I've got a problem with Democrat Foreign Policy

Thats the problem with North Korea it is a dictatorship. From what I understand there is not much oversight of Kim Jong Ils actions and thus the stubborness or deceit of one man determines the actions of the nation as a whole.

Well, yeah, you know... that's the trouble with dictatorship! It's why we think it might actually be better to install democracies instead. The trouble is, not many people are as smart as you are, and they don't recognize this inherent flaw in dictatorship. For some reason, they think that dictators have some motivation to treat their people fairly and deal in good faith with the rest of the world.

As I said, this isn't about NK policy, because that really doesn't matter now, he's already built the nuke and we have been duped. It's about Democrat Foreign Policy and the template they always seek to use. Let's talk first, and if that doesn't work, let's talk some more, and if that doesn't work, let's agree to talk.... it just seems that something is missing in this approach, I can't put my finger on it, but it seems that something else might be in order... particularly, after talking doesn't work the first dozen times or so. It seems the only "plan" Democrats have, is to talk. My question is, what good is going to do us? If we are negotiating with people who have no intentions of honoring their agreements, it seems a bit pointless to continue talking... yet, the Democrat template calls for it.
Well, you know Dixie, there are a lot of things that I would like an explanation for myself, but I'll never get one either. Why do I lust after boots for weeks, and then as soon as I get them, they don't seem so great, and I already have my eye on another pair? Why do men not understand that you worry about them if they're unusually late and don't call, and then claim that it's crazy to imagine they were in a car accident? Why, as soon as I pick a line to get on, does the red light immediately go on and an entire team of supervisors need to be called over to examine the transaction of the person at the register ahead of me?

Oh yeah, and what on earth gave Americans the idea that we have any God-given right to make a list of which countries can, and cannot have the same nuclear power we take as, again, or God-given right, and then go apeshit when someone says "oh by the way, f you"?

These questions don't keep me up at night, but they do dance across my mind. From time to time.
Oh, and it's "Democratic foreign policy" Dixie.

I know this is the latest RNC "linguistic" talking point, don't say the Democratic party, as they have always been called, say the Democrat party, because Democratic sounds too much like Democracy. And I see you've received the memo.

Can you people be any more f'ing petty?
Oh yeah, and what on earth gave Americans the idea that we have any God-given right to make a list of which countries can, and cannot have the same nuclear power we take as, again, or God-given right, and then go apeshit when someone says "oh by the way, f you"?

Nuclear power? Is that what you thing Kim Jong set off over there? Sorry dear, he wasn't working on building a nuclear power plant, he was working on a nuclear bomb. We're entitled to have a nuclear bomb, because we won two World Wars, and we aren't a maniacal tyranic dictatorship.... contrary to what Nancy Pelosi says.

Darla, you need to go shop for boots on Election Day!
Oh, and it's "Democratic foreign policy" Dixie.

I know this is the latest RNC "linguistic" talking point, don't say the Democratic party, as they have always been called, say the Democrat party, because Democratic sounds too much like Democracy. And I see you've received the memo.

Can you people be any more f'ing petty?

No, it's Democrat Foreign Policy... implemented by Democrats. There is nothing Democratic about them, it's more Socialist these days. I'll use "Democrat" to describe your party, and that is the "nice" word I have, thank you very much.
Oh yeah, and what on earth gave Americans the idea that we have any God-given right to make a list of which countries can, and cannot have the same nuclear power we take as, again, or God-given right, and then go apeshit when someone says "oh by the way, f you"?

Nuclear power? Is that what you thing Kim Jong set off over there? Sorry dear, he wasn't working on building a nuclear power plant, he was working on a nuclear bomb. We're entitled to have a nuclear bomb, because we won two World Wars, and we aren't a maniacal tyranic dictatorship.... contrary to what Nancy Pelosi says.

Darla, you need to go shop for boots on Election Day!

No, I meant nuclear power, as in being, a nuclear power, dumbass.

We have no "right" to anything that any other country does not have the very same right to.

Maybe I will go shopping for boots on election day Dixie. But I vote very early in the morning, always, first thing. I love that feeling of getting my vote in early.

And the good stores after all, don't open till 10am. There will be time for both! Boots and Votes!
No, it's Democrat Foreign Policy... implemented by Democrats. There is nothing Democratic about them, it's more Socialist these days. I'll use "Democrat" to describe your party, and that is the "nice" word I have, thank you very much.

