Jobs sent overseas? How did this happen?

Someone else tried to tell me that. I'll tell you what I told him. They may be completely different men entirely. How the Establishment is treating them is making them almost mirror images. They both are left leaning moderates. The establishment is trying to shove Rubio down our throats as the most electable. And the Silent Majority isn't buying it this time.

It's like the Republican establishment is made up of a bunch of Rain Men. They continue to make the same mistake over and over again, and Democrats benefit.

Have you ever wondered how Bernie could be out drawing Hillary at his rallies, how he could be way ahead of her in the polls and yet HE HASN'T WON A SINGLE STATE AND SHE HAS A BUTT LOAD OF DELEGATES?

Put another way: Wall Street is propping the Democrat party up. What makes you think they're going to allow and angry old white man (WHO WANTS TO TEAR WALL STREET DOWN) to get anywhere near the nomination?

Excuse me?

One of the companies Trump owns is worth more than the entire Romney family. And I don't think Romney can claim to be the landlord of the largest bank in the world.

Rubio is now a left-leaning moderate? Wow. This is getting quite entertaining. Does that make Trump a socialist then?

There's a difference between managerial skill and building a company and pure net worth.

What does being landlord to the world's largest bank have to do with anything?
Rubio is now a left-leaning moderate? Wow.

He has just called for paid college tuition for illegal aliens. That puts him way in the Obama camp.

This is getting quite entertaining. Does that make Trump a socialist then?

The reason Trump is on top of the polls and will be the next president is because he has defied all the labels and has focused on what people want. He isn't using the word "conservative" ten or twenty times a minute in his speeches like Ted Cruz. He owns the most important issues on the minds of the Silent Majority. And people believe he can come through.

There's a difference between managerial skill and building a company and pure net worth.

Actually, there isn't. You are the manager of what you manage. And Trump graduated from the top business school in America. Wharton School of Finance makes Harvard look like a community college.
What does being landlord to the world's largest bank have to do with anything?

It's an accomplishment. It's a feat of management, of brains, of ambition and of knowledge.
He has just called for paid college tuition for illegal aliens. That puts him way in the Obama camp.

The reason Trump is on top of the polls and will be the next president is because he has defied all the labels and has focused on what people want. He isn't using the word "conservative" ten or twenty times a minute in his speeches like Ted Cruz. He owns the most important issues on the minds of the Silent Majority. And people believe he can come through.

Actually, there isn't. You are the manager of what you manage. And Trump graduated from the top business school in America. Wharton School of Finance makes Harvard look like a community college.

It's an accomplishment. It's a feat of management, of brains, of ambition and of knowledge.

Wow. Very impressive. For you sir:

For purposes of this thread (and truthfully it's something I believe in my heart) EVERYONE has greed. Those freeloaders you refer to are greedy. I'm a middle class wage earner and I'm greedy. Corporations are greedy. EVERYONE is greedy. Everyone wants more than they have. And frankly, that's not such a bad thing. Just because you have a small handful of idiots here who have nothing more intelligent to add to the argument than "corporate greed" (without them even understanding what the fuck it means) doesn't mean greed isn't a factor.

We have an economy because of greed all around. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I want more than what I have and if I'm willing to do something more than I'm doing now to EARN it, wanting to keep it when I do isn't selfish.
I'm much more with republicans on fiscal issues
If I can ever shelter 100 percent I will

You're with Republicans on fiscal issues? Seriously?

Dude, you are fucked. The fact that Republicans have been only a little better than Democrats on fiscal issues doesn't change the fact that Republicans shouldn't be trusted with a fucking lemonade stand, much less a national economy. Nazi Pelosi didn't get the Speaker's gavel because the Republican Congress and president were REDUCING spending.

See, this is the reason the country is gravitating towards Trump. He doesn't have this spend-like-a-drunken-sailor disease that both parties suffer from. He's actually had to deal with bottom lines, deadlines and cost ceilings.
That's why I disagree that everyone has greed. I don't want it unless I can earn it and don't expect out of anyone else any less that what I expect from or have done myself.

That's not the definition of greed. Wanting more is not a bad thing.
Greed doesn't always lead to being a looter or a moocher.
You're with Republicans on fiscal issues? Seriously?

Dude, you are fucked. The fact that Republicans have been only a little better than Democrats on fiscal issues doesn't change the fact that Republicans shouldn't be trusted with a fucking lemonade stand, much less a national economy. Nazi Pelosi didn't get the Speaker's gavel because the Republican Congress and president were REDUCING spending.

See, this is the reason the country is gravitating towards Trump. He doesn't have this spend-like-a-drunken-sailor disease that both parties suffer from. He's actually had to deal with bottom lines, deadlines and cost ceilings.

Where do you think Trump is going to control costs? The two largest expenditures of the federal government are S.S. and Medicare/Medicaid and he's already said he's not touching those.
You're with Republicans on fiscal issues? Seriously?

Dude, you are fucked. The fact that Republicans have been only a little better than Democrats on fiscal issues doesn't change the fact that Republicans shouldn't be trusted with a fucking lemonade stand, much less a national economy. Nazi Pelosi didn't get the Speaker's gavel because the Republican Congress and president were REDUCING spending.

See, this is the reason the country is gravitating towards Trump. He doesn't have this spend-like-a-drunken-sailor disease that both parties suffer from. He's actually had to deal with bottom lines, deadlines and cost ceilings.

Both parties suck you simpleton
Dems are much better on social issues
Republicans favor slightly less giving away of our money
Where do you think Trump is going to control costs? The two largest expenditures of the federal government are S.S. and Medicare/Medicaid and he's already said he's not touching those.

Actually, that's a very intelligent question.

I'm not going to include Sosha Curity in this discussion because there hasn't been any money in the Sosha Curity account since the Democrats raided that fund and replaced it with IOUs.

Let's talk about Medicare and Medicaid. What do you think is causing the costs in both of those programs to skyrocket?

Every Republican since Reagan has come up with "fraud waste and abuse." (And don't get me wrong. When I was selling Medicare supplements in the late 80s, I tapped into a LOT of Medicare ripoffs that I immediately reported to their Blue Cross office in Jacksonville. It's a valid concern.)

What jacks up the costs of Medicare and Medicaid is the exploding cost of health care. So far neither party has ever tried to address this problem. Obamacare actually accomplished the opposite and DROVE UP the costs of health care. Getting rid of Obamacare in the short run will mean less pressure to raise those costs.

But if you're looking at ANY candidate to help bring down the costs of health care, WHO would you trust? A Democrat or Republican politician who has done nothing but INCREASE the federal budget over the past 60 years? Or a businessman with a track record of bringing in the big projects on deadline and under budget? Trump's 8 Billion dollar company has high cash flow and low debt.

It would seem to me that high cash flow and low debt would be a perfect formula for this country. So far there's only ONE candidate in the race from EITHER party with such a track record.