Jan 6th "Thug" called the "Praying Grandma" convicted...

Your attempt at gaslighting your way out of this by attempting to rewrite history has been noted.

It is a description of what happened, not a strawman. Explain your support of one over the other, or do you believe that they too should have faced consequences? (This is an easy one, if you are into lying to yourself you can say they "should" have and lament while tearing up and tearing your hair out while crying out about how upset you are that they didn't face consequences in order to "prove" me wrong. You can even do this while pretending you cannot remember what I am talking about, in other words you can even keep trying to gaslight the history right out of existence, but it won't really work).

What have I "gaslighted?

You apparently have lumped me in w/ a group of people you saw on TV, or read about, or something. I think anyone who broke the law in the BLM riots should be held accountable to the rule of law, and anyone who broke the law on 1/6 the same.

Again - I'm sorry that your thread failed.
I have asked questions, I have not defended anyone. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, and that's all on you.

You don't like the questions because you think the answers would make you feel poorly, I get that. You don't have to participate, especially not by making up something then pretending I said it and fighting that strawman.

You are defending a person that broke the law

Then you lied to imply no one was prosecuted in protests where fires were started

It was proven the cops in fact Over reacted and people were over charged

You are a liar

You are making that clear
So the same folks who think that burning other folks' properties is "mostly peaceful protest" that nobody should face any consequences for alternatively say that when a lady breaks nothing, does no damage and leaves she should face the full penalty of law because she made the fatal mistake of disagreeing with leftists...

I'm glad her attorneys are appealing, I wonder how it will turn out. I also wonder if Jarod would object if this "Thug" got a pardon? (Which was my original question, ay?)

Look at this stupid crap you spewed

Fucking lies

How can anyone ever respect your judgment again when you repeat cult programming

Washington(CNN) The Justice Department targeted more than 300 protesters by charging them with federal crimes for their roles during the civil unrest last summer after the murder of George Floyd, according to a new report from The Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of Black advocacy groups.

The report found that more than 90% of federal cases against Black Lives Matter protesters could have been charged in state court -- and that in 88% of those cases, the federal charges carried more severe penalties than similar state charges.

"This persecution resulted in hundreds of organizers and activists facing years in federal prison with no chance of parole," the report read. It was co-authored by CUNY School of Law's Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Clinic.

Read this article

Then retract those fucking lies

Or accept you are in a cult
BLM protesters were targeted by federal government with stiffer punishments, an analysis shows
By Christina Carrega, CNN
Updated 10:55 PM EDT, Fri August 20, 2021

That was the findings.

Get right with the facts

Washington(CNN) The Justice Department targeted more than 300 protesters by charging them with federal crimes for their roles during the civil unrest last summer after the murder of George Floyd, according to a new report from The Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of Black advocacy groups.

The report found that more than 90% of federal cases against Black Lives Matter protesters could have been charged in state court -- and that in 88% of those cases, the federal charges carried more severe penalties than similar state charges.

"This persecution resulted in hundreds of organizers and activists facing years in federal prison with no chance of parole," the report read. It was co-authored by CUNY School of Law's Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Clinic.

Expect lots of shaming when you try to repeat that fucking lie
You are defending a person that broke the law

Then you lied to imply no one was prosecuted in protests where fires were started

It was proven the cops in fact Over reacted and people were over charged

You are a liar

You are making that clear
B]YOU intend on voting for a person that broke the law you moron.
So the same folks who think that burning other folks' properties is "mostly peaceful protest" that nobody should face any consequences for alternatively say that when a lady breaks nothing, does no damage and leaves she should face the full penalty of law because she made the fatal mistake of disagreeing with leftists...

I'm glad her attorneys are appealing, I wonder how it will turn out. I also wonder if Jarod would object if this "Thug" got a pardon? (Which was my original question, ay?)

Your attempt at gaslighting your way out of this by attempting to rewrite history has been noted.

It is a description of what happened, not a strawman. Explain your support of one over the other, or do you believe that they too should have faced consequences? (This is an easy one, if you are into lying to yourself you can say they "should" have and lament while tearing up and tearing your hair out while crying out about how upset you are that they didn't face consequences in order to "prove" me wrong. You can even do this while pretending you cannot remember what I am talking about, in other words you can even keep trying to gaslight the history right out of existence, but it won't really work).

You Trumper/J6er apologists and defenders always try to pull the same old shit.

BLM can kiss my ass and go to hell when they're finished, but to lump all of them in with the looters and rioters makes you Trumpsuckers as ignorant, misguided and dishonest as they are.

There were peaceful demonstrators and there were rioters/looters.

Two different groups with different agendas.

But typical of most a-holes, you and your ilk always refuse to make that distinction even though you know about it.

I do not like, nor do I agree with BLM, but lying about them would make me even worse.
So a LOT more BLM rioters should still be in jail right? They did BILLIONS in damage.

If they damaged property or assaulted anyone, you're damn right. So are you going to lie and claim that people who rioted during BLM demonstrations and did damage weren't arrested and charged?




Why is it that you trumptard trolls are so full of shit and play the victim all the time?