"It's Like They Want People To Hate Obama."

I'm not talking about those threads I'm talking about this specific thread and those specific comments. You undermine your credibility when you jump on dixie every chance you get, throwing out buzzwords that don't really add up under scrutinizing.

And you undermine your credibility when you don't take into account what Dixie has said and is quite clearly saying on this thread.
Grind, it's the same thing as Rush Limbaugh coming out and saying "Obama is the savior of America! He can do no wrong! He will lift everyone out of poverty & the waters will part!"

You take into account the tone of those statements, along with statements made previously. You don't take those statements on face value, unless you're really dumb.

You're not really dumb, are you?
I don't think there is real or implied bigotry in his comments. You are overreacting. You need a vacation.
Lets review the statement shall we.

"I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it.

This statement made of course to distance himself from the stupid peckwood preacher is Dumbfuck USA. This was to throw us off. Dixie is NOT a dumbfuck like this preacher.

Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade, but I don't think that makes him Muslim.

As pointed out he didn't CHOOSE to keep it, it was given to him at birth. But the insinuation here is he had some better Amuricin name to CHOOSE instead but INSPITE of his conversion to Christianity he kept the Muslim name. I mean shit he could have just chosen Pete or Louie but NOPE he kept his Muslim name. The further insinuation is that because his stepfather and mother wanted him to go to a better school in Indonesia they listed him as a Muslim on his paperwork that makes him defacto a Muslim. It does not anymore than an 8 year old is a member of anyother religion that his or her PARENTS say he or she is.

Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs."

Finally this is how we discredit Obama one more time. His "Amuricin hatin' Black liberation theology minister can vouch for him and none of us will believe him anyway cause he is such an Amurica hater.

This entire post was motivated by subtle bigotry, in one more lame ass right wing attempt at discrediting the President Elect. The problem is Dixie lacks the subtlety to pull this off with MOST of us.

"WICHITA, KAN. -- A Wichita, Kansas preacher says he will not remove a message on his church sign that says President-Elect Barack Obama is a Muslim.

The sign is staying up despite the fact that Obama is a Christian.

The sign at Spirit One Christian Center reads, "America we have a Muslim president. This is sin against the Lord."

Obama supporters reportedly got into a shouting match with parishioners outside the church on Sunday."

This is part of a troubling pattern that is starting to emerge. People like Dixie, need to understand that when they toss words like muslim, socialist, terrorist that it's going to stir the pot of a very ugly stew.

Buckle up .. it's going to get much worse.

But the challange won't be to black people. We've lived with this idiocy all our history in America. The challenge will be to white people to step up and aggressively attack these outrageous demonstrations of overt racism. The church that posts such hate are sending political messages, thus should not qualify as a 501.

It will be interesting to see if good people do actually step up to the many challenges that are inevitably going to explode in America.

Frankly, I'm not sure if they will.
Don't you see, the whole idea here is to spread fear and suspicion. Just listen to the amount of times the corporate media mouthpieces, when talking about Obama, say the words, fear, suspicion, uncertainty, hate, collapse, crisis, endanger, destroy... and on and on...

The idea is to make people afraid of Obama and the Dems. and to try to make them believe that his presidency is illegitimate and scary. The muslim tag comes directly from Faux News as does racism.
The radical right believes that anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint is an enemy and must be destroyed. Its the only way for them to drive us deeper into economic slavery and make us believe its in our own best interest.

USC, dont fall for their propaganda.
Don't you see, the whole idea here is to spread fear and suspicion. Just listen to the amount of times the corporate media mouthpieces, when talking about Obama, say the words, fear, suspicion, uncertainty, hate, collapse, crisis, endanger, destroy... and on and on...

The idea is to make people afraid of Obama and the Dems. and to try to make them believe that his presidency is illegitimate and scary. The muslim tag comes directly from Faux News as does racism.
The radical right believes that anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint is an enemy and must be destroyed. Its the only way for them to drive us deeper into economic slavery and make us believe its in our own best interest.

USC, dont fall for their propaganda.

Being afraid of Obama is far different than rational critique of Obama. I'm a socialist and about are far away from the radical right, Fox News, and Islamophobia as one can get .. but critical thinking doesn't have a political party and is not solely endowed to democrats.

At some point the words are going to matter.
Lets review the statement shall we.

"I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it.

This statement made of course to distance himself from the stupid peckwood preacher is Dumbfuck USA. This was to throw us off. Dixie is NOT a dumbfuck like this preacher.

Obama does have a Muslim name, which he has chosen to keep in spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade, but I don't think that makes him Muslim.

As pointed out he didn't CHOOSE to keep it, it was given to him at birth. But the insinuation here is he had some better Amuricin name to CHOOSE instead but INSPITE of his conversion to Christianity he kept the Muslim name. I mean shit he could have just chosen Pete or Louie but NOPE he kept his Muslim name. The further insinuation is that because his stepfather and mother wanted him to go to a better school in Indonesia they listed him as a Muslim on his paperwork that makes him defacto a Muslim. It does not anymore than an 8 year old is a member of anyother religion that his or her PARENTS say he or she is.

Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs."

Finally this is how we discredit Obama one more time. His "Amuricin hatin' Black liberation theology minister can vouch for him and none of us will believe him anyway cause he is such an Amurica hater.

This entire post was motivated by subtle bigotry, in one more lame ass right wing attempt at discrediting the President Elect. The problem is Dixie lacks the subtlety to pull this off with MOST of us.

