I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory.

No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.

I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.

Such is the future of the Democrat Party. :cof1:


I've noticed something new too about mainstream Republicans. Most of them have become Democrats since the right wing wackos overran the party.
I hope "mainstream Republicans" dig in their heels on their "principles" during this serious recession.

You are actually just parroting what you've heard some other liberal say, but let me explain why they said it... Smart liberals (unlike yourself) know and understand, this so-called "moderate conservatism" or "passionate conservatism," whatever you want to call it, can't beat liberalism at the ballot box. In fact, for the very first time in American history, liberals are having a field day at the ballot box, because it is viewed as preferable to this hodgepodge, wishy-washy, half-hearted "moderate" conservatism, which really isn't worth squat to anyone.

So the smart liberals know, if they can brow beat conservatives into continuing to take this mild-mannered conciliatory approach, where they abandon their conservative principles for the sake of getting along, they will continue to gain and keep the power they've obtained. So they say things like, "I really hope the cons do hold to their principles" because they think this will make conservatives scared and afraid to push their party back to where they belong. As long as they can intimidate some conservatives into being like Arlen Specter and John McCain, they will keep winning elections and remain in power.

Here is the LAST thing smart liberals want... For Conservatives to be once again energized with the clear and concise core conservative message they articulated during the Reagan years. Because that spells trouble, that means disaster for them, they know it with ever fiber of their liberal being. This is why Sarah Palin is so viciously attacked and relentlessly dogged, they KNOW she poses a real threat to this liberal heyday. YOU don't know this, because you are too stupid to know anything, you just repeat whatever other pinhead liberals are saying, and think it makes you look smart. But that is the reason why you keep hearing it.
Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory.

No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.

I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.

Such is the future of the Democrat Party. :cof1:
and remember, Denial is not just a river in Egypt! LOL LOL LOL
I know this conservative Republican will fight the rinos in our party who think we need to be more like a Democrat and adopt their views..that is not what our ideals are and I for one will not change..If I wanted to be like a Democrat and thought the way they did, I would become a damn Democrat..but I don't, and I never will..

The Rinos need to be kicked the hell out of the Republican party and let them go become a Democrat..

Let's hope more Americans wake up and join the fight to save our party and country.

LOL LOL LOL Ya'll are just so clueless about politics. Children, you're just spoiled children who if you can't have it all your own way you're going to take your ball and go home and not play anymore.

That's just not the way Politics works and if this attitude makes you feel good and gives you a warm fuzzy that you're taking a principled stand on your fringe beliefs, well more power to you but you're going to be the political equivelant of a eunich, standing by the sidelines, bitching and moaning but otherwise irrelevant and ineffective.

So good luck with that attitude, you'll need it! LOL LOL LOL

and btw way you wingnut assholes. The people you're trying to marginalize as RINO's cause they don't except your uncompromising, incompetent and extremist point of view were the mainstream Republicans.

Now the term "Mainstream Republican" can't be used cause ya'll have turned it into an oxymoron. There's hardly a Republican left that's closer than a country mile to being mainstream.
LOL LOL LOL Ya'll are just so clueless about politics. Children, you're just spoiled children who if you can't have it all your own way you're going to take your ball and go home and not play anymore.

That's just not the way Politics works and if this attitude makes you feel good and gives you a warm fuzzy that you're taking a principled stand on your fringe beliefs, well more power to you but you're going to be the political equivelant of a eunich, standing by the sidelines, bitching and moaning but otherwise irrelevant and ineffective.

So good luck with that attitude, you'll need it! LOL LOL LOL

and btw way you wingnut assholes. The people you're trying to marginalize as RINO's cause they don't except your uncompromising, incompetent and extremist point of view were the mainstream Republicans.

Now the term "Mainstream Republican" can't be used cause ya'll have turned it into an oxymoron. There's hardly a Republican left that's closer than a country mile to being mainstream.

you keep living in your dream world..most polls show the majority of Americans still have conservative values, and ideals..but we wouldn't want to burst the tiny bubble you live in..
you keep living in your dream world..most polls show the majority of Americans still have conservative values, and ideals..but we wouldn't want to burst the tiny bubble you live in..
You just don't get it. #1, you don't understand the difference between conservatism and being a political reactionary. #2 You're the one in a bubble as your political movement is impotent and is in disarray and #3, I don't really give a rats ass cause you can marginalize your own party all you want to and marginalize center right people like me as RINO's and exclude them from your party and deny reality all you want to but that aint gonna get you off the sidelines where you are now, bitching and moaning, cause the facts are these. American may be a center right nation politically but the Republican party is a looooooooong far ways to the right of right of center. A moderate like Obama is much closer to center right then a wingnut like you is and that's what you're not getting from the poll my friend.

