It's Your Country Too, Mr. President

Apparently some here are having trouble understanding which bad policy(ies) bu$h pursued.

Not that he needs me, but let me defend threedee here. At least, as seen in his first statement, he sees reality although the use of 'a' before policy may be a tad charitable given the total picture.
Not that he needs me, but let me defend threedee here. At least, as seen in his first statement, he sees reality although the use of 'a' before policy may be a tad charitable given the total picture.

I think its a given that when you refer to "a failed policy," you are referring to a president's most infamous blunder.

Truman pursued a failed policy = Korea
Ike pursued a failed policy = Guatemala
JFK pursued a failed policy = Bay of Pigs
LBJ pursued a failed policy = Vietnam
Nixon pursued a failed policy = Watergate
Ford pursued a failed policy = Failure to negotiate aircover for RoV
Carter pursued a failed policy = Iran
Reagan pursued a failed policy = Lebanon
Bush pursued a failed policy = supporting his son's political career
Clinton pursued a failed policy = Waco
W pursued a failed policy = Iraq
I think its a given that when you refer to "a failed policy," you are referring to a president's most infamous blunder.

Truman pursued a failed policy = Korea
Ike pursued a failed policy = Guatemala
JFK pursued a failed policy = Bay of Pigs
LBJ pursued a failed policy = Vietnam
Nixon pursued a failed policy = Watergate
Ford pursued a failed policy = Failure to negotiate aircover for RoV
Carter pursued a failed policy = Iran
Reagan pursued a failed policy = Lebanon
Bush pursued a failed policy = supporting his son's political career
Clinton pursued a failed policy = Waco
W pursued a failed policy = Iraq

You may disgree with going into Iraq, but it is being hailed as a success.

A policy is typically described as a deliberate plan of action to guide decisions and achieve rational outcome(s). However, the term may also be used to denote what is actually done, even though it is unplanned.

The term may apply to government, private sector organizations and groups, and individuals. Presidential executive orders, corporate privacy policies, and parliamentary rules of order are all examples of policy. Policy differs from rules or law. While law can compel or prohibit behaviors (e.g. a law requiring the payment of taxes on income) policy merely guides actions toward those that are most likely to achieve a desired outcome.

Policy or policy study may also refer to the process of making important organizational decisions, including the identification of different alternatives such as programs or spending priorities, and choosing among them on the basis of the impact they will have. Policies can be understood as political, management, financial, and administrative mechanisms arranged to reach explicit goals.
You may disgree with going into Iraq, but it is being hailed as a success.

A policy is typically described as a deliberate plan of action to guide decisions and achieve rational outcome(s). However, the term may also be used to denote what is actually done, even though it is unplanned.

The term may apply to government, private sector organizations and groups, and individuals. Presidential executive orders, corporate privacy policies, and parliamentary rules of order are all examples of policy. Policy differs from rules or law. While law can compel or prohibit behaviors (e.g. a law requiring the payment of taxes on income) policy merely guides actions toward those that are most likely to achieve a desired outcome.

Policy or policy study may also refer to the process of making important organizational decisions, including the identification of different alternatives such as programs or spending priorities, and choosing among them on the basis of the impact they will have. Policies can be understood as political, management, financial, and administrative mechanisms arranged to reach explicit goals.

I don't think the case can be made. For example, if the goal was "creative destruction," no clear additional benefits in the region are present. If it is "spreading democracy throughout the region," that's not likely to happen (and I am not a huge fan of democracy, which is why I prefer republican government and have contempt for individuals such as Jefferson and Jackson). Most other, achievable goals, aren't really important to our national interest, so they would only really be successes by default, because it would be difficult to call them "failures." But they are certainly not worth the money and lives used to achieve them.

The GOP used to be anti-war and politically isolationist. I liked it that way.
I think its a given that when you refer to "a failed policy," you are referring to a president's most infamous blunder.

Truman pursued a failed policy = Korea
Ike pursued a failed policy = Guatemala
JFK pursued a failed policy = Bay of Pigs
LBJ pursued a failed policy = Vietnam
Nixon pursued a failed policy = Watergate
Ford pursued a failed policy = Failure to negotiate aircover for RoV
Carter pursued a failed policy = Iran
Reagan pursued a failed policy = Lebanon
Bush pursued a failed policy = supporting his son's political career
Clinton pursued a failed policy = Waco
W pursued a failed policy = Iraq

But that left open the queston; Which failed policy were you referring to? Surely given the condition of the country economically and its world status when the last gang finally vacated, there were more failed policies than Iraq which is only one of several that could be classified as "infamous". You could refer to a single bush infamous failed policy was showing up for work.
But that left open the queston; Which failed policy were you referring to? Surely given the condition of the country economically and its world status when the last gang finally vacated, there were more failed policies than Iraq which is only one of several that could be classified as "infamous". You could refer to a single bush infamous failed policy was showing up for work.

That's retarded, because every president, even George Washington and James Monroe (the two best), had more than one "failure," and yet every president's greatest failure is still commonly referenced as "a failed policy."

