It's Not Your Father's Republican Party Anymore?!!

Where in the hell do YOU get off commenting on poor people in the inner city? Your Ozzie and Harriet up-bringing was NOT comparable to a poor kid living in the inner city (no lawns to speak of, and you have city sanitation to clean the streets, don't cha know!) Newt is just some other privileged, middle class caucasian asshole who NEVER had to worry about where his next meal was coming from STATING that poor kids don't know the concept of work for pay? IS he shitting me? Are YOU shitting me by trying to whitewash that BS? Poor kids know better than anyone else that as soon as they're able, it's time to get a J-O-B, but with a lousy economy, who's hiring? THINK! If adults are facing high unemployment, where does that leave kids? If Walmart has crowded out the local Mom & Pop store, it sure as hell isn't going to hire a kid to sweep out the back for a few bucks.

Gingrich and his cronies fight like hell to deprive this country of every avenue of assistance to give kids and their parents a better life...and now he wants little doormen for Walmart? How about getting a reinstatement of the transaction tax on Wall St., or letting those Bush tax cuts expire so you can re-establish after school programs, day care and such? Man, don't drink that neocon Kool-Aid, because the first thing to go is your cognitive reasoning and then critical thinking skills.

We mustn't forget Newt worked so hard he was driven into the beds of women while still married. I think his words were "passionate/devoted" to serving his country. Some people fight for their country. Some die for their country. Some develop heart problems from the stress of overwork. But Newt, he was driven to adultery. When it comes to hard work and sacrifice Newt is the ultimate patriot.
YOU'RE simple if you think this neocon double-talk is going to fool anyone. Gingrich is a-typical of clowns who NEVER had to worry about where their next meal was coming from or new pair of shoes, and who as youngsters worked for the experience and NOT out of necessity.
Yeah, because explaining how basic cleaning of a work area is a job requirement is defending Gingrich. And while we're at this statement, what do you mean "worked for experience, not necessity"? Are you saying experience isn't important in securing a future job? Because otherwise it IS a necessity.

Big difference. Gingrich essentially is extrapolating from Reagan's "welfare queen" fantasy.
I see you've never been to Detroit for any length of time, otherwise you'd know it's not a fantasy.

Advocating a return to child labor to try and undermine unionized work is disgusting....and this BS YOU just put out about janitorial skills being used in any future job is just that...BS! Here's how I schooled one your like minded buddies on the situation. Deal with it.!!&p=914718#post914718

Ah the false dilemma, a logical fallacy favorite of yours. But that's not enough for you, since you decide to double it up. By suggesting that children should clean their bathroom, I do not suggest a return to child labor on several accounts. How would they be cleaning schools if they were not themselves in school? Or how would my suggestion be undermining unionized labor? With menial tasks out of the way, taken care of by the people who actually make said mess, the janitor can focus on more critical work, such as building maintenance.

And where do you prove that cleaning a job space isn't essential to maintaining a job in any skilled trade? You posted a link, but it's just to your own post. In that case, here is irrefutable evidence that rightly refutes your claim:!!&p=914815#post914815
Where in the hell do YOU get off commenting on poor people in the inner city?

Aha! A discussion-ender!! The conversation is officially over, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone get the fuck out of this thread so that the cleaning crew can come in and clean-up after all of the caviar and martinis we rich publicans have managed to spill all over the million dollar carpeting.
Does a marxist, or a libertarian want a federal reserve?

What about a Department of Education?

What about an income tax?

What about genocide in the form of a drug war?

You're so naked it's silly.

Look the word silly up Taichiliberal.

That's what you are.

And wrong as usual.

And does all your babbling have to do with what I posted on #36 and #37?

What the hell is the matter with you anyway, you Liberty lunkhead? Seems every time the neocons get caught making asses of themselves, YOU are johnny-on-the-spot either defending them or trying to distort the issue at hand. Bottom line, if you don't have the cojones to take a stand on the issue at hand, then don't waste everyone's time.
Yeah, because explaining how basic cleaning of a work area is a job requirement is defending Gingrich. And while we're at this statement, what do you mean "worked for experience, not necessity"? Are you saying experience isn't important in securing a future job? Because otherwise it IS a necessity.

Are you that fucking stupid to think repeating your idiocy will make it magically valid? Kids are taught to pick up their toys and such after they finish, put their books and writing away, pick up their clothes in their rooms.....they're KIDS, that's what they do and should ONLY be required to do. As they get OLDER, then they can take on more responsiblity RELATIVE TO THEIR AGE. Trying to translate that into making them child labor sanitation workers to satisfy Gingrich's "welfare queen" fantasy while making some greedy little management fuck rub his hands in glee over the savings in cutting the cleaning staff of his building is just pathetic. But hey, Donald Trump will exploit them for ratings, and it's NOT YOUR KID, so it's all good, right bunky?

