It's Not Your Father's Republican Party Anymore?!!

Irony doesn't mean agreement or disagreement, it just is.

You use fear mongering in a thread about fear mongering. That is ironic. Which makes me grin. Agreement or disagreement doesn't change that I like irony.

I remember just the other day, I went into the restaurant and begged for the dirty water and to be seated next to diesel engines because I like dirty air and water, and I thought, "Man. I hope Grandma has enough dog food to eat!" as I talked up nation building stupid wars because I just like them and if we ran out of terrorists we'd be at peace and that would be bad. I shook my fist at the current administration bombing from remote controlled planes to kill the brown people because the random killing of innocents that are near terrorists causes "terrorism" (yeah, ironic).

I sat my kids with me because I want them to think dirty air is awesome too, lit up a cigar, and congratulated my buddies in oil for destroying the gulf and making my shrimp all oily and hoped for cancer because that is awesome too. At some point I look forward to eating dog food as I die from carcinogens that I love to have in my water. At that time I plan on going to a rally to promote "holy" book burning so we can have more terrorists... All of this creates home-grown leftist terrorists to fight as well... It's almost a religious experience.

Today the board is an irony rich environment.

Wow, that is just crazy man.

Reduced to nothing more than your typical hateful spam replies I see...

Irony doesn't mean agreement or disagreement, it just is.

You use fear mongering in a thread about fear mongering. That is ironic. Which makes me grin. Agreement or disagreement doesn't change that I like irony.

I remember just the other day, I went into the restaurant and begged for the dirty water and to be seated next to diesel engines because I like dirty air and water, and I thought, "Man. I hope Grandma has enough dog food to eat!" as I talked up nation building stupid wars because I just like them and if we ran out of terrorists we'd be at peace and that would be bad. I shook my fist at the current administration bombing from remote controlled planes to kill the brown people because the random killing of innocents that are near terrorists causes "terrorism" (yeah, ironic).

I sat my kids with me because I want them to think dirty air is awesome too, lit up a cigar, and congratulated my buddies in oil for destroying the gulf and making my shrimp all oily and hoped for cancer because that is awesome too. At some point I look forward to eating dog food as I die from carcinogens that I love to have in my water. At that time I plan on going to a rally to promote "holy" book burning so we can have more terrorists... All of this creates home-grown leftist terrorists to fight as well... It's almost a religious experience.

Today the board is an irony rich environment.

Damo you didn't kick the pot and take up heroin, did you?
I didn't know what to take it as. It was very rambling and incoherent. Maybe I need to give you lessons in the art of sarcasm.

That's likely because you haven't read the myriad threads where that same topic of "irony" and "sarcasm" were discussed between he and I. It's all good. One of my posts in one of those threads mentioned those particular things and Apple jumped in and was all excited to tell me that I really do want dirty air and water, more terrorists, et al... (all republicans do, according to Apple)... So I used it here... It was fun.
Bottom line: the opening post here points out some FACTS that the neocons/teabaggers/libertarian lunkheads along with their supporters and apologists cannot deny.....and it pisses them off to no end.

I mean, NEWT GINGRICH!!??! His own fucking party threw him out as Speaker of the House! Really, Huntsman must be shaking his head, thinking "I can't believe I'm losing to these assholes!"

I swear, teabaggers/neocons/libertarians all rant and rave about smaller gov't while readily accepting a gov't to be run by those swearing allegiance to Nordquist's mandate (and whom ever is pulling HIS strings).

It's all gravy for Obama's campaign....despite what Fox, Clear Channel and the Koch brothers can bullhorn.
That's likely because you haven't read the myriad threads where that same topic of "irony" and "sarcasm" were discussed between he and I. It's all good. One of my posts in one of those threads mentioned those particular things and Apple jumped in and was all excited to tell me that I really do want dirty air and water, more terrorists, et al... (all republicans do, according to Apple)... So I used it here... It was fun.

Huh? Apple did no such thing.

Time to put down the crack pipe.
Bottom line: the opening post here points out some FACTS that the neocons/teabaggers/libertarian lunkheads along with their supporters and apologists cannot deny.....and it pisses them off to no end.

I mean, NEWT GINGRICH!!??! His own fucking party threw him out as Speaker of the House! Really, Huntsman must be shaking his head, thinking "I can't believe I'm losing to these assholes!"

I swear, teabaggers/neocons/libertarians all rant and rave about smaller gov't while readily accepting a gov't to be run by those swearing allegiance to Nordquist's mandate (and whom ever is pulling HIS strings).

It's all gravy for Obama's campaign....despite what Fox, Clear Channel and the Koch brothers can bullhorn.

