JD Vance

You sound upset; do you need a hankie?

Vance will SHRED the Cackle Queen in the debate(s).
Quite the contrary, I fully approve of Vance’s selection, a Ramaswamy type would have been better, but Vance is good, a Burgum would have presented difficulties
Screenshot of Vance describing Trump as America's Hitler....


:rofl2::lolup: This better make it into a Biden campaign ad!!!!

More proof of Trump's diversity. Thanks.
Heard it cause it is true,
independent voters will decide the election,
and a major component of that bloc are suburban women who Trump does do well with
This is actually true. Trump DOES do decently well with these women..... but he's actually seeing much larger gains in support amongst blacks and hispanics... and younger voters... than he is with suburban women.
over an array of issues especially abortion and “grabbing pussy”
Meh. Most people support Trump's pragmatic abortion stance, and nobody cares about the "grabbing pussy" nonsense that leftists like to salivate over.
Who is the cult. For real? Really that naive?
Just answer the question.
Trump being Trump is an escapism to rationalize Trump’s behavior, ie, Trump lies to America, and we hear it’s just “Trump being Trump”
What lies?
Should not have picked anyone from The Senate. The Senate is the most corrupt entity in America and the Oligarchs and corporations are next in line. Flat out, I do not like this.
Aweeeee, you don't like the truth coming out?
I love JD speaking the truth about trump. Perfect choice!

I love JD speaking the truth about trump. Perfect choice!

Yup, you've definitely received the latest programming from your mind masters to keep parroting. TOO FUNNY!!