It's always been said "Democratic" when used in that manner, and this is a new RNC "point" I read all about it, and you can cry all you want, but you're getting your marching orders from FOX and their ilk. Deny it all you want, I know it and you know it

And it's very, very, smallish of you.
No, I meant nuclear power, as in being, a nuclear power, dumbass.

We have no "right" to anything that any other country does not have the very same right to.

Maybe I will go shopping for boots on election day Dixie. But I vote very early in the morning, always, first thing. I love that feeling of getting my vote in early.

And the good stores after all, don't open till 10am. There will be time for both! Boots and Votes!
I've been promoted. This year I am the supervisor of three Precincts... :D

I'll be the first to vote.
It's always been said "Democratic" when used in that manner, and this is a new RNC "point" I read all about it, and you can cry all you want, but you're getting your marching orders from FOX and their ilk. Deny it all you want, I know it and you know it

And it's very, very, smallish of you.
LOL New? I've heard people calling y'all the Democrat Party for at least a decade!
I've been promoted. This year I am the supervisor of three Precincts... :D

I'll be the first to vote.

And don't you love voting in the very early morning? I do. I don't understand how people wait until night time. I want my say right up front! Well before the tide has turned one way or the other. But of course, as long as people vote, it doesn't matter, it's just a personal thing.

Except for Republicans. They should really vote the next day.
LOL New? I've heard people calling y'all the Democrat Party for at least a decade!

I haven't, as a general rule. Here and there, but now it is how the minions are to address the Democratic party. I read about it, seriously. I laughed over it then, and now that I see someone actually making a point of doing it, I still think it's funny. But petty.
We have no "right" to anything that any other country does not have the very same right to.

So, you don't have any problem with Kim Jong Il having a nuke, or Akmadenajad, or anyone else? Since we have them, huh?

That's just great, I hope you get a good deal on those boots!
I haven't, as a general rule. Here and there, but now it is how the minions are to address the Democratic party. I read about it, seriously. I laughed over it then, and now that I see someone actually making a point of doing it, I still think it's funny. But petty.
Each time somebody gets all huffy and makes a point of correcting them it makes me laugh.

Either way I can't see too much of a difference. Other than when somebody corrects somebody it makes them seem cranky.
Each time somebody gets all huffy and makes a point of correcting them it makes me laugh.

Either way I can't see too much of a difference. Other than when somebody corrects somebody it makes them seem cranky.

I'm not huffy. It's funny to watch just how petty Republicans can get. You know, now that they are desperate.

Things are swinging my way Damo. I think you misread me once again. I've been having more fun these past few weeks, watching this unfolding debacle. It should really be against the law. And some of it is!
I'm not huffy. It's funny to watch just how petty Republicans can get. You know, now that they are desperate.

Things are swinging my way Damo. I think you misread me once again. I've been having more fun these past few weeks, watching this unfolding debacle. It should really be against the law. And some of it is!
No. I wasn't saying YOU were huffy, just that I find it funny when they are.

"It's Democrat ICK! 'fu*ktard'!" was one I've read like that.

I fully understand the Ds getting excited right now.
We have no "right" to anything that any other country does not have the very same right to.

So, you don't have any problem with Kim Jong Il having a nuke, or Akmadenajad, or anyone else? Since we have them, huh?

That's just great, I hope you get a good deal on those boots!

Dixie, I have a problem with anyone having nukes.

But that genie left the bottle long ago. To ever have deluded oneself that as the natural progession of science and the world went forward, many other countries, some not so friendly to us, would also gain this power, was just short-sighted, to say the least.

I was never that deluded. I'm sorry you were. This must have come as a great shock to you. You know who you can call for some comfort? The perpetually surprised Condi Rice! Oh yeah, she'll have some comfort for you. "I don't think anyone could have predicted" you know, the usual stuff.
I should make clear Damo, that I have not been laughing over the N. Korea situation. The other stuff though, yeah.
Each time somebody gets all huffy and makes a point of correcting them it makes me laugh.

Either way I can't see too much of a difference. Other than when somebody corrects somebody it makes them seem cranky.

It's a matter of proper English usage. Democratic denotes support for democratic policy and democracy, which Democrats seem to have lost completely. They now support Socialism and undermine democracy. I can't use Democratic to describe their party, it is not an appropriate use of the word, in my opinion.

...I don't know, they hate being called Liberals, they hate being called Democrats... that's why I just stick with PINHEADS! :pke: