEEP IT. There might be a few problems with it, but it's overall a NET POSITIVE.

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • I am 100% neutral and truly do not lean one way or the other

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • GET RID OF IT. It may have had good intentions, but it's overall a NET NEGATIVE.

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • GET RID OF IT. There is nothing good about it.

    Votes: 2 5.4%

  • Total voters
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fair enough. but when you have certain users banning poster(s) just for spite, it does not do the board any good. what if it is a hot topic issue, the poster(s) are left out of the discussion entirely as they are not allowed to post another thread on this issue..

Yes, you may start a thread on it. I've had to reduce my love for merging because of thread bans. I want people to be able to discuss an issue of their choosing, and if they're banned from a thread, how can they do that? You'll note that My thread about women in combat and SRs thread are the same in topic. Yet Darla and several other are banned from my thread (and every other thread I shall ever make ever). But that's a decision made by me as a poster. As a mod, I realize they may also want to discuss it and cannot if it's merged with my thread. Therefore, I have to concede and let there be more threads on the same topic.
Yes, you may start a thread on it. I've had to reduce my love for merging because of thread bans. I want people to be able to discuss an issue of their choosing, and if they're banned from a thread, how can they do that? You'll note that My thread about women in combat and SRs thread are the same in topic. Yet Darla and several other are banned from my thread (and every other thread I shall ever make ever). But that's a decision made by me as a poster. As a mod, I realize they may also want to discuss it and cannot if it's merged with my thread. Therefore, I have to concede and let there be more threads on the same topic.

You can post on my threads billy. I don't ban you from them. Mostly because I know you are usually too busy rubbing ointment on your ass to find them.

politic forums are weird.

Politics makes strange bedfellows.
"strange bedfellows" et could you even consider getting rid of a feature that so effectively fucks with people's minds that they will "thank" their worst enemies......
What's up with all the pussies voting neutral? This is a fucking political forum, people! Fucking vote yes or no on this shitty feature, already!
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