"It's Like They Want People To Hate Obama."


"WICHITA, KAN. -- A Wichita, Kansas preacher says he will not remove a message on his church sign that says President-Elect Barack Obama is a Muslim.

The sign is staying up despite the fact that Obama is a Christian.

The sign at Spirit One Christian Center reads, "America we have a Muslim president. This is sin against the Lord."

Obama supporters reportedly got into a shouting match with parishioners outside the church on Sunday."

This is part of a troubling pattern that is starting to emerge. People like Dixie, need to understand that when they toss words like muslim, socialist, terrorist that it's going to stir the pot of a very ugly stew.
I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it. Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade, but I don't think that makes him Muslim. Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs.
I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it. Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade, but I don't think that makes him Muslim. Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs.

Do you know any Muslims?

Are they all evil?

Are we, here in American suppose to discriminate against other religions?

Are we suppose to discriminate against Muslims?

If he were Muslims, does this disqualify him?

If it does, where does it say so in the Constitution?

Why do you hate Muslims?

Do you truly believe all Muslims hate you?
I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it. Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade, but I don't think that makes him Muslim. Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs.

Subtle, bigot.
I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it. Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade, but I don't think that makes him Muslim. Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs.
Ladies and Gentlemen this is the oh so subtle face of bigoted american conservatism.
LMFAO... How do you morons get 'bigotry' out of anything I posted? I clearly said, just because Obama chose to keep his Muslim name he has had since the third grade, it doesn't mean he is a Muslim! He has every right to keep whatever name he wishes, and it doesn't have to mean a thing. And how could anyone think it could, his pastor, who is practically Bill Graham himself, vouches for his Christianity, so he is obviously not Muslim!

How is that a "bigoted" view? Should I not assume that he not Muslim? Maybe I shouldn't think he is Christian, perhaps that's where your problem is? I'm just going by what he said... I don't know what faith he really is, because I don't know what is inside his heart. For the life of me, I can't understand why pinheads are having a cow over my comments!
Do you know any Muslims?

I know three.

Are they all evil?

None are evil. However, they are not fundamentalists.

Are we, here in American suppose to discriminate against other religions?

I think liberals believe in discrimination against all religions, don't they?

Are we suppose to discriminate against Muslims?

Heaven's no, what makes you think a silly thing like that?

If he were Muslims, does this disqualify him?

Yes, because he would be plural, and the presidency is not open to a group.
Oh-- you didn't mean to type the "s" on the end... no, being a Muslim doesn't disqualify you, and actually, neither does lying about being a Muslim.

If it does, where does it say so in the Constitution?

It doesn't. We just covered this ground!

Why do you hate Muslims?

I don't hate anyone. I have a little distrust of fundamentalist Muslims, because they have this silly notion of trying to effect change by flying planes full of innocent people into buildings and such, but I don't hate, I'm not a hater. Now, I do hate the prospect of being blown up by a suicide bomber, but that is a different story.

Do you truly believe all Muslims hate you?

Well, so far, only the radical fundamentalists have taken an oath to Allah to cut my head off, but.... nah, I don't think they all hate me. Not as bad as liberals hate me, anyways.
LMFAO... How do you morons get 'bigotry' out of anything I posted? I clearly said, just because Obama chose to keep his Muslim name he has had since the third grade, it doesn't mean he is a Muslim! He has every right to keep whatever name he wishes, and it doesn't have to mean a thing. And how could anyone think it could, his pastor, who is practically Bill Graham himself, vouches for his Christianity, so he is obviously not Muslim!

How is that a "bigoted" view? Should I not assume that he not Muslim? Maybe I shouldn't think he is Christian, perhaps that's where your problem is? I'm just going by what he said... I don't know what faith he really is, because I don't know what is inside his heart. For the life of me, I can't understand why pinheads are having a cow over my comments!

No! You're a bigot! Really! You are! You're a stupid, backwoods, redneck bigot!

I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it.Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade , but I don't think that makes him Muslim. Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs.

I clearly said, just because Obama chose to keep his Muslim name he has had since the third grade, it doesn't mean he is a Muslim!

You are a lying sack of shit.
I clearly said, just because Obama chose to keep his Muslim name he has had since the third grade, it doesn't mean he is a Muslim!

You are a lying sack of shit.

Hmmm... what have I lied about? His 3rd grade records from Indonesia show him listed as Muslim. Barack Hussein Obama is clearly a Muslim name, and it was also his father's name, who was also a Muslim. I think these facts can be easily confirmed... so what else did I say that could be a lie?

Ohhhh... that it doesn't mean Obama is a Muslim?

Desh, I swear I am not lying, these things do not mean that Obama is a Muslim! I know that may be hard to believe, since Muslims generally don't 'convert' to other religions, and if they do, they usually drop their Muslim name, but really Desh... it is possible he is not Muslim, and he claims he's not, so we should give him the benefit of the doubt! Especially since his Christian minister has vouched for his Christianity! I know you don't really trust those sneaky Christians, but I don't see why Rev. Wright would lie about a thing like this! Is it because Obama had to denounce him when he said all those crazy things about "goddamn America" and stuff? I think Obama just had to do that to save his presidential campaign, I don't think it meant he wasn't a Christian like he claimed he was.

Anyway, I hope I put your troubled mind at ease Desh! I don't think you should jump to conclusions here and think that Obama could be Muslim, because I see no reason whatsoever, why anyone would make that assumption about him.
Could you possibly use MORE exclamation points, you lying, hypocritical bigot?

YES! I can! I didn't realize that made me a lying, hypocritical bigot! I see people posting things with exclamation points all the time, and it doesn't seem to be a problem! I bet if people knew this was a sign of hypocrisy, bigotry, and dishonesty, they would probably not use exclamation points! By the way... Is it exclamation points, or marks?!
YES! I can! I didn't realize that made me a lying, hypocritical bigot! I see people posting things with exclamation points all the time, and it doesn't seem to be a problem! I bet if people knew this was a sign of hypocrisy, bigotry, and dishonesty, they would probably not use exclamation points! By the way... Is it exclamation points, or marks?!

Using exclamation points is NOT a sign of being a bigot. Hating Muslims is.

See, you're actually one of those people, Dix - one of the rubes who believes the email campaigns, and who probably goes to one of those churches that advertises that "Obama is a Muslim."

Most of America, fortunately, thinks you're stupid.