It's time to take the gloves off!

Not that anyone in the Romney camp is listening to the conservatives screaming this in unison, but the gloves need to come off. This administration needs to be confronted DAILY on as many failures as can be feasibly squeezed in. For every Bain question, there should be two Solyndra questions and a Fast & Furious question waiting to be fired back. For every smirk about Romney's wealth, there needs to be two smirks about Obama's endless vacations and golfing. And following each volley, the laundry list of failures this administration has had in policy, needs to be raised. It's time to stop the "nice guy" bullshit, and take off the gloves, before you get clobbered, Mr. Romney!

THIS is why RINOs are full of fail, imo. Romney was supposed to be "The Guy" ....the only one who could beat Obama! That's what we were told, all through the primaries by the RINOs, we can't nominate anyone else and have a chance... well, he's nominated, here's that chance! Already, out of the shoot, they've raised this Bain issue, and how are the RINOs handling it? They are calling for Romney to release his tax returns and "put an end to this" ...but we already know that won't be the end to this. That will be the beginning! It would merely serve to give them more fodder. More juicy detail they can use to continue to distract from Obama's dismal record.

Obama has failed to deliver on virtually EVERY promise he made when he ran in 2008. Yet Romney finds himself on the defensive, trying to explain events that happened over a decade ago, getting caught up in the minutia, and allowing his opponent to control the conversation....Which incidentally, is light years from a discussion of Obama's failed policies and record. Wake the fuck up, RINOs! This is why you are so pathetic as a political entity! Here we have arguably one of the worst administrations in history, in terms of doing what it said it would do, and you can't lay a glove on them because you're too busy stepping and fetching, trying to explain things that don't need explaining. Totally PLAYED by the Democrats. Knocked entirely off you game by a blustered-up, hyped-up, trumped-up pack of lies and half-truths, they've concocted for just that purpose, and it worked beautifully. And what's worse? The "best" is yet to come! Just as sure as you've shown them how easy it is to derail the conversation, you can expect even more of this.

It's time to take off the gloves, Mr. Romney. Stop trying to be nice, stop trying to "address their concerns," stop buying into their rhetoric and placating them, and fucking back your ears and go on the attack! Peel the fucking paint off the walls! Go after these people on THEIR record, and stop trying to appease them on yours! Democrats are never going to be satisfied, Mr. Romney, you should understand that by now. You can't show them enough tax returns or documents to cause them to let this go or change their minds. That's just not going to happen in this universe. Stop listening to RINOs, who couldn't get Bob Dole elected, couldn't get John McCain elected, and won't get you elected. Start being a conservative, running on a conservative platform, and attack this idiot's administration on it's MANY failures, relentlessly! That's the ONLY chance you have!

These people took the gloves off a long time ago. They don't fight fair, they aren't going to be reasonable, or good political sports about it. They are going to lie, deceive, manipulate, concoct, hyper-sensationalize and bluster, because they have no record to run on! You can not win playing their game, Mr. Romney, and you should understand this. I mean, come up with some witty Reaganesque line to shut down his yapping media sycophants when they want to know about releasing documents or whatever... "I'll be glad to put my tax records on the table with the president's academic records, whenever he is ready, but I don't think that will make his presidential record any less failing!" Take every opportunity to turn whatever distraction, into a discussion of Obama's FAILURE as president. Do this relentlessly, without fail... Stop listening to RINOs and BE A CONSERVATIVE!
That's very witty Dixie. That'll have em laughing in the rafters alright. That should shut this right down , a laugh riot come back like that.

I do agree with you that if he releases his returns it won't be the end, it will have only just begun. It's become apparent to me that he cannot release the returns, they are toxic. Therefore the public republicans asking him to are morons, yes. Or...they are disassociating themselves from a sinking ship.
That's very witty Dixie. That'll have em laughing in the rafters alright. That should shut this right down , a laugh riot come back like that.

I do agree with you that if he releases his returns it won't be the end, it will have only just begun. It's become apparent to me that he cannot release the returns, they are toxic. Therefore the public republicans asking him to are morons, yes. Or...they are disassociating themselves from a sinking ship.

