‘Jesus is my saviour, Trump is my president.’ Why the religious right is rooting for a convicted conman

No witch, his daughter wrote that he took inappropriate showers with her, witch.

Ashley Biden's diary, where she describes taking ...

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Ashley Biden's diary, where she describes taking inappropriate showers with her father, Joe Biden, was ALWAYS real. Now, Ashley Biden herself has confirmed it.
WTF -- you think FACEBOOK is a credible source for your scurrilous, malicious gossip?


Sorry, pEarl, but your lies are 100% unfounded in reality or truth. What's wrong with you, you sick old fuck?
Yahoo News:

Fact Check: Posts Claim Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Have Been Verified. Here Are the Facts
Alex Kasprak
Updated May 14, 2024·5 min read


A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."

Rating: True
Rating: True

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."

Poor old ignorant bitch, even the far left Snopes confirmed the diary.
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What's not to believe, after all Trump is the chosen one?!!:rolleyes:

View attachment 27365
Trump and his Magats are perfect for one another.

100% hypocritical when it comes to their espoused religion. The Bible they purport to follow warned against supporting people like Trump, who would use Religion for their personal ends falsely, while not being religious. But the Magats are not really religious either.

If Jesus was to return, revealed himself, and pushed his message of helping the poor and weakest amongst us, and many of the other things Jesus espoused, the Magats would reject him and side with Trump.
No, Walter, whether a person is or is not a rapist, he is not a rapist unless convicted, in the eyes of the law.

You are in deep trouble, Walter.

Post your proof that he is a child rapist, Walter. I’ll wait.
Lets just simplify this to what is indisputable...

Trump is an adjudicated rapist in the eyes of the law.

The only rebuttal you can say against that is 'ya...but... he was adjudicated to have raped the woman in civil courts and not criminal ...so WIN!'

And if you think that is a 'win' that is on you.
trump does not go to church. That says all you need to know about how religious he really is.
Trump didn’t present himself as a particularly devout man before he embarked upon his political career, but seems to have found God when it became politically expedient to do so. When he’s not comparing himself to Jesus, the former president invokes religion regularly. His rallies are full of merchandise such as baseball caps emblazoned with phrases like “Jesus is my saviour, Trump is my president”. Earlier this year he started selling Bibles. While he’s always courted evangelicals, it’s been noted his campaign now seems increasingly infused with Christian imagery.

Trump is not trying to neuter all the children at school.

it's so easy to be better than you sick people.

Trump and his Magats are perfect for one another.

100% hypocritical when it comes to their espoused religion. The Bible they purport to follow warned against supporting people like Trump, who would use Religion for their personal ends falsely, while not being religious. But the Magats are not really religious either.

If Jesus was to return, revealed himself, and pushed his message of helping the poor and weakest amongst us, and many of the other things Jesus espoused, the Magats would reject him and side with Trump.
yeah. it was talking about the pharisees.

Trump is the jesus.

Dems are the pharisees.

it's evident you realize your side has been thrown under the bus in the narrative, but don't get it twisted.

the wrong side of history is a bitch.

As always, pEarl is being dishonest by quoting Snopes. Snopes DID NOT say that the shower story was true. They merely confirmed the existence of the stolen diary. Notice how the ignorant and liars conveniently do not post credible links to their sources. Let's fix that right now.

Snopes: "Because published court documents including the written testimony of Ashley Biden herself demonstrate the reality of the diary, the claim that it has been "confirmed" is True. "
As always, pEarl is being dishonest by quoting Snopes. Snopes DID NOT say that the shower story was true. They merely confirmed the existence of the stolen diary. Notice how the ignorant and liars conveniently do not post credible links to their sources. Let's fix that right now.

Snopes: "Because published court documents including the written testimony of Ashley Biden herself demonstrate the reality of the diary, the claim that it has been "confirmed" is True. "
A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, ****Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."****

Rating: True
Rating: True

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."

Poor old ignorant bitch, even the far left Snopes confirmed the diary.
Ignorant witch…Mass is held on Saturdays and other days…ignorance.
trump claims he is a Presbyterian with Marble Collegiate Church... Marble Collegiate is not a Presbyterian Church. He has not been there in decades, and was never an active member. He does point to First Presbyterian Church as where he was an active member, but quit at some point in his teens (around when he was sent to military school).

trump pointedly said he has never sought forgiveness for his sins. he has no clue that is important to real Christians.