"It's Like They Want People To Hate Obama."

Using exclamation points is NOT a sign of being a bigot. Hating Muslims is.

See, you're actually one of those people, Dix - one of the rubes who believes the email campaigns, and who probably goes to one of those churches that advertises that "Obama is a Muslim."

Most of America, fortunately, thinks you're stupid.

Perhaps you were paying too much attention to the punctuation, and not enough to the words in between. Please show me where I said I hated Muslims, or believed Obama was a Muslim, or condoned the Church sign, or even attend a Church?

Lummox, for the record... I would venture to say, MOST of America doesn't even know I exist, how can they think I am stupid? And how could you, a complete mental retard, possibly know if they did?
Perhaps you were paying too much attention to the punctuation, and not enough to the words in between. Please show me where I said I hated Muslims, or believed Obama was a Muslim, or condoned the Church sign, or even attend a Church?

Lummox, for the record... I would venture to say, MOST of America doesn't even know I exist, how can they think I am stupid? And how could you, a complete mental retard, possibly know if they did?

Because most Americans reject the "Obama is a Muslim" whisper campaigns that you & your network of fellow ignorant rubes continue to engage in.

Ha ha. We're all laughing at you, and your stupidity.
Because most Americans reject the "Obama is a Muslim" whisper campaigns that you & your network of fellow ignorant rubes continue to engage in.

Ha ha. We're all laughing at you, and your stupidity.

I don't have a network, I went with the other guys, but I still get free nights and weekends. "Whisper campaigns?" I thought a church had it on their sign? I don't think they got the memo about it being a whisper campaign, maybe they don't have the network either? And why are we campaigning against the guy who won on Nov. 4th? It's two weeks after the election! I'd say they are very ignorant rubes if they are campaigning now!

Who's laughing at me Lummox? You and your retarded friends at the day center? Ehh... I can live with that. Glad I could provide you with a laugh or two, I know it must get lonely there for you. Hey...It's Tuesday... JELLO DAY!
Dix, you are getting drawn into an age-old trap of defense. Just get on with your life, the only valid judge of your thoughts that will ever make any difference is yourself.
Lets break it down

1. I did not put that sign up, or endorse it in any way

2. Obama does have a Muslim name. (Will anyone deny that it is not a muslim sounding name)

3. In spite of his conversion to Christianity from his previous days as a Muslim in 3rd grade.

4. But I don't think that makes him Muslim.

5. Especially when his Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright can vouch for his Christian beliefs.
you guys will just see things that aren't there because dixie is an easy target. If other people said the above the reaction would have been different. But because it's dixie you give him shit for no reason. There is nothing bigoted at all about the above comments as far as I can see.
am i missing something or do we all like giving dixie shit no matter what? What exactly did he say that was bigoted?

LOL, it's not what I said Grind! Apparently, I used a few too many exclamation points! This obviously means I am a hypocritical lying bigot, and that obviously means I personally called this wacko church and initiated a whisper campaign against Obama, two weeks after the election, and demanded they put up the sign stating he was a Muslim! Me, being the mastermind of all that is evil to liberals, was able to convince the pastor of this church to do this, and I as much as admitted it here, by the excessive use of exclamation points!

It's as plain as the nose on your face, don't you see? :p
I broke it down line by line guys, what part is the bigoted part? I'm not being facetious, I want to know.
He chose to KEEP his Muslim name? It is the ONLY name he has so how the fuck did he CHOOSE to keep anything. The inference is he had some other name he could have CHOSEN instead of the Muslim name but he chose this one. Then the inference that Wright is the ONLY person that can verify that Obama is a Christian and we all know how much the Right believes everything Wright says. What kills me even more is that some of you are playing dumb and act like you don't see this.
He chose to KEEP his Muslim name? It is the ONLY name he has so how the fuck did he CHOOSE to keep anything. The inference is he had some other name he could have CHOSEN instead of the Muslim name but he chose this one.

When Christians convert to Islam, some take on Muslim names. I don't see how that's bigoted to assume it could go in the other direction.

Then the inference that Wright is the ONLY person that can verify that Obama is a Christian
He made no such assertion. No where did he mention or INFER that Wright is the only person that can verify this.

What kills me even more is that some of you are playing dumb and act like you don't see this.
I'm not playing dumb. I think you are overreacting as usual.
"What kills me even more is that some of you are playing dumb and act like you don't see this"

It's weird. Damo has done this on a # of Dixie's threads.

Dixie's clear lack of sincerity is backed up by many previous posts of his, warning about Obama's secret devotion to radical Islam...

a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
"What kills me even more is that some of you are playing dumb and act like you don't see this"

It's weird. Damo has done this on a # of Dixie's threads.

Dixie's clear lack of sincerity is backed up by many previous posts of his, warning about Obama's secret devotion to radical Islam...
I do not remember such posts, but if they exist then it would definitely point in that direction.
"What kills me even more is that some of you are playing dumb and act like you don't see this"

It's weird. Damo has done this on a # of Dixie's threads.

Dixie's clear lack of sincerity is backed up by many previous posts of his, warning about Obama's secret devotion to radical Islam...

I'm not talking about those threads I'm talking about this specific thread and those specific comments. You undermine your credibility when you jump on dixie every chance you get, throwing out buzzwords that don't really add up under scrutinizing.
I do not remember such posts, but if they exist then it would definitely point in that direction.

So, you take it on face value when Dixie says something along the lines of, "Oh, I'm just sure Obama isn't a Muslim, even though he chose NOT to change his Muslim middle name, and his pastor, Rev. Wright, has vouched for his Christianity!!!"

You think he's being straight with you on that?
So, you take it on face value when Dixie says something along the lines of, "Oh, I'm just sure Obama isn't a Muslim, even though he chose NOT to change his Muslim middle name, and his pastor, Rev. Wright, has vouched for his Christianity!!!"

You think he's being straight with you on that?

He's not responsible for what you read he's responsible for what he says.