With Newt in the lead it shows the Right is losing it, going over the edge. They're clinging on to anything or anybody. They dumped Newt for the pizza guy, found out just what kind of deliveries he was making, then latched back on to the guy who is advocating child labor.

As they've said many times, anyone but Obama and they mean that. They'll vote for the lowest of the low. The "party of principal" has abandoned any principals they ever had.
With Newt in the lead it shows the Right is losing it, going over the edge. They're clinging on to anything or anybody. They dumped Newt for the pizza guy, found out just what kind of deliveries he was making, then latched back on to the guy who is advocating child labor.

As they've said many times, anyone but Obama and they mean that. They'll vote for the lowest of the low. The "party of principal" has abandoned any principals they ever had.

I saw Newt's comment on kids working and how child labor laws are ridiculous in some sense. All he was saying was that so many children today have no concept of a work ethic. Part of that is because we have cities that now cite kids for setting up lemonade stands and parents that don't require their children to do any work around the house. Starting at age 11 I mowed my lawns. Before that I raked leaves, cleaned up dog s#!t and help with the dishes. All he suggested was that kids could work for a couple of hours as a greeter somewhere, or other nonphysical labor. The left disingenuously suggests Newt was calling for a return of children working in factories. It is JUST this sort of intellectual dishonesty that is going to insure that people remain radically divided. Righties, don't get uppity on this point, your side does the same thing.
I saw Newt's comment on kids working and how child labor laws are ridiculous in some sense. All he was saying was that so many children today have no concept of a work ethic. Part of that is because we have cities that now cite kids for setting up lemonade stands and parents that don't require their children to do any work around the house. Starting at age 11 I mowed my lawns. Before that I raked leaves, cleaned up dog s#!t and help with the dishes. All he suggested was that kids could work for a couple of hours as a greeter somewhere, or other nonphysical labor. The left disingenuously suggests Newt was calling for a return of children working in factories. It is JUST this sort of intellectual dishonesty that is going to insure that people remain radically divided. Righties, don't get uppity on this point, your side does the same thing.

Newt specifically said kids should be school janitors. That's not sitting at a lemonade stand. No one compels a kid to sell lemonade. There would have to be certain standards met being a janitor. It is a job, an adult job, whether it's for one hour a day or eight hpours.

As for kids not knowing how to work that is bogus. When I was growing up there were a few kids who had "jobs" in order to get money to buy things. As a teen I picked apples and bought old cars and motorcycles to run through the orchards with. That was my decision. My father told my brother and I neither of us had to work as long as we went to school. We were given an allowance. Naturally we did things around the house but it wasn't a "job". My mother was a stay at home Mom until I was 14.

Newt said something about kids needing to learn to get up Monday mornings as part of job training. Is the man wacko? From age six (6) kids learn to get up every morning for school. They do that for 11 or 12 years, from 6 - 18 years old! Although he was trying to be smart ass he ends up looking like an idiot.

And one more thing about kids cleaning schools. Why should they? Are they training to be a janitor? Why not have them working in a profession they may be interested in such as helping in a lab? Or filing in an office? Or maybe helping on a construction site carrying small items. If anyone has ever washed a floor and emptied a garbage can they have a pretty good idea what a janitor does.

Newt has no interest in helping kids. If he did one of his "great thoughts" would be partnering businesses with kids, not using them as janitors under the pretext of training.

The rumor from his former campaign staff was he was a bit of a tyrant. I'm inclined to believe them.
I saw Newt's comment on kids working and how child labor laws are ridiculous in some sense. All he was saying was that so many children today have no concept of a work ethic. Part of that is because we have cities that now cite kids for setting up lemonade stands and parents that don't require their children to do any work around the house. Starting at age 11 I mowed my lawns. Before that I raked leaves, cleaned up dog s#!t and help with the dishes. All he suggested was that kids could work for a couple of hours as a greeter somewhere, or other nonphysical labor. The left disingenuously suggests Newt was calling for a return of children working in factories. It is JUST this sort of intellectual dishonesty that is going to insure that people remain radically divided. Righties, don't get uppity on this point, your side does the same thing.

When our kids were younger; my wife worked in the cotton fields, during the summer. All of your kids and most of our nephews and nieces worked with her.
The earned the same as an adult did and guess what?


Now, there is no way they would be allowed to do this and therefore; we have entire generations that the idea of work means nothing.

I started working at 16 and my money went to the help the family.
And one more thing about kids cleaning schools. Why should they? Are they training to be a janitor? Why not have them working in a profession they may be interested in such as helping in a lab? Or filing in an office? Or maybe helping on a construction site carrying small items. If anyone has ever washed a floor and emptied a garbage can they have a pretty good idea what a janitor does.