Bush, btw, took a recession and grew the economy to great heights from 2004-2008, including the highest Dow index in history, and the lowest misery index ( ) since 1965 which he accomplished in October of 2006, beating out Clinton's low in April of 1998.
That's retarded, because every president, even George Washington and James Monroe (the two best), had more than one "failure," and yet every president's greatest failure is still commonly referenced as "a failed policy."

Bush, btw, took a recession and grew the economy to great heights from 2004-2008, including the highest Dow index in history, and the lowest misery index ( ) since 1965 which he accomplished in October of 2006, beating out Clinton's low in April of 1998.

I believe the "great heights" you refer to miight be an exaggeration. Job growth never reached a high level during his term in office. He was handed very low unemployment levels, 3.4%, and was never able to achieve the levels of unemployment attained before his inauguration. It also should be remembered that he led us out of one recession and into another. Regarding the Dow, you are correct that it reached a new high in 2007, more than 6 years from its previous high in 2000. That slow pace, 20% over almost 7 years, barely covering inflation, was the reason that Social Security privatization proposals have died a quiet death. I never banked a "misery index" so I haven't paid much attention to it, I don't know how its numbers are reached, but I like to say that Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and I are worth more than $10 billion each. No misery there, particularly when the rich are getting richer and everyone else's fiscal condtion is stagnant or worse.
And then there's the economic condition of the country on 1/20/09, and those are not by any means the only problems this country faced on that date.
I believe the "great heights" you refer to miight be an exaggeration. Job growth never reached a high level during his term in office. He was handed very low unemployment levels, 3.4%, and was never able to achieve the levels of unemployment attained before his inauguration. It also should be remembered that he led us out of one recession and into another. Regarding the Dow, you are correct that it reached a new high in 2007, more than 6 years from its previous high in 2000. That slow pace, 20% over almost 7 years, barely covering inflation, was the reason that Social Security privatization proposals have died a quiet death. I never banked a "misery index" so I haven't paid much attention to it, I don't know how its numbers are reached, but I like to say that Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and I are worth more than $10 billion each. No misery there, particularly when the rich are getting richer and everyone else's fiscal condtion is stagnant or worse.
And then there's the economic condition of the country on 1/20/09, and those are not by any means the only problems this country faced on that date.

It should never be the concern of government if the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. It is merely an excuse for class warfare and the erosion of freedom. The perogative of government should only be that it live up to Constitutional principles.
Sorry, the word terrorist cannot be uttered anymore according to your masters, so please cease with the crazy talk.

Good Morning.

Or is it?

I have now discovered that i have "masters". I'm not quite sure when this happened because i'm sure i went out last night without any. I remember double checking - money, keys, phone, no masters.

I'm sure i didn't have that much to drink that, in a drunken stupor, i signed up to be controlled by some people in a political party i don't support in a country i don't live in, but who knows, eh?
My comment wasn't meant about Threedee, but about those (who shall not be named) who are arguing on this thread that none of bu$h's policies were failures.

Careful, now, you plan to kill a few terrorists and the next thing you know an entire sovereign nation goes up in flames. :)

Sorry, i should have made clear the 'him' i was referring to was that good old Mr Bush.

Your response to Three was just a convenient place to hang my hat. ;)
Sorry, I neglected to put a smiley on my post. You seem like a nice person, so I'll go easy on ya. :cof1:
Good morning to you. It's very early here at Pacific time. It's a very good thing I don't require much sleep. :)

Good Morning.

Or is it?

I have now discovered that i have "masters". I'm not quite sure when this happened because i'm sure i went out last night without any. I remember double checking - money, keys, phone, no masters.

I'm sure i didn't have that much to drink that, in a drunken stupor, i signed up to be controlled by some people in a political party i don't support in a country i don't live in, but who knows, eh?
It should never be the concern of government if the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. It is merely an excuse for class warfare and the erosion of freedom. The perogative of government should only be that it live up to Constitutional principles.

Which are: the protection of life, liberty and the right to own property.
His two terms are up and nothing would please me more than to forget that sorry excuse for a President. However, how is it possible to discuss the pile of crap he left behind without using his name? In the short time I've been on this board, it seems to me the names 'Clinton' and 'Carter' still seem to pop up from time to time, are you also critical of that?
Don't get me wrong, I'm entirely sympathetic, if it was me in your position, I would also be trying very hard to suppress any memory of b**h.
Actually, I was referring to your lies about the Bush administration.
I'm sure we'd all like nothing better than if he were forever deleted from history but, unfortunately, when someone fucks it up that badly it takes quite a while to remove those lingering stains on the carpet.

Has anyone seen the 'Shake and Vac'?
Fucked up in your liberal opinion maybe. But we didn't torture anyone, so I was responding to a lie.
Fucked up in your liberal opinion maybe. But we didn't torture anyone, so I was responding to a lie.

Of course the US has never tortured anyone SM.

It's all lies told by terrorists, terrorist sympathisers and terrorist sympathising communists. Needless to say they all hate America.