Jesus Camp

I saw this online when it was first out and yes it's crazy. Mike Pappationio is a great radio personality with Bobby Kennedy jr. They have a very intelligent show at He is a lawyer and is known for taking on big tobacco companies. He kicks butt. Anyways yea I'm Christian and was brought up in the church and never experienced anything like this. Of course I'm not an evangelical so I guess that's one reason why. My parents were never strict with me. When I was a pre-teen they didn't like me watching MTV but I was a big fan of "Charmed" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and I had a lot of friends outside of the church and whatnot and they liked me hanging out with them too. These people are fundamentalists and it seems like their religion consumes their lives. There's nothing wrong with being religious but when you let it over take everything that's when I think it is and it takes away freewill. As Pap said God gave us freewill to think.
I think it's an important documentary. Even though they didn't win the election for George Bush (it was stolen twice but that's another debate all together) they still have a lot of political clout and say in what the Congress/Senate does and who gets on the Supreme Court for example. Bush has to still go along with this fake thing to keep people away from looking at his crimes of supressing people's votes etc. Thankfully people are rejecting them now. We have to remember this for when they come back.

I didn't know it was news at all. Or old for that matter considering my commentary was on what is on A&E right now.

Thanks for the comment though. I agree. Old news is old.
This is like saying that it takes exactly the same amount of faith to NOT believe in Santa Claus as it takes to believe in Santa Claus. As for going out and spreading the non word...that is just weird. I am an athiest because for me god is like the gremlin in the clock. You can tell me that the only reason that the clock keeps time is because there is a gremlin inside works his magic to make it keep time but honestly, the positing of the gremlin does not change how the clock keeps time ONE IOTA. All things being equal, I chose to believe the clock works because it's mechanisms were put together correctly. And NO I don't need a clockmaker for the universe either.
What you need makes no difference, it is not the same as Santa with the entire planet knowing it is fictional rather than more people than not believing in it.

The reality is, that without abosolute knowledge jumping off the scale from probability to assurance takes exactly the same infinite leap as described by the probability line. It doesn't matter how far from zero you go in either direction it is still an infinite leap to leave the line of probability into the absolute assurance area.
Ding ding ding! You got it. I've seen the movie before but I don't know why but this time around I did notice how much politics was talked about at this church. I guess the first time I was going through shock or something heh heh. But yeah even when the one guy did a prayer for breakfast he mentioned "the sins of our nation." It was like these kids were being forced with politics instead of messages from Jesus such as his parables or the Sermon on the Mtn. Do you think they'd be doing that praying over a cutout of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or John Edwards? They're all Christian's of some sort of denomination. I didn't see them talk about LGBT at all throughout the film which actually surprised me. If they did I must've missed it (was watching "Law and Order" during the commericals) or something. I wish they told at the end what happened with Haggard. Alexandra Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi's youngest daughter) does documentaries and she did one similar to this called "Friends of God." My younger cousin's loved "Harry Potter" and they're Baptist's and my brother is a big fan of the books and he also likes "The Golden Compus" series and he's Christian (we're Church of Christ). I would honestly be surprised how many of them are still this active when they're teenagers and early college. It would be interesting to see a follow up of these kids when they're a bit older.

Actually if you look at the pedophile brain is is distinctly different in its function. There are many pedophiles that were not abused as children nor exposed to inappropriate sexual behavior. Pedophiles in many instances are born.

My dad used to be the parish therapist. He told me that there are many gay males and pedophiles in the priesthood. They went there to escape their urges and desires. For pedophiles that became priests they found themselves with the opportunity to have private access to children and the means to use god to keep them silent.

Now as for this Jesus Camp thing. I watched the replay of Jesus Camp lastnight on A&E and it was exactly what I thought it would be. A training camp not for future christians but for future political christian fascist activists. Early on they show the family saying the pledge of allegiance to the christian flag and the bible and you could tell it was pure rote recitation with NO understanding of what exactly they were saying. Then you have the political training of Jesus Camp. Bringing in cutouts of President Bush (which are probably about on par intellectually with their real life counterparts) and touching him and praying for him. The emotional scaring of 4 and 5 year olds that were being told about abortion. I fell asleep before the end but I bet they got told about the horrors of queers as well. Jesus Camp is camp for the brainwashing of children. Not just to a certain religious belief which I GUESS is acceptable brainwashing but also political brainwashing. The thing that made me laff hardest at the woman who runs the camp was her insistence that had Harry Potter existed in old testament times he would have been killed. I would LOVE to see how the fuck the Jewish people would have killed a FICTIONAL character. I have nothing but contempt for the people that run Jesus Camp and even more contempt for the parents that send their children there. They are creating hateful religious freaks which will, in many cases, be the leaders of the new protestant evangelical church, and teach their followers that they are waging a WAR for Jesus.
What you need makes no difference, it is not the same as Santa with the entire planet knowing it is fictional rather than more people than not believing in it.