I see you've never been to Detroit for any length of time, otherwise you'd know it's not a fantasy.

Well bunky, you and your leadership had over 20 years to provide CONCLUSIVE PROOF of that fantasy in ANY state in the USA. And so far, ZIP. So you can parrot that BS until the cows come home, as your word is but a piss in the wind.
Ah the false dilemma, a logical fallacy favorite of yours. So far YOU can't prove otherwise, genius. So you're just pissing in the wind again. But that's not enough for you, since you decide to double it up. You're stalling, bunky...get to the point, by which I hope you can actually prove something beyond your ability to blow smoke. By suggesting that children should clean their bathroom, I do not suggest a return to child labor on several accounts. As the chronology of the posts shows, YOU did NOT state such, stop lying. How would they be cleaning schools if they were not themselves in school? Again, beyond putting their books away, why would children suddenly be required to replace the janitor(s)? They are not in school to be janitors....YOU weren't, your siblings and/are kids weren't either. So please spare me this Gingrich garbage. Or how would my suggestion be undermining unionized labor? THINK STUPID....if kids are doing the jobs of janitors AS BRIEFLY DESCRIBED BY GINGRICH, then there would be NO NEED for a best his job would be cut in half, subsequently his salary. Union dues go done, union desolves. Cause and effect....but that requires thinking beyond the headline rhetoric you neocon parrots squawk so loudly. With menial tasks out of the way, taken care of by the people who actually make said mess, the janitor can focus on more critical work, such as building maintenance.

janitors clean up, repairs to structure and such are done by other folk. Also, you just made my point as I stated here earlier....less work means less hours, less pay for the janitor. And again, KIDS ARE NOT IN SCHOOL TO BE JANITORS.
And where do you prove that cleaning a job space isn't essential to maintaining a job in any skilled trade? Where did I say that, you dishonest dweeb. YOU keep foistering this false premise and then treat it as a valid point. The chronology of the post exposes your folly for all to see. You posted a link, but it's just to your own post. In that case, here is irrefutable evidence that rightly refutes your claim:!!&p=914815#post914815

As the chronology of the posts shows, I referenced my respose to another of your like minded cronies to show how illogical a defense of Gingrich's BS is. Evidently, you're either too ignorant or willfully ignorant to grasp the logic. Carry on.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Where in the hell do YOU get off commenting on poor people in the inner city?
Aha! A discussion-ender!! The conversation is officially over, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone get the fuck out of this thread so that the cleaning crew can come in and clean-up after all of the caviar and martinis we rich publicans have managed to spill all over the million dollar carpeting.

For those interested in what actually transpired:!!&p=914718#post914718

And as we can see this Trajan emperor has no clothes...a ass who would have made a bad Roman.
Huh? Apple did no such thing.

Time to put down the crack pipe.

Actually, Apple did. You told me, "but they do want dirty air, water and grandma to eat dog food".. etc. Since I am a republican, it just says that I must as well... I'm glad you told me, now I know why I love the smell of diesel when I'm eating and why my kids love cigars. It also makes it okay that I keep buying dog food for my grandma.

You'll remember the thread. I pointed out fear mongering promoted by your Glorious Leader, you tried to say I really wanted more dirty air. It was a bit ridiculous, and it created a great opportunity for me to use sarcasm... one of my favorite forms of humor.
Actually, Apple did. You told me, "but they do want dirty air, water and grandma to eat dog food".. etc. Since I am a republican, it just says that I must as well... I'm glad you told me, now I know why I love the smell of diesel when I'm eating and why my kids love cigars. It also makes it okay that I keep buying dog food for my grandma.

You'll remember the thread. I pointed out fear mongering promoted by your Glorious Leader, you tried to say I really wanted more dirty air. It was a bit ridiculous, and it created a great opportunity for me to use sarcasm... one of my favorite forms of humor.

Apple has trouble remembering what he said; because of that circular reasoning and logic that he uses.
He tends to talk in circles and then forgets where he started.
I'm beginning to believe that he really can't help himself and that it's a behavioral flaw, in his genetic makeup.
Actually, Apple did. You told me, "but they do want dirty air, water and grandma to eat dog food".. etc. Since I am a republican, it just says that I must as well... I'm glad you told me, now I know why I love the smell of diesel when I'm eating and why my kids love cigars. It also makes it okay that I keep buying dog food for my grandma.

You'll remember the thread. I pointed out fear mongering promoted by your Glorious Leader, you tried to say I really wanted more dirty air. It was a bit ridiculous, and it created a great opportunity for me to use sarcasm... one of my favorite forms of humor.

