I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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Loyal to the end
Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory.

No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.

I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.

Such is the future of the Democrat Party. :cof1:
I know this conservative Republican will fight the rinos in our party who think we need to be more like a Democrat and adopt their views..that is not what our ideals are and I for one will not change..If I wanted to be like a Democrat and thought the way they did, I would become a damn Democrat..but I don't, and I never will..

The Rinos need to be kicked the hell out of the Republican party and let them go become a Democrat..

Let's hope more Americans wake up and join the fight to save our party and country.
Welcome back. Good to see you.

I know this conservative Republican will fight the rinos in our party who think we need to be more like a Democrat and adopt their views..that is not what our ideals are and I for one will not change..If I wanted to be like a Democrat and thought the way they did, I would become a damn Democrat..but I don't, and I never will..

The Rinos need to be kicked the hell out of the Republican party and let them go become a Democrat..

Let's hope more Americans wake up and join the fight to save our party and country.
Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory.

No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.

I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.

Such is the future of the Democrat Party. :cof1:

What's the Battle of London, do you mean the Blitz?
The only good Republican:

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Most call it the Battle of Britain, but I'm just finishing the epic four volume work The History of WWII by Sir Winston Churchill, and he called it the Battle of London.

Without doubt Churchill was instrumental in keeping up morale in the Second World War, especially during the Battle of Britain. However it is not widely known that the Neville Chamberlain was the politician who fought against Churchill in the bombers versus fighters debate, fortunately Chamberlain won out otherwise the war may well have had a different outcome. He increased the budget dramatically for the procurement of Hurricanes and Spitfires as well as coastal defences especially radar, Churchill was adamant that the coming war could only be won by vastly increasing bomber numbers.
I know this conservative Republican will fight the rinos in our party who think we need to be more like a Democrat and adopt their views..that is not what our ideals are and I for one will not change..If I wanted to be like a Democrat and thought the way they did, I would become a damn Democrat..but I don't, and I never will..

The Rinos need to be kicked the hell out of the Republican party and let them go become a Democrat..

Let's hope more Americans wake up and join the fight to save our party and country.

I agree. One of the biggest problems we have (have had) is the so-called "moderate republicans" who side with the Democrats 90% of the time. Not only is it a problem in getting republican initiatives passed, it is even more of a publicity problem for perception of republican issues.

Case in point... We are all familiar with the liberal media's LEAD story this week... the "news" that Republicans don't have a leader, a single voice speaking for the whole of the party! Oh my goodness, they need a leader or else they are just going to flounder aimlessly and be a non-factor in the future! The sky is falling--- the sky is falling! Well, as a continuum of this "story" the USA Today 'journalists' went on to do more of an in-depth analysis. Guess who they asked about this seeming 'problem' and what it means for the party? The former campaign manager for McCain, and Olympia Snowe! And guess what these idiots suggested we do? Yep... that's right... they suggest Republicans need to "reach out" and "moderate" their positions on the issues! The left wing media uses these dupes to convince us that, even the republicans think the republicans are too extreme! It's because they want to keep us pushed in this "moderate" corner, because as long as we stay there, liberal democrats can win elections.

It is time for EVERY conservative, of EVERY stripe, to pull their head out of their ass, and really examine what is happening in a pragmatic way. Libertarian Conservatives need to understand, we have a choice, Liberalism or the Republican party. If you want conservatism, there is only one party which will afford that in the near future, otherwise, you are going to get Liberalism shoved down your throats. It's time for ALL conservatives to join forces under the banner of the Republican party, and take back our nation!

It is my honest opinion, moderate republicans are an oxymoron. You either support conservative principles and values, or you aren't a Republican at all. There is no "moderate" position on core conservative issues. Those who identify themselves as "moderate republicans" are no different than socialists calling themselves "progressive!" It's a play on words, designed to make you think they are somehow more objective, above the fray, willing to compromise. The truth is, they don't really believe in core conservative principles or values, they believe in being popular. If they have to side with liberals to be popular, they will!

We need a complete house cleaning in 2010! Any republican who has not stood up for core conservative principles, needs to be revealed for the frauds they are, and ousted from office. THEN, we can start to decide who speaks for the Republican party and who represents our core conservative principles best. Until that happens, we are really just pissing in the wind.
No leaders, no ideas, 30 years of failure, a older white male base, and proof after Bush Jr they cannot lead a nation. RNC: Rush Neut and Cheney, add Sarah and you wonder if they can even attain a level of believability.

Amazon.com: Why Jesus Would Never, Ever Vote Republican: Richard John Siviur: Books

the Democrats have had the same views for 30 yrs. but that make them a weaner...ok, got it..:rolleyes:
Without doubt Churchill was instrumental in keeping up morale in the Second World War, especially during the Battle of Britain. However it is not widely known that the Neville Chamberlain was the politician who fought against Churchill in the bombers versus fighters debate, fortunately Chamberlain won out otherwise the war may well have had a different outcome. He increased the budget dramatically for the procurement of Hurricanes and Spitfires as well as coastal defences especially radar, Churchill was adamant that the coming war could only be won by vastly increasing bomber numbers.
I don't recall that little tidbit, but I do recall Chamberlain's meeting with Hitler just prior to the attack on Britain, then announcing that he'd received a guarantee from Adolph himself that Britain would not be attacked.
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