I've got a problem with Democrat Foreign Policy

It's a matter of proper English usage. Democratic denotes support for democratic policy and democracy, which Democrats seem to have lost completely. They now support Socialism and undermine democracy. I can't use Democratic to describe their party, it is not an appropriate use of the word, in my opinion.

...I don't know, they hate being called Liberals, they hate being called Democrats... that's why I just stick with PINHEADS! :pke:

LOL. That was actually funny Dixie. I guess anyone who writes as much as you do (I mean really, you could publish a book just on the big SR/Dixie who owns who debacle alone), would get off a good one now and again.
ah ...those republics.... seem to be losing their grip. And it seems like just yesterday that Dixie was trumpeting that the democratic party was destined to go the way of the whigs.... but now, it seems like the republics are swirling down the bowl....

Hey dixie...remember that $100 bet we have?

don't forget
ah ...those republics.... seem to be losing their grip. And it seems like just yesterday that Dixie was trumpeting that the democratic party was destined to go the way of the whigs.... but now, it seems like the republics are swirling down the bowl....

Hey dixie...remember that $100 bet we have?

don't forget

I'm almost a little worried about how Dixie is going to take it if the "Democrat party" retakes Congress. I hope he'll be ok. Either way, I fear we are in for some very long, post-election posts.
I'm almost a little worried about how Dixie is going to take it if the "Democrat party" retakes Congress. I hope he'll be ok. Either way, I fear we are in for some very long, post-election posts.

personally, I hope he gets so depressed that he swallows the barrel of his gun and pulls the trigger.

it would only make the gene pool that much deeper, which is a good thing.
and before anyone gets all righteous on me, please remember that this asshole gave credence to the slanderous lies of two other trolls who accused me of anally raping my own son. There is no love lost for THIS prick.
and before anyone gets all righteous on me, please remember that this asshole gave credence to the slanderous lies of two other trolls who accused me of anally raping my own son. There is no love lost for THIS prick.

I wouldn't get righteous about that Main. I have a list, albeit a pretty short one, of funerals I am looking forward to attending. Even if I can't attend them in person.

I even have a red dress all picked out for Bush's. I plan on putting it on the night I get the good news, and playing "I could have danced all night" over and over as I, yes, dance all night. No matter how old I am. Even if I have to dance with a cane! Lifespans unfolding in natural manners provided, I should and hopefully will, outlive him. Of course, you never know, so I keep my fingers crossed!

And a couple of other, far less known, little shits whose demises I will great with one big grin.
If the pervert doesn't stop running his mouth, lying about me, I am going to start posting his "love letters" to my kid, which he claimed he was so drunk he didn't know what he was saying. I promised Damo I would not bring this up anymore, but that was on the condition the pervert kept his mouth shut, which he apparently doesn't know how to do. Damo, if you don't want this to blow up, you need to speak with the pervert personally, and persuade him to drop it, because he is about to get a double barrel of Dixie in his face. I've heard enough, and I've had enough!
No. Let's pretend that we all have already read these things and move the frick on!
No. Let's pretend that we all have already read these things and move the frick on!

I've moved on, you've moved on, but a certain predator from Maine wants to keep running his mouth. I have no intentions of continuing to turn the other cheeck indefinately, and I am giving you fair warning, it's going to get really ugly if he doesn't shut up. I think I have been more than tolerant, and I have respected your wishes up to now on this matter, but if he wants to continue slandering me and bringing it all back up again, I am not going to continue my silence. Either you can put a stop to it, or the gloves are coming off.
One of you can be the hero and end it and I don't care which. I don't expect y'all to like each other and know that this still is there between you. I just don't want it played out here. My post wasn't specific to you, or to maineman.
One of you can be the hero and end it and I don't care which. I don't expect y'all to like each other and know that this still is there between you. I just don't want it played out here. My post wasn't specific to you, or to maineman.

I don't have a problem dropping it, and I haven't had a problem dropping it. I would like to move on and forget about it, just like you would. This is made impossible, by continued remarks and comments by the pervert, and I am not going to just continue to ignore him. This is your board, and you have to make the decisions on how to handle these things, I have tried my best to ignore him, I have tried my best to avoid the confrontation over this, and I am being met with antagonism and his continued lies.

If you know me, you realize how difficult it is for me to not express what is on my mind, but I have enough respect for you to refrain from posting things you don't want posted. That said, I continue to have to tolerate his mouth, and I've about had my fill of it. If he wants to keep bringing it up and picking at it, I have no intentions of just continuing to be tolerant and silent, and I hope you understand.
They certainly knew within the first few weeks, when Il refused to allow the first IAEA inspections. But beside that point, this is what most all the Democrats are screaming now! That we should enter into two-way talks with NK! It's the Democrat Foreign Policy template, and it doesn't change!

I'm confused. The UN, France and the dems criticized Bush for not working enough with other nations prior to Iraq, but now, the dems want GWB to abandon the mulitlateral approach to NK and go "bilateral."
Just put him on ignore than Dixie....PLEASE. This is a political debate site. Lets keep the personal shit to ourselves.
I'm confused. The UN, France and the dems criticized Bush for not working enough with other nations prior to Iraq, but now, the dems want GWB to abandon the mulitlateral approach to NK and go "bilateral."

Well, this is because you just don't understand Democrat Foreign Policy hierarchy. First of all, military response is off the table, it's unacceptable under any circumstance. Talking is the primary strategy, preferably one-on-one, because this way, only the US is being lied to, not the other parties. It's much better, from the Democrat perspective, if negotiations result in only us being lied to rather than innocent third parties. So, when the option taken is war, which is unacceptable to Democrats, it's preferable to them, that we hold multi-lateral talks and let our enemy lie to all of us, but if war is not on the table, it's preferable they just lie to us when we talk. I hope that explains it!
Just put him on ignore than Dixie....PLEASE. This is a political debate site. Lets keep the personal shit to ourselves.

Oh, I've had him on ignore, and I have been ignoring him. Unfortunately, when someone posts his quotes, I see it. I have no intentions of sitting silently, while he continues to lie about me, "dropping it and moving on" requires the effort of both parties, I've done my part. I agree, personal shit has no place here, but if the pervert wants to keep it up, we can make it personal. I've tried to keep this off the board, but if he persists with his antagonizing and picking, this moratorium is not going to last much longer.... and I don't give a flying fuck if it's okay with you or not.
Sorry, I won't quote posts that have stuff like that in it anymore. I didn't mean to stir up old shit between anybody. I hate that stuff on message boards.