The reality is, that without abosolute knowledge jumping off the scale from probability to assurance takes exactly the same infinite leap as described by the probability line. It doesn't matter how far from zero you go in either direction it is still an infinite leap to leave the line of probability into the absolute assurance area.
you are right. I can't be absolutely sure that there is not at this very moment in my watch a little invisible gremlin running around keeping the movement accurate. But the positing of the gremlin does zero. zip nada, to change the concept of time or how my watch works.
you are right. I can't be absolutely sure that there is not at this very moment in my watch a little invisible gremlin running around keeping the movement accurate. But the positing of the gremlin does zero. zip nada, to change the concept of time or how my watch works.
Nor would the positing of a Deity change how the universe works.
Actually if you look at the pedophile brain is is distinctly different in its function. There are many pedophiles that were not abused as children nor exposed to inappropriate sexual behavior. Pedophiles in many instances are born.

My dad used to be the parish therapist. He told me that there are many gay males and pedophiles in the priesthood. They went there to escape their urges and desires. For pedophiles that became priests they found themselves with the opportunity to have private access to children and the means to use god to keep them silent.

Now as for this Jesus Camp thing. I watched the replay of Jesus Camp lastnight on A&E and it was exactly what I thought it would be. A training camp not for future christians but for future political christian fascist activists. Early on they show the family saying the pledge of allegiance to the christian flag and the bible and you could tell it was pure rote recitation with NO understanding of what exactly they were saying. Then you have the political training of Jesus Camp. Bringing in cutouts of President Bush (which are probably about on par intellectually with their real life counterparts) and touching him and praying for him. The emotional scaring of 4 and 5 year olds that were being told about abortion. I fell asleep before the end but I bet they got told about the horrors of queers as well. Jesus Camp is camp for the brainwashing of children. Not just to a certain religious belief which I GUESS is acceptable brainwashing but also political brainwashing. The thing that made me laff hardest at the woman who runs the camp was her insistence that had Harry Potter existed in old testament times he would have been killed. I would LOVE to see how the fuck the Jewish people would have killed a FICTIONAL character. I have nothing but contempt for the people that run Jesus Camp and even more contempt for the parents that send their children there. They are creating hateful religious freaks which will, in many cases, be the leaders of the new protestant evangelical church, and teach their followers that they are waging a WAR for Jesus.

Why aren't these priests sent to prison? Not enough evidence?
Once they are outted it is usually past the statute of limitations.
Actually once they are outted they are moved. There is a Catholic Compound called the Servants of the Paracletes in Jemez Springs NM where pedophile priests were sent into hiding and for treatment and then were later returned to serving parishes. One of the most glaring ommissions of Saint John Paul II was that fact that purposely ignored the sexual abuse taking place at the hands of his priests. Back in 1993 the facility in Jemez Springs became well known because five priests released back into parishes were accused subsequently of molestation of child parishioners.
Actually once they are outted they are moved. There is a Catholic Compound called the Servants of the Paracletes in Jemez Springs NM where pedophile priests were sent into hiding and for treatment and then were later returned to serving parishes. One of the most glaring ommissions of Saint John Paul II was that fact that purposely ignored the sexual abuse taking place at the hands of his priests. Back in 1993 the facility in Jemez Springs became well known because five priests released back into parishes were accused subsequently of molestation of child parishioners.
I brought that up. I am talking about truly outted, not found out by the church and stuffed into a corner.

Had they been sent to prosecution when the church found out they would be in prison, but since most of the allegations are old and new allegations are unlikely (kids don't often come forward with this) they are usually past the statute of limitations when it comes to light. Thankfully lawsuits are still allowed in most places.
On this issue.............

Actually once they are outted they are moved. There is a Catholic Compound called the Servants of the Paracletes in Jemez Springs NM where pedophile priests were sent into hiding and for treatment and then were later returned to serving parishes. One of the most glaring ommissions of Saint John Paul II was that fact that purposely ignored the sexual abuse taking place at the hands of his priests. Back in 1993 the facility in Jemez Springs became well known because five priests released back into parishes were accused subsequently of molestation of child parishioners.

I will agree with you counselor you are correct about the slap on the wrist punishment the leaders of the church took...this is exactly why I left the church as a practicing Catholic...I will not return until the church takes a stronger postion on this issue as well as stopping the support of the Illegal Immigration issue!
I didn't know that serious crimes like that HAD statute's of limitations. That seems like an ancient way of thought, at least...
Yup. I lobby to remove statute of limitations on crimes against children. If somebody has enough evidence to convict they should go to prison regardless of when they did the crime. The reality is, if they have done it before they will again and there are more victims than we will ever know about.
The statute of limitations should be removed on every crime except for misdemeanors and non-violent crimes (to discourage police from wasting time on ancient cases like that).