I don't know whether to be happy you have asigned me to the same league as Apple or disapointed you don't differentiate me as an individual, but either way, Apple is innocent. I posted the sarcasm.
Apple has trouble remembering what he said; because of that circular reasoning and logic that he uses.
He tends to talk in circles and then forgets where he started.
I'm beginning to believe that he really can't help himself and that it's a behavioral flaw, in his genetic makeup.

You, of course, are just wrong.
And does all your babbling have to do with what I posted on #36 and #37?

What the hell is the matter with you anyway, you Liberty lunkhead? Seems every time the neocons get caught making asses of themselves, YOU are johnny-on-the-spot either defending them or trying to distort the issue at hand. Bottom line, if you don't have the cojones to take a stand on the issue at hand, then don't waste everyone's time.

You're silly.

Look the word "silly" up.

You're doing the babbling.

Neocon & Libertarian are opposites.

But you keep making youself look silly with comments joining the two.
(Originally Posted by Damocles) Actually, Apple did. You told me, "but they do want dirty air, water and grandma to eat dog food".. etc. Since I am a republican, it just says that I must as well... I'm glad you told me, now I know why I love the smell of diesel when I'm eating and why my kids love cigars. It also makes it okay that I keep buying dog food for my grandma.

You'll remember the thread. I pointed out fear mongering promoted by your Glorious Leader, you tried to say I really wanted more dirty air. It was a bit ridiculous, and it created a great opportunity for me to use sarcasm... one of my favorite forms of humor.

I don't know whether to be happy you have assigned me to the same league as Apple or disappointed you don't differentiate me as an individual, but either way, Apple is innocent. I posted the sarcasm.

(Originally Posted by USFREEDOM911) Apple has trouble remembering what he said; because of that circular reasoning and logic that he uses.
He tends to talk in circles and then forgets where he started.
I'm beginning to believe that he really can't help himself and that it's a behavioral flaw, in his genetic makeup.

You, of course, are just wrong.

That's the basic Right Wing problem. They don't know who said what so they don't know the related responses to their talking points leading them to conclude others are talking in circles. Sometimes I just let it pass believing, as one poster noted, it's like trying to explain string theory to a dog.

They keep talking about principals even after Cain said he never did anything inappropriate a few moments before a lady came forward divulging a 13 year affair. They talk about principals when Newt said he'd deny saying what he previously admitted saying. They talk about principals when they lie and distort single payer medical.

Lies, deceit, confusion. Their anger knows no bounds.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And does all your babbling have to do with what I posted on #36 and #37?

What the hell is the matter with you anyway, you Liberty lunkhead? Seems every time the neocons get caught making asses of themselves, YOU are johnny-on-the-spot either defending them or trying to distort the issue at hand. Bottom line, if you don't have the cojones to take a stand on the issue at hand, then don't waste everyone's time.

You're silly.

Look the word "silly" up.

You're doing the babbling.

Neocon & Libertarian are opposites.

But you keep making youself look silly with comments joining the two.

This Liberty lunkhead just keeps repeating the SOS, and cannot get past the questions and statements I previously posted.

In short, this liberty lunkhead is just another bitter neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who's all pissy because yet another one of their beloved talking points has been exposed as fraud an thrown into the trash heap. I leave the Liberty lunkhead to repeat his BS ad nauseum.
I don't know whether to be happy you have asigned me to the same league as Apple or disapointed you don't differentiate me as an individual, but either way, Apple is innocent. I posted the sarcasm.

Ah... Well then.

Apple, you have been wronged. You should avenge yourself with some sarcastic wit of your own, if you can find it.

To the others... Replace Apple with Dune in the previous posts of mine. Either way, it was funny.
Ah... Well then.

Apple, you have been wronged. You should avenge yourself with some sarcastic wit of your own, if you can find it.

To the others... Replace Apple with Dune in the previous posts of mine. Either way, it was funny.

You should avenge yourself with some sarcastic wit of your own, if you can find it.

That's OK, Damocles. I see no reason to further showcase your shortcomings. I realize confusion is a systemic problem that pervades the Right Wing.

Democrats are compassionate people. :)
This Liberty lunkhead just keeps repeating the SOS, and cannot get past the questions and statements I previously posted.

In short, this liberty lunkhead is just another bitter neocon/teabagger/libertarian crank who's all pissy because yet another one of their beloved talking points has been exposed as fraud an thrown into the trash heap. I leave the Liberty lunkhead to repeat his BS ad nauseum.

You failed again Taichiliberal.

I pointed out a few things that you won't respond to. You avoid them as usual.

Your responses are so silly.
You should avenge yourself with some sarcastic wit of your own, if you can find it.

That's OK, Damocles. I see no reason to further showcase your shortcomings. I realize confusion is a systemic problem that pervades the Right Wing.

Democrats are compassionate people. :)

For realz?