Figures never lie but liars figure. Looks like you got some figuring out to do if you ever want to become relevant again. LOL LOL LOL
Seriously funny.
No, not really. American needs two vital and affective political parties. Due to a bizarre set of circumstances the Republican party has imploded and we are now, for all intents and purposes a one party system and that's not healthy. The question is, how long will it take the Republican party to marginalize the wing nuts and move back towards the mainstream or will they be replaced by another political party as what happened to the Whigs, Federalist and the original Democratic party?
No, not really. American needs two vital and affective political parties. Due to a bizarre set of circumstances the Republican party has imploded and we are now, for all intents and purposes a one party system and that's not healthy.

How are we a one party system? Is the UK a "one party system" simply because all branches of government are controlled by labour? Of course not. The Republicans are behind but they're not that freakin' far behind.
You just don't get it. #1, you don't understand the difference between conservatism and being a political reactionary. #2 You're the one in a bubble as your political movement is impotent and is in disarray and #3, I don't really give a rats ass cause you can marginalize your own party all you want to and marginalize center right people like me as RINO's and exclude them from your party and deny reality all you want to but that aint gonna get you off the sidelines where you are now, bitching and moaning, cause the facts are these. American may be a center right nation politically but the Republican party is a looooooooong far ways to the right of right of center. A moderate like Obama is much closer to center right then a wingnut like you is and that's what you're not getting from the poll my friend.

Figures never lie but liars figure. Looks like you got some figuring out to do if you ever want to become relevant again. LOL LOL LOL

LOL LOL LOL the Obama is a moderate? of what? Socialism or Communism...He believes himself to be our Dear Leader and you little followers are his subjects...Like I said, I hope the American people wake up time to save our freedom and country.
you keep living in your dream world..most polls show the majority of Americans still have conservative values, and ideals..but we wouldn't want to burst the tiny bubble you live in..
Yup. Remember where the vote against gay marriage came from in California? The so called Democrat stronghold: minorities.
LOL LOL LOL the Obama is a moderate? of what? Socialism or Communism...He believes himself to be our Dear Leader and you little followers are his subjects...Like I said, I hope the American people wake up time to save our freedom and country.

You have to understand, Mott leans so far left his change falls out of his pockets!
How are we a one party system? Is the UK a "one party system" simply because all branches of government are controlled by labour? Of course not. The Republicans are behind but they're not that freakin' far behind.
They are getting there! The point being, the Republican party is in dissarray and it's reaction by the base is to alienate more people from voting Republican by moving further to the right and it's rendering them impotent, ineffective and incompetent.
You have to understand, Mott leans so far left his change falls out of his pockets!

Actually, providing you purchase a quality trouser, it should make no difference to the change contained in one's pocket whether you lean leftward or rightward to any particular degree. Indeed i would suggest that actual trouser inversion would have to occur before any change would be threatened with potential escape.

If there's one thing i can't abide it is to see the good name of our trousers being dragged through the mud on message boards. For shame, sir.
LOL LOL LOL the Obama is a moderate? of what? Socialism or Communism...He believes himself to be our Dear Leader and you little followers are his subjects...Like I said, I hope the American people wake up time to save our freedom and country.
Well to a far right extremist like you and Dixie anything slightly to the left of Attila the Hun is a freaken bleeding heart liberal. You guys are so far away from the center of mainstream that a left of center liberal like Obama or even a right of center moderate like myself, by comparision to you extremist would be a commie so you aint exactly saying jack shit here.
Actually, providing you purchase a quality trouser, it should make no difference to the change contained in one's pocket whether you lean leftward or rightward to any particular degree. Indeed i would suggest that actual trouser inversion would have to occur before any change would be threatened with potential escape.

If there's one thing i can't abide it is to see the good name of our trousers being dragged through the mud on message boards. For shame, sir.

Well let's put things in perspective, being called a left leaning liberal by a someone who considers Hitler a liberal isn't saying a hell of a lot, is it?
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