Jane Fonda: an American hero

In the sense that she belived in something and stood up for it... she would truely be an American hero!
In the sense that she belived in something and stood up for it... she would truely be an American hero!

Standing for what you believe is all well and good.

But when an american prisoner of secretly passes you a note and you turn it over to the enemy, that is treason. Not believing in the war is fine. Actively making an american prisoner suffer is something else all together.

I stand corrected and apologize for my mistake concerning the myth of her passing notes to the enemy.

Her comments concerning the POWs was pretty harsh. "Fonda said the idea that the POWs she had met in Vietnam had been tortured was "laughable,"...

"To add insult to injury, when American POWs finally began to return home (some having been held captive for up to 9 years) and describe the tortures they had endured at the hands of the North Vietnamese, Jane Fonda quickly told the country that they should "not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars.""

Not quite passing info to the enemy, but not what I would call a hero either.

She is a large part of why people make the distinction that they oppose the war but support the troops.
On the plus side though, her best selling exercise videos brought personal satisfaction to all manner of fat men too ashamed to leave the house.
In the sense that she belived in something and stood up for it... she would truely be an American hero!

Hey Jarod, Watermark was at least trolling. You sir trying to back him up quite possibly might make you the most educated (assuming you actually did pass the bar) idiot in America. Seriously if you are that dumb...
Hey Jarod, Watermark was at least trolling. You sir trying to back him up quite possibly might make you the most educated (assuming you actually did pass the bar) idiot in America. Seriously if you are that dumb...

HOw is that, I dont necessarly agree with all she has done, but I respect someone for standing up for what they belive in.

Just calling someone an idiot is what they call an Ad Honimum attack. Look it up, if I spelled it correctly!
I watched Fonda being interviewed a year or two ago, when her book came out. She said that she was able to carry the intense, at times, pathological hate directed at her by some veterans, because she understood why they hated her. She said she thought it was because they weren't able to hate their government, and someone had to be to blame for what happened to them.

I think that's right. The Vets I tend to meet (peace movement vets) don't hate Fonda. But they do hate the guys got them there. That'd be, the government. So it's all a matter of whether you can face up the facts or not. some can't.

Maybe she said a couple of over the top things that she regrets. Even so, she didn't put them there. She didn't do it to them.
A true American hero stands up for what they belive in, regardless of what it is they belive in!

I am also quite sure she never took a note from a POW to the captors. All I belive she did was go to Vietnam, survey the situation and report on what she saw.
A true American hero stands up for what they belive in, regardless of what it is they belive in!

I am also quite sure she never took a note from a POW to the captors. All I belive she did was go to Vietnam, survey the situation and report on what she saw.

Yeah you just have to watch out cause you can lose your sea...err ass.
I watched Fonda being interviewed a year or two ago, when her book came out. She said that she was able to carry the intense, at times, pathological hate directed at her by some veterans, because she understood why they hated her. She said she thought it was because they weren't able to hate their government, and someone had to be to blame for what happened to them.

I think that's right. The Vets I tend to meet (peace movement vets) don't hate Fonda. But they do hate the guys got them there. That'd be, the government. So it's all a matter of whether you can face up the facts or not. some can't.

Maybe she said a couple of over the top things that she regrets. Even so, she didn't put them there. She didn't do it to them.
Setting aside what she said, look what she did. Posing on a North-Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun? Allowing herself to be used for propoganda that sagged the morale further of Vietnam vets who were their fighting and likely (though indirectly) helped cause more of their deaths.

I predict you will run away from this response and fail to address it.
I watched Fonda being interviewed a year or two ago, when her book came out. She said that she was able to carry the intense, at times, pathological hate directed at her by some veterans, because she understood why they hated her. She said she thought it was because they weren't able to hate their government, and someone had to be to blame for what happened to them.

I think that's right. The Vets I tend to meet (peace movement vets) don't hate Fonda. But they do hate the guys got them there. That'd be, the government. So it's all a matter of whether you can face up the facts or not. some can't.

Maybe she said a couple of over the top things that she regrets. Even so, she didn't put them there. She didn't do it to them.
Had you been tortured by a group of people, and some famous hottie ran around saying you never were and that you were a liar and heck, what were you doing in that neighborhood at that time of night anyway (maybe Ann Coulter)? Do you think you might be able to hate them directly without having to transfer hate from some entity that they supposedly 'can't hate'?
Had you been tortured by a group of people, and some famous hottie ran around saying you never were and that you were a liar and heck, what were you doing in that neighborhood at that time of night anyway (maybe Ann Coulter)? Do you think you might be able to hate them directly without having to transfer hate from some entity that they supposedly 'can't hate'?

Damo, the vast, vast, supermajority, of vets who hold a seething, sometimes, murderous, hate for this woman, were never even captured, no less tortured.
Damo, the vast, vast, supermajority, of vets who hold a seething, sometimes, murderous, hate for this woman, were never even captured, no less tortured.

were you ever in the military? were you ever in combat? Don't presume to know how 'brothers in arms' feel about someone denigrating fellow soldiers and marines they served with.
Damo, the vast, vast, supermajority, of vets who hold a seething, sometimes, murderous, hate for this woman, were never even captured, no less tortured.
Almost every single one of them were called liars by her and others in that movement.

The vast, vast, vast majority served in Viet Nam without ever shooting a person in the back, or breaking the law, torturing anybody, burning down a single village or otherwise being "bad" as they were portrayed.

It is entirely possible they hate her because of what she said about them rather than transference from the same entity that she conveniently hates.