It's funny to watch them come unglued, isn't it? :)
That's very witty Dixie. That'll have em laughing in the rafters alright. That should shut this right down , a laugh riot come back like that.

I do agree with you that if he releases his returns it won't be the end, it will have only just begun. It's become apparent to me that he cannot release the returns, they are toxic. Therefore the public republicans asking him to are morons, yes. Or...they are disassociating themselves from a sinking ship.

I know you WISH that was the case, but it's not.

Bain is a distraction. Something to occupy our time and avoid a conversation about the failures of this administration. You're buying it because you'll believe anything, especially if it's about a Republican.
Bain is what Romney and the right are running on. Too bad. What a circus. The notion that those on the left will believe anything is mere projection by the prols on the right, poor things. The right wing noise machine will do anything to get the spotlight off themselves including pretending Obama isn't's laughable. I love watching the right wing go off the cliff along with their teataint supporters. LOL
I know you WISH that was the case, but it's not.

Bain is a distraction. Something to occupy our time and avoid a conversation about the failures of this administration. You're buying it because you'll believe anything, especially if it's about a Republican.
It's a distraction, but it's getting legs, without releasing the tax returns, Romney is in the position of saying "trust me -i knew nothing".
One thing we prolly both agreee on is POTUS campaigns ARE distractions - little substantive in any ads, only when it comes to the debates do the candidates actually engage with each other; until, then it's proxy wars, etc.

I don't give a shit about Bain, any more then I did about Rev. Wright. Where it's problematic is Romney cannot explain his association/disassociation in a coherent manner.
Then Bain does become relevant.
He's going to go down in the polls - Obama says absolutely nothing about his own record, and Romney needs to not just attack Obama, but ALSO provide an alternative vision(plan)

I've heard nothing. Being about as dispassionate as one can be about these 2 ( I'm going 3rd party), I still have followed every political campaign since JFK.

This looks like Kerry in August when he let the swiftboating go unanswered, or Michael Duikakis unable to summon up vitrol for "suppose someone murdered your wife" - in stead of taking the bull by the horns, he posed in a tank, looking utterly ridiculous.

If Romney has any "game" he damn sure better bring it out. I'm beginning to think he doesn't. and he's got to release the tax returns, no matter what's in them to get past this.
If anyone applying for a job is subject to a total vetting which includes finances then those running for President should be required to provide as much information as the average person.

Politics in this country has devolved into little more than a reality show in my view.
It's a distraction, but it's getting legs, without releasing the tax returns, Romney is in the position of saying "trust me -i knew nothing".
One thing we prolly both agreee on is POTUS campaigns ARE distractions - little substantive in any ads, only when it comes to the debates do the candidates actually engage with each other; until, then it's proxy wars, etc.

I don't give a shit about Bain, any more then I did about Rev. Wright. Where it's problematic is Romney cannot explain his association/disassociation in a coherent manner.
Then Bain does become relevant.
He's going to go down in the polls - Obama says absolutely nothing about his own record, and Romney needs to not just attack Obama, but ALSO provide an alternative vision(plan)

I've heard nothing. Being about as dispassionate as one can be about these 2 ( I'm going 3rd party), I still have followed every political campaign since JFK.

This looks like Kerry in August when he let the swiftboating go unanswered, or Michael Duikakis unable to summon up vitrol for "suppose someone murdered your wife" - in stead of taking the bull by the horns, he posed in a tank, looking utterly ridiculous.

If Romney has any "game" he damn sure better bring it out. I'm beginning to think he doesn't. and he's got to release the tax returns, no matter what's in them to get past this.

This election is not about Romney, really. It's not Obama vs. Romney, it's Obama vs. US! He made that clear in his speech on Saturday. He has made that clear for his 4 year reign, in his relentless war on private sector enterprise. This election is literally about the heart and soul of America, and whether we are going to remain a capitalist free-enterprise nation, or whether we are going to travel down the path of European-style Socialist government to our demise. The Keynesian methods have not worked, and are not going to ever work, but the dirty little secret is, they're not supposed to work, they're supposed to destroy the capitalist system. They seem to be succeeding in doing just that.

