Jobs Numbers Revision "up to" 1 Million lower than reported

You have never owned a business Joe. No business owner would say something so fucking stupid. Please. Aim low, son.
You seem upset again Joseph. But I’m not concerned. I’m watching the gorgeous sunset from the balcony of the ship. Extraordinary. Enjoy your Saturday of hating everyone. It’s what you do best. My wife has a smoking hot lime green bikini on. Tomorrow is our anniversary. How cool is that?
Stop dreaming. You're stuck at home on the couch with nothing to do.
I bet you do not know how stupid that was.
Are you going to show us instead how to be REALLY stupid? You already have a lot of good examples of that!
The jobs are real jobs.
What jobs? Argument from randU fallacy.
They are not just in government.
The federal government is the largest employer by far. It produces NOTHING.
They track the American jobs
Who are "they"? How do they "track" them? Argument from randU fallacy.
and correct them through the state unemployment sites.
The States don't have any numbers either. Argument from randU fallacy.
Those numbers are refined.
You can't 'refine' random numbers. All you get are random numbers.
It is what has always been done.
It has NEVER been done. Argument from randU fallacy.
They are from all the employers in the state.
Never measured. Argument from randU fallacy.
Why do Repubs know so little ?
Why do YOU know nothing?

Don't bother to answer that last question. I already know the answer.
There is no economic depression and interest rates are historically rather average, and about to come down. What’s wrong , do you need to refinance your double wide?
Denying the economic depression does not make it go away, Sybil.
Denying the inflation does not make it go away either.
There has been exactly one depression in the last 100 years you fucking nitwit. Herbert Hoover. What party was he again. Goddamn you are dumb.
Denying an economic depression does not make it go away, Sybil.
Hoover did not cause an economic depression.

The Great Depression was caused by Wilson (who set up the conditions for it by mucking with banking and creating the Fed) and FDR (converting the downturn into the Great Depression, most of it from New Deal proposals, the theft of gold, and the creation of fiat currency), and it lasted 27 years, well into the Eisenhower administration, who finally ended it. During that time, the dollar was inflated by 150% (source: Federal Reserve, Treasury).

Wilson did what he did to try to correct the instability caused by the aftermath of the War of Secession...but in typical Democrat method...nationalization.

The current economic depression was caused by Democrats implementing the Covid Hoax (otherwise known as the Election Virus), which DESTROYED many companies. It is still ongoing. During this depression, the dollar has been inflated by 35% (source: Federal Reserve).
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Bush almost had one. Obama pulled us out of it.
The economic depression was during the Obama administration and lasted nine years, and caused by Democrats mucking with the housing market. The dollar inflated by 75% (source: Federal Reserve) during that time. It didn't end until a year into the Trump administration. Obama called the depression "The New Normal".
Cuntcart is so oblivious to what it takes to run a business that it like's to project to others. I call it "it" because it's unclear what the fuck it is.

I celebrated my 30th anniversary of being in business last October. Feels good to have forged my own destiny.
Cuntcart is so oblivious to what it takes to run a business that it like's to project to others. I call it "it" because it's unclear what the fuck it is.

I celebrated my 30th anniversary of being in business last October. Feels good to have forged my own destiny.
I ran and owned three businesses. Your intelligence level does not support your claim. Simple as that.