So people in those fields don't clean their work spaces? Because that's gonna be a required skill no matter what career they pick. Its simple, repetative, hard work. It'd also teach kids a little respect for public property, because when I was in high school not too long ago, kids sure as fuck didn't have any. They'd be doing what any new guy in a trade does. The boots do the menial tasks so the more experienced persons can focus on doing more difficult tasks. Its like that in EVERY skilled trade I've worked, and I've worked a lot.
I saw Newt's comment on kids working and how child labor laws are ridiculous in some sense. All he was saying was that so many children today have no concept of a work ethic. Part of that is because we have cities that now cite kids for setting up lemonade stands and parents that don't require their children to do any work around the house. Starting at age 11 I mowed my lawns. Before that I raked leaves, cleaned up dog s#!t and help with the dishes. All he suggested was that kids could work for a couple of hours as a greeter somewhere, or other nonphysical labor. The left disingenuously suggests Newt was calling for a return of children working in factories. It is JUST this sort of intellectual dishonesty that is going to insure that people remain radically divided. Righties, don't get uppity on this point, your side does the same thing.

Where in the hell do YOU get off commenting on poor people in the inner city? Your Ozzie and Harriet up-bringing was NOT comparable to a poor kid living in the inner city (no lawns to speak of, and you have city sanitation to clean the streets, don't cha know!) Newt is just some other privileged, middle class caucasian asshole who NEVER had to worry about where his next meal was coming from STATING that poor kids don't know the concept of work for pay? IS he shitting me? Are YOU shitting me by trying to whitewash that BS? Poor kids know better than anyone else that as soon as they're able, it's time to get a J-O-B, but with a lousy economy, who's hiring? THINK! If adults are facing high unemployment, where does that leave kids? If Walmart has crowded out the local Mom & Pop store, it sure as hell isn't going to hire a kid to sweep out the back for a few bucks.

Gingrich and his cronies fight like hell to deprive this country of every avenue of assistance to give kids and their parents a better life...and now he wants little doormen for Walmart? How about getting a reinstatement of the transaction tax on Wall St., or letting those Bush tax cuts expire so you can re-establish after school programs, day care and such? Man, don't drink that neocon Kool-Aid, because the first thing to go is your cognitive reasoning and then critical thinking skills.
So people in those fields don't clean their work spaces? Because that's gonna be a required skill no matter what career they pick. Its simple, repetative, hard work. It'd also teach kids a little respect for public property, because when I was in high school not too long ago, kids sure as fuck didn't have any. They'd be doing what any new guy in a trade does. The boots do the menial tasks so the more experienced persons can focus on doing more difficult tasks. Its like that in EVERY skilled trade I've worked, and I've worked a lot.

YOU'RE simple if you think this neocon double-talk is going to fool anyone. Gingrich is a-typical of clowns who NEVER had to worry about where their next meal was coming from or new pair of shoes, and who as youngsters worked for the experience and NOT out of necessity. Big difference. Gingrich essentially is extrapolating from Reagan's "welfare queen" fantasy.

Advocating a return to child labor to try and undermine unionized work is disgusting....and this BS YOU just put out about janitorial skills being used in any future job is just that...BS! Here's how I schooled one your like minded buddies on the situation. Deal with it.!!&p=914718#post914718
Bottom line: the opening post here points out some FACTS that the neocons/teabaggers/libertarian lunkheads along with their supporters and apologists cannot deny.....and it pisses them off to no end.

neocon & libertarian?:confused:

One is a marxist, and the other is an anti-marxist.

You fail again!
neocon & libertarian?:confused:

One is a marxist, and the other is an anti-marxist.

You fail again!

The libertarian lunkhead strikes again.

Someone mail a dictionary to this Liberty lunkhead so he can look up the definitions of "marxism". And then explain to him that "neocon" is short for "new conservative", so he can look up that definition.

Libertarians are just neocons with a spartan fantasy...pathetic. My statement stands, and when this Liberty lunkhead can muster up the cojones to address the FACTS I refer to, then maybe I'll waste time responding to his next post. If not, I'll just read his usual collections of dodges, lies and attempts to change the subject.
The libertarian lunkhead strikes again.

Someone mail a dictionary to this Liberty lunkhead so he can look up the definitions of "marxism". And then explain to him that "neocon" is short for "new conservative", so he can look up that definition.

Libertarians are just neocons with a spartan fantasy...pathetic. My statement stands, and when this Liberty lunkhead can muster up the cojones to address the FACTS I refer to, then maybe I'll waste time responding to his next post. If not, I'll just read his usual collections of dodges, lies and attempts to change the subject.

Does a marxist, or a libertarian want a federal reserve?

What about a Department of Education?

What about an income tax?

What about genocide in the form of a drug war?

You're so naked it's silly.

Look the word silly up Taichiliberal.

That's what you are.

And wrong as usual.