Jan Brewers son is an insane criminal


He is in an institution.

He raped some real life human being.

She had his records sealed when she was about to become gov.

She also is under investigation for how she dealth with SS to take care of his costs.
funny how evince bitches when the right brings up the children of dem pols....but in her world, it is ok to attack the children of pub pols.

and dude is right...why is this attackable? what relevance? so desperate to smear the woman, you have to go through her mentally ill kid.
Actually this portion here about the politics, does make it relative for the voters of AZ, IMO. Also, I could give a shit about a rapist. Oh he's mentally ill? Yeah. Whatever. Cry me a river.

Political connections

The Arizona Republic obtained a copy of Ronald Brewer's court file in May through a records request.

A week after Cooke asked the court to prevent The Republic from publishing anything from the case file, the governor's campaign lawyer, Lisa Hauser, signed on to help keep Ronald's case sealed.

Hauser, who also provided legal counsel for Jan Brewer's transition team, is one of 13 applicants for a position on the Arizona Supreme Court - a position Brewer will appoint.

The Commission on Appellate Court Appointments, which chooses the Supreme Court nominees, met in Phoenix on Monday. The commission moved Hauser ahead, granting her one of nine interviews to be held Sept. 30.

Hauser did not return calls seeking comment.

Doug Cole, who runs Brewer's campaign through the consulting firm High Ground and is one of the governor's closest advisers, has been intimately involved in the fight as well.

About two weeks after Hauser signed on as counsel, Cole sat in on a meeting with Hauser, an attorney representing the state hospital, an attorney representing the newspaper and Lovely, to try to resolve the records dispute.

Brewer also appointed Cole as one of 10 public members of the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments, which selects the judicial nominees.

Paul Senseman, Brewer's spokesman, said Hauser came into the proceedings at the request of Ronald's attorney, who wanted Hauser's expertise in public-records law. Ronald paid for Hauser's services, Senseman said.

Cole said he participated in the proceedings as a representative of the governor.

"She's involved because she's the governor and he's her son. . . . This has nothing to do with the campaign," Cole said. "She needs to have her place at the table, and she entrusted me with that. Nothing more, nothing less."

Lovely said: "Throughout this case, the governor's representatives tried to portray this solely as a family matter and not a political issue. Yet those representatives, Doug Cole and Lisa Hauser, are directly tied to the governor's re-election campaign."

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/elect...brewer-son-medical-records.html#ixzz1lEUYdr6e
another evince lie: "she had his records sealed"

the truth:

But Jan Brewer's ascendance to governor, after Janet Napolitano took a position in the Obama administration, triggered Ronald to request a change.

His attorney filed a motion on Jan. 2, 2009, to seal the case file.

"Ronald Brewer's mother is a public figure in the State of Arizona," the motion states. "It has come to our attention that others have recently attempted to embarrass Ronald Brewer and his family by publicizing his criminal and mental-health problems," it states.

Gaines granted the motion on Jan. 6.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/elect...brewer-son-medical-records.html#ixzz1lEYODJeE

notice the judge, her son's doctor supported the motion. the matter was adjudicated properly in the end. this is a good example of why we have the best judicial system in the world. same judge, but two different decisions after weighing arguments from both sides.
(Excerpt) Reporter Ginger Rough, who covers the Governor's Office, in June asked the governor detailed questions about the case for a policy story about cuts to the mental-health budget. (End)

Considering, as Governor, she has the power to cut the budget for mental health and, of course, considering her stand on ObamaCare the citizens of Arizona have every right to inquire. Would a poor person receive comparable treatment? What, exactly, are the costs for his treatment and who is paying? Would she be willing to have her son benefit from only the State supplied care? Is she paying for additional care? Would the sons/daughters of less wealthy mothers receive proper care? Does she give a damn about the less fortunate?

There are numerous reasons full disclosure is in the interest of every Arizona citizen and it has everything to do with politics. That's evident by the timing of the request to seal the file after it had been open for 20 years.

Gawd, those Republicans can be a deceitful bunch.
And let me really clear - I don't buy the mental defense for sex offenders, nor do I care. I especially wouldn't buy it when they have a politically connected parent. Great way to keep out of jail isn't it?

I would never, ever, say I wanted to help sex offenders, under any circumstances, even if someone showed me the medical records and convinced me they really were mentally ill - which is never going to happen in the case of Brewer. Probably just another woman-abusing hater. Either way, don't care.

Let me know if I can be any clearer for you STY.
She cut mental healthcare for her citizens and wants SS distroyed.

Yet it all worked for her and her son
anybody who sexually offends is ill, I don't think they should ever get out of jail.

That said, that crazy woman has enough baggage to open a Samsonite store no need to attack her retarded criminal son.
And let me really clear - I don't buy the mental defense for sex offenders, nor do I care. I especially wouldn't buy it when they have a politically connected parent. Great way to keep out of jail isn't it?

I would never, ever, say I wanted to help sex offenders, under any circumstances, even if someone showed me the medical records and convinced me they really were mentally ill - which is never going to happen in the case of Brewer. Probably just another woman-abusing hater. Either way, don't care.

Let me know if I can be any clearer for you STY.
if your previous statement was meant to differentiate between 'mental illness' in sex offenders and true mental illness, then you have my apologies. I don't believe that 99% of sex offenders who claim a mental illness are mentally ill. If that previous statement also includes your sympathy and desire to truly help those who truly are mentally ill, then thumbs up.
if your previous statement was meant to differentiate between 'mental illness' in sex offenders and true mental illness, then you have my apologies. I don't believe that 99% of sex offenders who claim a mental illness are mentally ill. If that previous statement also includes your sympathy and desire to truly help those who truly are mentally ill, then thumbs up.

Okay. And yes, I agree that 99% of sex offenders who claim mental illness are fos. Most of them hate women. Men who rape women know they are committing rape. It's all a lie that they are confused about consent or thought she wanted it, and serial rapists claiming mental illness is of zero interest to me. The ones who sexually abuse children, to me, it's not a discussion I am up for having. I really don't care what the answer is. The only answer is to protect children from them.
Mental Health records are not, and should not be, open to the public.

We all know he got arrested, what it was for, and that he has mental health issues.

Yet we still don't have an explanation as to why we should be talking about the son. Why is this okey dokey any more than it is okay to go after Obama's half brother or something?
Okay. And yes, I agree that 99% of sex offenders who claim mental illness are fos. Most of them hate women. Men who rape women know they are committing rape. It's all a lie that they are confused about consent or thought she wanted it, and serial rapists claiming mental illness is of zero interest to me. The ones who sexually abuse children, to me, it's not a discussion I am up for having. I really don't care what the answer is. The only answer is to protect children from them.

A properly applied double tap will do just that.
agreed screw list of where they live, let the stoners out and keep the sex offenders in jail.

Sorry, but that is far too logical.

Besides, we all know that pot smokers are a far greater threat to society than rapists and pedophiles. There would be no Cheetos left for the rest of us if we let all those hippie pot smokers all out.
Sorry, but that is far too logical.

Besides, we all know that pot smokers are a far greater threat to society than rapists and pedophiles. There would be no Cheetos left for the rest of us if we let all those hippie pot smokers all out.

Yes Dorritos inflation, too many white guy's with dreads, shortage of sock hats, driving to slow on the interstate. Stoners are a menace