Jesus vs. Buddha

if jews weren't so mesmerized by the thought of free stuff they might have fared better.

Only on jpp could a thread about two of humanity's great ethical teachers turn into an anti-semitic orgy.
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Only on jpp could a thread about two of humanity's great ethical teachers turn into an anti-semitic orgy.

Notice it's all RW white supremacists doing the hating. They claim to be Christians, but their actions and words belie that claim.
if jews weren't so mesmerized by the thought of free stuff they might have fared better.
Thanks, once again, for proving you are a liar when you claim you don't hate Jews.

This is why I believe you are also a liar about being non-violent. You don't consider Jews and people of color to be human so you consider killing them not to any more violent than butchering sheep and cattle.
Thanks, once again, for proving you are a liar when you claim you don't hate Jews.

This is why I believe you are also a liar about being non-violent. You don't consider Jews and people of color to be human so you consider killing them not to any more violent than butchering sheep and cattle.

I don't hate jews.

I just know they like money.
No,that's part of the mystery of antisemitism

oh is it?

dindu nuffin?