Romney needs to attack the ideology. He does not need to spend ANY time on his past or personal records, or any other trumped-up accusation. This really isn't about him, and he shouldn't play into it. You don't see the Dems doing this, do ya? They whip into shape fairly quick, and it's all water under the bridge they won't talk about anymore, the nation has more important problems... blah blah... They don't get distracted by this petty nit-picky bullshit, they aggressively go after their agenda! Romney needs to do that too! Stuff a sock in their kissers with some quick poignant line, like Reagan did, and then go on the attack from a fundamental and ideological standpoint, laying out a vision along the way. I think Romney gets that, I heard part of his speech today, and it sounded like it.
If anyone applying for a job is subject to a total vetting which includes finances then those running for President should be required to provide as much information as the average person.

Politics in this country has devolved into little more than a reality show in my view.

Really? When does the vetting process of Mr. Obama begin?
Obama has been president for going on 4 years, not that the right ever admitted they lost or that he was in fact their elected president. All the right has is lies and sitting on their hands so nothing improves...yet they call themselves patriots. It's laughable.
Obama has been president for going on 4 years, not that the right ever admitted they lost or that he was in fact their elected president. All the right has is lies and sitting on their hands so nothing improves...yet they call themselves patriots. It's laughable.

So it was your belief that when Obama was elected, we were all going to suddenly go along with him and agree with everything? And his failures as president are only because Republicans wouldn't admit he was president for these 4 years? And we're not patriots because we have obstructed this man's ability to implement ANY of his ideas and policies, he has simply sat there for 4 years waiting for Republicans to let him move into the White House? IS THAT WHAT YOU THOUGHT?
So it was your belief that when Obama was elected, we were all going to suddenly go along with him and agree with everything?

When we didn't go along with the last guy and support everything he did we were called unamerican and invited to leave the country.
I know you WISH that was the case, but it's not.

Bain is a distraction. Something to occupy our time and avoid a conversation about the failures of this administration. You're buying it because you'll believe anything, especially if it's about a Republican.

Wishful thinking I think. :0)

Republicans knew Romney was a wuss when they nominated him. He is the candidate by default .. the same wuss candidate that was rejected by the republicans in 2008 .. then rejected by McCain.

He bought his way to the nomination against a woefully weak field. Herman Cain .. LMAO Huckabee.. :0) Gingrich.. :0):0):0).. and even then he couldn't get the nomination until the last days.

Now, even influential republicans are beating him up over his tax returns .. which I'd imagine you'd call a ruse.

Face it .. Romney is the sacrificial lamb. Wiser heads on the right know that Obama is going to win .. so they're gearing up for 2016.

You nominated a clown .. now he's going to prove that .. and he's off to a good start.
That's right, BAC... get it all out of your system! Because in January, when the majority Tea Party Congress convenes, we're going to need the left to be worn out from fighting and ready to make nice, so we can get the country back on her feet again quickly. We're going to have a lot to do, and we won't have time for Liberals to drag everything down into a mealy-mouthed mish-mash of sour grapes and denial... so get that out of your system now, while the gettin' is good!
All he has to do is release his tax returns.

Why won't he?

I think there's more of a parallel between the tax returns and Obama's birth certificate than most realize.......Obama didn't release his birth certificate for years because it kept people fixated on it and not asking more relevant questions like "why the fuck haven't you got a budget yet".......Romney's doing the same thing with his tax returns.....let the left keep asking the same questions for the next 100 November the voters will be sick of hearing the question, while Romney points out the realities of Obama's fuckups with the economy.....

win/win situation.....
Obama has been president for going on 4 years, not that the right ever admitted they lost or that he was in fact their elected president. All the right has is lies and sitting on their hands so nothing improves...yet they call themselves patriots. It's laughable.

lol.....we've had four years of Obama sitting on his hands......
Strike one.

"For every smirk about Romney's wealth, there needs to be two smirks about Obama's endless vacations and golfing."

Obama's vacations
Those who criticize the cost of Obama’s Christmas vacation don’t want you to know that George W. Bush spent at least $20 million taxpayer dollars just on flights to his ranch in Crawford.

The right wing has been outraged at the four million dollar plus price tag for Obama’s family Christmas vacation, and they constantly hold George W. Bush up as an example of how thrifty a president should be when going on vacation.
The problem is that W. wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in US history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president.