You know.... Damo thinks I've fallen into the trap of defense, but to me, it's like being the lion in a den of red meat. I have been accused of "bigotry" yet, by this very post, we can see who is the real bigot.

"I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it." --The statement was not made to throw you off, it was made because it is true. I did not endorse it, have not endorsed it, and had nothing to do with it. Oncie even takes his bigotry so far as to claim I go to the church! Sochead doesn't let his bigotry spew until the next paragraph.

I never 'insinuated' anything in my truthful comments. Obama does have a Muslim name. He was registered as a Muslim in his 3rd grade transcripts from Indonesia. I didn't insinuate a damn thing, this is the truth. Sochead insinuates he is a bigot who thinks I am an "Amuricin" ...a slur toward me personally, even though I said nothing that wasn't true. His repeated use of the term "Amuricin" is supposed to infer that I am an uneducated hick who doesn't know how to spell or say "American." This is not subtle bigotry as he accused me of, this is outright, in your face, prejudiced bigotry in full regalia. If I were a black man, and he were making fun of the way I talk, or my education, he would be called a racist bigot.

All of these "further insinuations" Sochead comes up with, are the result of his personal prejudices as well. I never said a single bad thing about Rev. Wright, I even said he was practically Billy Graham! Yet, because Sochead is a complete and total bigot, he finds that I have "insinuated" things in my comments. This is how bigotry works, it feeds itself on hate and anger. You start seeing and hearing things that just aren't there! To me, there is nothing more transparent than a bigot calling someone a bigot.
You know.... Damo thinks I've fallen into the trap of defense, but to me, it's like being the lion in a den of red meat. I have been accused of "bigotry" yet, by this very post, we can see who is the real bigot.

"I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way. I personally had nothing to do with it." --The statement was not made to throw you off, it was made because it is true. I did not endorse it, have not endorsed it, and had nothing to do with it. Oncie even takes his bigotry so far as to claim I go to the church! Sochead doesn't let his bigotry spew until the next paragraph.

I never 'insinuated' anything in my truthful comments. Obama does have a Muslim name. He was registered as a Muslim in his 3rd grade transcripts from Indonesia. I didn't insinuate a damn thing, this is the truth. Sochead insinuates he is a bigot who thinks I am an "Amuricin" ...a slur toward me personally, even though I said nothing that wasn't true. His repeated use of the term "Amuricin" is supposed to infer that I am an uneducated hick who doesn't know how to spell or say "American." This is not subtle bigotry as he accused me of, this is outright, in your face, prejudiced bigotry in full regalia. If I were a black man, and he were making fun of the way I talk, or my education, he would be called a racist bigot.

All of these "further insinuations" Sochead comes up with, are the result of his personal prejudices as well. I never said a single bad thing about Rev. Wright, I even said he was practically Billy Graham! Yet, because Sochead is a complete and total bigot, he finds that I have "insinuated" things in my comments. This is how bigotry works, it feeds itself on hate and anger. You start seeing and hearing things that just aren't there! To me, there is nothing more transparent than a bigot calling someone a bigot.
I don't have anything against southerners in general, hell my managing partner is from North Carolina and graduated from Regent law school. He is damn fine man and real "judge not lest ye be judged" evangelical christian. What I dislike is ANY redneckishness that tries to pretend he didn't mean what he meant. I am not a bigot, I just don't like YOU!
I don't have anything against southerners in general, hell my managing partner is from North Carolina and graduated from Regent law school. He is damn fine man and real "judge not lest ye be judged" evangelical christian. What I dislike is ANY redneckishness that tries to pretend he didn't mean what he meant. I am not a bigot, I just don't like YOU!

Another obvious pattern of the bigot.

"I don't have anything against [group] in general, hell, some of my best buddies are [group] and they are fine people!" Now, you can replace [group] with any target of bigotry and hate you wish, that is exactly what the bigot will say to defend his bigoted view. I never used the word "Amuricin" and have never pronounced "American" that way, yet Sochead "infers" I do, along with the rest of us who happen to live in the South.

My comments were truth, pure and simple. They did not "infer" or "insinuate" anything but the truth. Sochead and others perceived 'bigotry' because they are themselves, bigots! They punched the tarbaby here, and now they are covered in it, and don't know what to do. So I fully expect the insults to start flying my way. This is fun... I'm making the popcorn!!!

Don't you see, the whole idea here is to spread fear and suspicion. Just listen to the amount of times the corporate media mouthpieces, when talking about Obama, say the words, fear, suspicion, uncertainty, hate, collapse, crisis, endanger, destroy... and on and on...

The idea is to make people afraid of Obama and the Dems. and to try to make them believe that his presidency is illegitimate and scary. The muslim tag comes directly from Faux News as does racism.
The radical right believes that anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint is an enemy and must be destroyed. Its the only way for them to drive us deeper into economic slavery and make us believe its in our own best interest.

USC, dont fall for their propaganda.

My opinion is not about Obama at all. I had this opinion long before he was elected or even running.

The clinchers were re-electing GWB in 2004, the massive hatred against muslims, the just nuke and let god sort them out. The apathy and ignoring about the lies that led us to invade a sovern nation.
And now the wanting Obama killed by many Americans.

Add that to our long term economic prospects and....
Barack is swahili and means blessing ... and Obama is more of a Japanese name .... but I would not classify the name as Muslim...more like African/Arabic.